
Nuoding Academy

The next day he left with Old Jack towards Nuoding City, he was a little excited as this is the first time he was leaving the village. After nearly a few hours of traveling, they were able to reach the academy.

Just when they were about to enter, they were stopped by the guard. He displayed a rude

attitude towards them when they showed him the letter from Spirit Hall he started to laugh and said,

"Haha, who the hell are you trying to fool?? Innate Full Spirit Power and that too with Blue Silver River Grass. Hahaha, this is the funniest thing I've heard in my entire life. Do you really expect me to believe that this certificate is true? This is surely a fake" Old Jack unable to bear it tried to scold him but realizing the difference in power he stopped himself. Tang San already knew about what happened next, so his face unknowingly arc appeared.

And just when he thought this someone came,

"What's going on here??"

"G-Greeting's grandmaster, these two here are

trying to get into the academy with a fake

certificate. I was just stopping them"

"Is that so, can I see that certificate old man??"

When Tang San saw the person who came and he sighed because he was not 100 percent sure about the novel he read and present life are different or the same. Now he was sure about his future plans. this was the grandmaster. If things go well then he would surely become his student.

After seeing that the certification was correct,

he apologized to the old man for the rude

behavior of the guard and the academy. He

then warned the gatekeeper about this

incident in front of the two of them.

"Thank you, teacher"

"I am not an academy teacher"

"Then how did you speak on behalf of the


"Can only a teacher speak on behalf of the


"Then you must either be the vice-principal,

principal or some high ranking person in the


The Grandmaster could not help laughing, and said:

"For a six year old child, you are very clever. However, you still guessed wrong."

Tang San uncertainly said:

"Then you are?"

Grandmaster said:

"I am only a freeloading tenant at this place, that's all. You and the others alike called me Grandmaster, right. Everyone addresses me like this. Even to the extent that I have already forgotten my name. On the spirit hall certificate was written that you are called Tang San, right. Tang San, you must understand, the meanings of grandmaster and teacher are entirely different, and hereafter must not address me incorrectly. Unless… "

Saying this, his words slowed, in his eyes glimmering a burning light,

"Unless you are genuinely willing to make me your teacher."

"You want to teach me about spirit cultivation?"

He asked for some excitement but he inwardly calmed emotions.

The Grandmaster halted his steps, standing calmly ,facing Tang San.

"Are you willing to do that?"

Tang San naturally also stopped, raising his head to look at Grandmaster before him, now observing at close range. Again looking him over from down to up, he discovered Grandmaster's mouth was a little large, and his lips also very thick. He didn't open his mouth, both unable to answer, and also unable to not answer.

Grandmaster saw Tang San's both eyes staring at him blankly, and that stiff smiling expression once again emerged,

"Good, you really are a clever child."

Not speaking had a second meaning. First not being impatient to refuse, so as not to offend Grandmaster. Second, use this action to inquire from Grandmaster, 'why must I acknowledge you as master?'

Grandmaster, resembling old Jack, raised his hand to tousle Tang San's head.

"Naturally gifted, and also this clever. It seems even I must persistently try again. How should I say this? You also have the third twin spirit in these last hundred years."

Hearing that he acted like he was surprised,

"Teacher. Please accept me as a student" When he said the Teacher for say, father for life' quote he was even more impressed and readily accepted him as his student. After reporting to the Dean's office about this matter the grandmaster left, when he left the teachers saw Tang San's information and pitied him. He was then assigned to the dormitory, room seven.

After that he left the office and went towards the room, he was able to hear a lot of noise coming from the room, when he went inside he was able to see that the room was pretty big but out of the fifty beds, only eleven or so had beddings.

Then a kid came up to him and asked,

"Are you a working student?"

"Hi, I'm Tang San from, Holy Spirit Village"

"I'm Wang Sheng, my spirit is a future war

tiger battle spirit. I'm also the head of this

room. What's your spirit?"

"Tang San, Blue Silver Grass"

Hearing that all the kids broke out in a burst of laughter, they looked at Tang San as if he was an idiot. He didn't bother with them and went towards one of the beds. He just shook his head and said, "I'm just here to study" After setting his stuff he went towards the grandmaster room, to inform him that he had settled down. When he entered the room instead of the grandmaster he saw a boy aged around 10 or 11 with blonde hair reading a book. He was a little surprised that there was someone here apart from the grandmaster, he had a feeling that he saw this boy somewhere but he couldn't exactly remember where exactly.

Dismissing that thought he said,

"Hello, My name is Tang San and I'm grandmasters, student. May I ask who you are?"

When the boy heard that he was grandmasters student he was surprised, when Tang San saw that he knew that he was actually surprised and unlike those who pitied him after hearing that he was a little happy and said,

"Im actually surprised that you actually took

grandmaster as your teacher. I'm Xue qinghe the crown prince of Heaven Duo Empire you can call me brother xue since you are a grandmaster student."

When he heard that he was shocked, no shock would be an understatement. He knew that according to the novels he was supposed to be his future enemy because in front of him is the angel god, Qian renxue and xue qinghe is a pseudo name. He was a little wary against her right now and also happy because he had eyes on her.

"what's your relationship with grandmaster "

he asked, deliberately with his calm face

Listening to what he said she was surprised. wondering how a 6 year old boy shows such a calm face.

"Truly a genius, just like grandmaster said you are an exceptional kid. Also my relationship is not related with grandmaster but my father emperor sent me to gain some knowledge from him "

Listening to her he saw that everything she

said was actually true and he couldn't detect a

single lie from her. after some thought he said,

"I'm sorry about that, I was wrong, as a compensation you can ask me to do anything

for you as long as it doesn't go against my


When she heard that she was a little surprised as she didn't expect such a small kid to say such mature words. But then she looked at his face and was somehow captivated by his face with a playful smile, she said,

"how about we become friends"

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