
The Cold Killer Part One

In the western part of Grava City, Seth and Amelia are currently hidden inside a tall building on the middle floor.

"Why in the world is Killer here? Does that mean there are now five feared legends attacking the city?" Amelia asks with a panicked expression.

Amelia kneels before Seth, who is sitting on the ground.

"We got lucky that this part of the building has no windows," Seth says as he puts his fingers around the bullet wound on his left arm.

"Yeah, he came out of nowhere."

Amelia starts to remember when Killer first showed up.

After Seth gets shot in the arm by Killer's sniper, Seth puts ice blocks around him and Amelia to protect them. Seth then froze the ground and was able to drill a tunnel to escape.

After remembering their escape from Killer, Amelia sees that Seth has started pushing his fingers around his bullet wound.

"Seth, what are you doing?"

"I need to freeze this wound up for now, but I can't do that with this bullet in my arm."

"Oh, I understand. Don't worry, I'll help you," Amelia says with a caring tone.

"Ok thanks"

Amelia pulls two needles from her belt and sticks them into the wound, while Seth pushes around his bullet wound.

"Ouch," Seth grunts in pain.

"It's ok, Seth, I'll take good care of you," Amelia says as she focuses on pulling the bullet out.

Seth looks down at Amelia as she helps pull the bullet out of his shoulder.

"Thank you so much, Amelia."

"Yeah, of course, Seth, it's just a bullet," Amelia says with a smile.

"No, not just the bullet; I mean, thank you for always having my back."

"Oh yeah, of course I at least owe you that much after what you did for me."

"Huh?" Seth responds with a confused expression.

"Never mind, but why are you bringing that up now, Seth?" Amelia says as she fully pulls the bullet out of Seth's shoulder.

"Just wanted to take advice from someone."

Seth started to think back to a conversation he had with his father, Ronald, before the students were released in groups to help with defending Grava City.

Seth was walking to the edge of Grava Acadamy Stadium to join Damion and Amelia. On his way there, he ran into his father, Ronald.

"Out of all times to worry about my safety, I don't think right now is the time," Seth remarks with a smile.

"Of course not, Seth. I know there are a lot of people in danger out there, and I don't want to act selfish again," Ronald says with a reluctant expression.

"Then what is it, Dad?"

"Well, I have something for you," Ronald says as he pulls out a diamond-studded necklace that has Seth's name spelled out in silver.

When Seth sees the necklace, his eyes sparkle.

"No way you bought this; it's way too tacky," Seth says as Ronald hands the necklace to him.

"No, I'm not the one who bought it your mother did..."

The second Seth hears Ronald's words, he swiftly turns his head toward him.

"She bought it for you to give when you were old enough. It was going to be her present to you when you entered Grava Acadamy," Ronald says with a face of remorse.

"And you hid this from me until today," Seth says with an upset expression.

"It's not because I didn't think you deserved it; believe me on that, please! It's just that I didn't want to think about that day, so I tried to just forget about it," Ronald exclaims with a face full of regret.

After hearing his father's words, Seth started to chuckle a little bit.

"Is something wrong, Seth?"

"No, Dad, everything is all good. I'll make sure to cherish this necklace so I can keep Mom in with me at all times," Seth says with a smirk as he walks away.

"Wait, there's one more thing, Seth. Your mother had some last words she said to you as those horrid things happened to her."

Seth stopped walking without turning his head.

"I haven't thought about these words for so long because I'd do anything to forget that day, but she said..."

As his father spoke, Seth heard the words he spoke in the voice of his deceased mother.

"Seth I know it won't be the same without me around, but I know you'll meet many wonderful friends on your path. You will grow to love your friends, even though you may pretend to hate them due to a superiority complex. Haha, I love you, Seth, and I want you to love your friends the same way you would love me. Defend the ones you love, Seth, and become a man who stands at the top with his friends."

After remembering this moment, Seth's mind returned to the moment at hand.

As he freezes the bullet wound on his arm, Seth looks over to Amelia.

"Hey, Amelia, pull out your phone and do some research on Killer."


Outside of the tall building, Seth and Amelia are in; Killer is on the roof of a shorter building right next to there's. Killer walks along the roof edge as he puts away his sniper.

Killer then pulls out an assault rifle with a red dot scope, a silencer, and a stand.

Killer sets down the gun on the roof's edge and lays down in a position where he can easily look through the scope and pull the trigger.


While he has his right index finger on the trigger of his assault rifle, he pulls out a pistol with a silencer on it with his left hand.

