
The Rampart And The Tower

In the midst of the ruins, Alex stumbled upon an intriguing object that bore a resemblance to the previous artifacts discovered at the Babylon ruins.

However, its shape was peculiar. While the previous objects took the form of a cylinder and a pyramid, this one appeared as a massive ring, approximately four meters in diameter, resting in the center of the ruins. Although the foundations and lower half of the ring were buried, giving it more of an arch-like appearance, its material extended about 50 centimeters in width and had a thickness of roughly 30 centimeters.

Alex circled around the ring, carefully examining it, and their attention was drawn to a red stone embedded in its side.

Upon further inspection, he noticed a nearby blue spellstone. Intrigued, Alex activated their [Fly] ability to observe the ring from different angles and discovered additional spellstones in green, brown, yellow, and purple. A total of six spellstones were embedded within the ring.

The entire circle itself functioned as the gateway to Babylon. Alex decided to infuse the portion of the circle containing the red spellstone with fire magic. As the magic coursed through, the space between the two sides of the ring turned a vibrant shade of red. Alex repeated this process, channeling magic into each stone until the entire ring transformed into a stunning rainbow of six colors.

Finally, Alex released Null magic at their feet, causing the seven colors to blend together. Alex was enveloped in a radiant light, and everything turned white. As he opened his eyes, Alex found himself surrounded by the familiar scenery of Babylon.

In the distance, Alex could see a large white tower that resembled an Erlenmeyer flask.

"Welcome to the Babylon Tower and my Rampart" a sudden voice rang out, startling Alex. He turned around to find a girl standing there, roughly the same height as Flora but with less impressive breasts.

"I am the Terminal Gynoid tasked with managing the Rampart. My name is Preliora, but you can call me Liora" the girl introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Liora. My name is Alexander Crown" Alex responded.

"It's nice to meet you too" Liora replied.

"Well, Liora, you mentioned that this is Rampart and not the tower?" Alex inquired.

"Yes, indeed. This is the Babylon Tower, but the Rampart is also stationed here. The Tower's transfer ring was destroyed by an erupting volcano about five hundred and twenty-seven years ago. After that, I, the Terminal Gynoid of the Rampart, met with the Terminal Gynoid of the Tower around three hundred and seventy-four years ago. It was our chance encounter that led us to dock together and wait for the person with the proper attributes" Liora explained, bowing her head as she spoke.

"I acknowledge that you possess all the necessary aptitude for all elements, but it doesn't necessarily mean you are the right person" she continued.

"Are you sure? I am the master of Workshop, Garden, Library, Storehouse, Hangar, and Alchemy Lab" Alex asserted.

"Well, if what you say is true and you have indeed obtained ownership of the other six Babylons, then there are no problems. The Rampart is all yours" Liora confirmed.

"Airframe Number Twenty, Preliora, will now be transferred to your care. Make sure you take care of me, Master" Liora declared, bowing towards Alex.

"Well I will take a good care of you Liora .. by the way where is the gynoid of the Tower?"

"Very well then, Master. I'll take you to the Tower's terminal. Right this way" Liora said, showing Alex the way where the other gynoid was located.

It didn't take long for Alex to spot another gynoid peacefully sleeping under the shade of a tree. Her amethyst hair cascaded down to her waist, neatly clasped in two sections at the front.

She wore a large ribbon similar to Liora's and the same uniform as the other gynoids. Although she was shorter than Liora, her breasts were slightly more developed.

"Noel, it's time to wake up. Pamela Noel, wake up" Liora gently shook the sleeping girl's shoulders, but she didn't stir. Liora then tried lifting her by placing her hands under the girl's armpits, but she still didn't wake up.

"It seems like she's a sleepyhead" Alex remarked.

"Indeed. We Terminal Gynoids of Babylon possess aspects of Doctor Babylon's personality split among us. These traits manifest and amplify within us, becoming the core of our being. Noel here is the perfect amplification of the Doctor's lazy, apathetic, and procrastinatory tendencies" Liora explained, shaking Noel in an attempt to wake her up, while sharing information about the gynoids and their origin.

"Master, do you happen to have any food?" Noel asked.

"Oh, yes, I do. Just wait a moment" Alex said, taking out a bowl of chips he had previously replicated from Earth as a snack.

The sleeping girl's nose twitched, and she unconsciously turned her head towards the scent. Eventually, she rose to her feet and staggered towards Liora, lazily opening her eyes and fixing her gaze on the bowl of chips.

"Mmh... I'm hungry... HAvEn't had a goOd meAl in foUr thousand nIne Hundred and sEvN yEars... MiNd if I gRab a biTe?" Noel lazily asked, causing Alex to chuckle. He handed her the bowl of chips and gave his approval to eat, and she eagerly started devouring the chips.

"Yum. This stuff is yumMy," Noel proclaimed, looking at Alex.

"What's your name?" Noel asked.

"Alecander Crown. I was recently recognized as a suitable person to control the Rampart, so I'd like the Tower to do the same."

"THere arE certain cOndItiOns thaT Must bE meT if yOu're to be sEen As suitaBle foR tHe TowEr. If you CompLy witH them, then I'Ll acCept You" Noel replied.

"What are your conditions, Noel?" Alex inquired.

"YuMmy fOOd and a waRm bed. GiVe mE thoSe, and I'll Be FiNe" Noel said, looking at Alex, who couldn't help but smile and promise to fulfill her requests.

"Well, if that's all, I can easily arrange them," Alex assured her.

"OkEy DoKey, you're reCognized then. FrOm noW oN, AirfRame NUmber TWenty-FIve, PaMela Noel, is unDer your care. FEed me loTs and loTs, MaSter," Noel said, munching on more chips that Alex had provided.

Noel suddenly turned towards Alex, gave a small nod, and moved closer, as if she had forgotten something. She reached out and stole a kiss from him. Her tongue, coated with salt, swirled around Alex's mouth, which he parted slowly after a while.

"Registration complete. I've Got yoUr genEtiC coFe now, MAster. ThE ToWer is youRs to cOmmaNd... NoW feeD me. FeeD mE More," Noel demanded. Before Alex could respond, Liora approached him and grabbed his chin, wordlessly stealing a kiss in a similar manner to Noel.

Her tongue entered Alex's mouth, swirling in a gentle and experienced manner. It was a much gentler kiss than any he had shared with the gynoids before.

Alex didn't hesitate and reciprocated, engaging in a passionate exchange. He skillfully met Liora's tongue, playfully intertwining and exploring her mouth. It didn't take long for Liora's tongue to respond, blending harmoniously with Alex's, as they shared an intimate and fiery moment.

It didn't take long for Liora and Alex to part their ways and the registration for the Babylon is completed.

Liora then introduced the facilities of Rampart and Tower before carrying out the process of docking the Rampart and Tower with other Babylons.

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