
Chapter 46

#Chapter 46

I smile even wider as I enter Mom's hospital room and see the Isabella, Hanna and their wives.

/"Look at us,/" I comment as I take a seat on a chair opposite of them

/"A big ole family of lesbians/" I smile

Hanna rolls her eyes at me while Isabella laughs at my joke.

It is silent for a few minutes, my oldest sister being the one to break it.

/"Now that I think about it, yeah,/" Hanna suddenly pipes up

This catches our mother's attention who is sat beside me.

/"What are the odds that a lesbian couple end up having three girls and they all turn out to also be lesbians?/" She asks

Our mother chuckles lowly at her.

/"Don't ask me, it's not like I gave you the lesbian gene or something/" Mother jokes

Isabella raises an eyebrow at her.

/"Want to bet on it!/" She challenges

Lynnex gently smacks Isabella's shoulder, giving her a warning look.

I smile at them.

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