He points the pistol toward the window on the third floor of the building Seth and Amelia are in.

On the middle floor of the building, Amelia is currently reading information about Killer to Seth.

"Feared Legend Killer is probably the feared legend with the highest body count. It says here that he's killed hundreds of people in one night multiple times. They say he's like a natural-born robot. He's completely mute; he can tank explosions, and his fighting skills are on another level. He mostly fights long-range, but that doesn't mean he's one to mess with in close range."

"Is there any information on his powers or anything else to watch out for?" Seth asks with a worried expression.

"No; it says everyone usually dies in his presence, so nobody knows what type of powers he has."

"Shit!" Seth says with a disappointed expression.

"Sorry, Seth, but that's everything the internet has on him," Amelia says as she keeps scrolling for information.

"No, it's fine; we'll just find a way to beat him on our own."

Seth looks at his right arm and sees that a target symbol is on it.

"I just want to know what the hell this is."

"Seth, watch out!"

After hearing Amelia's scream of desperation, Seth looked up and saw Amelia getting her stomach filled with eight bullets after she jumped in their path to Seth.

"Amelia!" Seth screamed with a concerned expression.

Amelia fell into Seth's arms as blood spilled out of her stomach.

"Damn it, Amelia, why would you do that?" Seth screams as he cradles Amelia in his arms.

Seth starts to feel Amelia's blood spill onto his clothes and hands.

"Shit, what type of bullets are these? The blood is pouring out so fast."

Seth swiftly takes off his shirt and freezes the bullet wounds closed, then he wraps his shirt around her stomach.

"It's ok, Amelia; you'll be alright, but we got to move," Seth says as he throws Amelia on his back.

As Seth starts running down the hallway, he begins to think to himself.

"Those bullets were coming for me, and Amelia jumped in the way. Is that what the target does? Make Killer's bullets track down his targets." Seth asks himself while running up the stairs to get to the next floor.


Seth jumps into the air at an incredible speed without slowing down once.

"Wait before I thought Killer entered the building and shot at us, but if I'm right and that's really his power, then he could still—"

Seth gets to the next floor, and instantly he sees a long line of windows, and outside of one of those windows he notices a glimmer created from the bright moon.

"Of course, I had to be right!" Seth screams as he instantly jumps to the floor and uses his body to protect Amelia.

From outside, Killer shoots multiple times at Seth and Amelia with the assault rifle.

"Sorry for the bumpy ride, Amelia!" Seth screams as he forms an ice wall to defend against the bullets.

As they hide behind the ice wall, Seth hears Amelia start to mutter something.

"I'm sorry, Seth, I'm just holding you back," Amelia says with a weakened voice.

After hearing Amelia's words, his mother's final words played in his mind once more.

"Defend the ones you love, Seth, and become a man who stands at the top with his friends."

After remembering these words, Seth looked at the chain his mother left for him, which is on his neck.

"I'll be back, Amelia, I promise," Seth says as he carefully places Amelia in a closet.

"What are you doing, Seth?" Amelia says as she breathes heavily.

"Your injuries are too severe, Amelia, so I'll leave you in here and go find you some help," Seth says with a reassuring smile.

"Seth, no, don't do it!"

Seth closes the closet door, leaving Amelia in the closet despite her worried expression.

"Seth, you are such a liar! Why are you always helping me like this?" Amelia says with tears in her eyes.

Outside of the building, Killer is watching the windows of the floor Seth and Amelia are on carefully.

"Hey, up here you silent asshole!"


Killer turns his attention to the building's roof, where he heard the unfaimler voice come from. When he does, he sees Seth standing on the edge with his hair flowing in the wind as the light from the moon illuminates his white skin.

Killer points his assault rifle at Seth and starts shooting.

At the top of the other building, Seth forms a shield of ice in front of him and begins to free-fall toward the roof Killer's currently on.

"I'm going to go toe to toe with a feared legend. How hard can it be? I mean, that upper-class fake Kage was able to do it, so it has to be light work for me, right?"

Killer's bullets come into contact with Seth's ice shield, but the shield bounces the bullets away.

"Am I scared right now?"

As he freefalls faster and faster toward Killer, Seth suddenly cracks a smirk.

"No, that's not it right now. I'm actually fucking excited! For once in my life I'm not fighting to prove something! Right now, I'm ecstatic!"

As he gets closer and closer to Killer, an image of Kage pops into Seth's head.

"Is this how it feels to be you, Kage?"

Chapter 163 end

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