
Chapter one

Feeling the hard cold pavement underneath him and the gentle breeze and strange noise and smells. Jacob woke up disoriented, he was sure he died yet here he was in a park of sorts.

'What's going on??!! where am i what is this?!!' he thought in panic as he quickly assed his current location, his military training taking over calming his mind. He dared not scream in panic and let anxiety take over him not now when he was in a foreign environment.

"Easy does it Jake remember what was the last thing you remember?" he asked himself, he was suddenly hit with series of flashing memories of his latest memories

"I died? i was in pain then nothing next thing i know I'm here. I hope the boys are doing alright."

He got up then he paused for a moment, looking preplexed " I don't remember being this tall." he said to himself then he felt something weird on his left wrist, looking down at left wrist he was in for a massive shock. Because was sure it couldn't be real, he was like anyone when he was a kid always wishing for it but could never have it only cheap imitation of it. Because sitting on his left wrist was the all powerful Omnitrix. He was caught between either laughing at his situation

or irritated

"Very funny there's no way that this is real" sounding convinced at his words, yet there was a little voice in his mind that whispered that it wouldn't hurt to try it either ways if it's fake he would get a good laugh, but if then Lord Almighty would he do what he had always dreamed of.

Gently reaching his left where the Omnitrix sat he pressed the button, the face plate popping up with it's iconic sound. He wasn't still convinced as easily as he would have been as a kid, he saw that the watch was showing to the silhouette of Four - Arms he then kept switching and seeing the other transformations is available to him

"Seems legit alright, only one thing left to do then" he thought in anticipation as he switched to the silhouette of Big Chill, then he gently pressed the faceplate downwards


Cliffhanger bois and Galls let me know about what you think 😁

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