
Shadows of Existence Part Three

About the time it turned to nighttime, Seth figured out that Amelia was not the Amelia he and Damion knew.

"You're not the real Amelia, are you?" Seth asks with a serious expression.

Derrick flinches once he hears Seth's question.

"There's no way he figured out that I'm a fake already! At least let that stupid girl vanish from existence first." Derrick thinks to himself.

A few miles away from Seth, Damion, and Derrick is the alleyway where Derrick left Amelia to die.

Suddenly, Amelia's body stopped fading, and she went back to normal.

"Wait! I can feel my body again! Does that mean I won't be erased from existence anymore?" Amelia asks with a smile.

Derrick's power "replacement" gives him the ability to make him look like anyone he touches while also making the original person disappear forever, making everyone they know forget about them and leaving them to only remember Derrick, who has replaced them.

Amelia releases the blades from the metal on both her wrists and starts to use rooftops to rush to her destination.

"Seth, I'm coming for you!"

But if a person can identify that Derrick has used his power to replace someone before the individual he replaced can be completely erased, the person he replaced will be put back to normal.

At the same time, in the area where Seth, Damion, and Derrick are, Seth walks up to Derrick while coating his hands in ice.

"I bet you're that guy from before. What have you done with our friend?" Seth says with an aggressive tone.

"Wait, are you serious, Seth? This guy is a fake; no wonder it felt like she was acting so strange," Damion says with a reassured tone.

"Come on guys, it's your old pal Amelia. I've already told you how much I love Seth!"

After Derrick says these words, Seth sharpens the ice surrounding his fist, and when Derrick looks to his right, he realizes Damion is also closing in on him with a not-so-pleasant expression.

"Well, this Seth dick-riding shit isn't working at all. Is she really more than that?"

Seth stomps his foot on the ground, and suddenly, a giant ice spike rises from beneath Derrick.

"Shit, attack already!" Derrick screams with a panicked expression.

Derrick jumps out of the way of the ice spike, landing on top of a boulder.

"Hey, you dumbass! What if I was actually your friend? You could've killed me!" Derrick yells with a nervous expression.

"That wouldn't be a problem because you're not the real Amelia."

"Oh yeah, is that what you think?"

"Do you want to know how I knew you were a fake?" Seth asks with a passive-aggressive tone.


"Amelia is the most loyal and genuine person I know. She would always tell how she truly feels, no matter what the situation is, even if it's not her place."

As Seth speaks, the intensity of the frost building up in the air continues to increase.

"Amelia isn't the shallow follower you think she is! She's a person with a genuine heart! Unlike you, whose every word they utter is an absolute lie!" Seth shouts with a ticked-off tone.

"Oh, really, so you and her are that close?" Derrick says with a smirk on his face.

"Stop speaking with her body; you're starting to piss me off!" Seth screams with an agitated expression.

"Uh, oh, did I offend you?"

Suddenly, Damion jumps up and attempts to grab Derrick by the leg, but he gets avoided.

"Damn, that was my chance. I just need to touch him once." Damion says to himself.

Derrick and Damion both land on the ground, but when Derrick touches the ground, he slips.

"The ground is frozen." Derrick exclaims with a shocked expression.

Suddenly, Seth slides at high speed toward Derrick and punches him in the face.

"Wow, you would really punch your friend in the face," Derrick says while grabbing his nose.

"You might have her face, but you're not her! Stop trying to act like you're! You're even worse than those upper-class fakes!"

Seth stops himself from sliding, and then forms two icicles in his hand. Seth swiftly throws the icicles, but when they get dodged, Seth instantly turns them around, causing them to hit Derrick in the back.

"You won't escape me that easy!"

Derrick looks at his back and notices that the icicles are starting to freeze his skin.

"So, this is how it feels to have your back go completely numb. I think it's time for me to pull out what I can do."

Derrick squeezes his hands, and the metal blades on his wrist pop out.


Derrick, using Amelia's body, rushes forward and swings her blades at Seth. Seth goes into a limbo position to dodge the attack.

"This body is so tiny and nimble! I can move around way quicker than I could in my old body."

Amelia lands on the ground and slashes Seth's stomach with his blades, leaving an X-shaped cut in his shirt.

"Wait, are those blades leaving no physical damage?" Seth asks with a confused expression.

"Wow, so you already noticed!" Derrick comments with a smile.

Derrick jumps off of Seth's chest and, when in the air, starts spinning.

"Yeah, that's right, when I take on the form of an OGI user, I also gain their powers!"

Derrick stops spinning in the air, and as he falls, he puts both of his blades behind her head.

"This is the perfect body; I might keep it forever!" Derrick screams as he slams the blades onto Seth's arm.

After his attack, Derrick retracts his arm blades and holds onto Seth's arm while bending his knees to avoid touching the ground.

"Instead of being a dick rider, this girl should've been a gymnast."

Within a fraction of a second, Derrick uses Seth's arm to swing his body to the right, and then, while in mid-air, he turns around.

"I wonder what she did to make herself this damn small!" Derrick shouts while kicking Seth in the right rib with both of her feet.

Once Derrick lands on his feet and sees Seth stumbling backward, he releases his blades once again and rams both of them into Seth's chest.

"I wonder how bad it hurts to get your soul attacked directly!"

Derrick starts to stab Seth over and over again with his blades, damaging his soul.

"Stop talking about Amelia's body like it's just some plaything!" Seth screams with an aggravated expression.

Seth slams his foot against the ground and surrounds himself with blocks of ice.

Derrick swiftly backflips away from the spreading ice, but Seth uses the accelerate technique to run up the ice wall in front of him and jump off of it.

While in the air, looking down, an ice shard forms in between Seth's middle and index fingers.

"Absolute zero: cryo freeze!"

From the sky, Seth shoots a beam of ice.

"Holy shit I can feel how cold it is from here!"

Derrick swiftly moves out of the way of the blast with the accelerate technique, but when the blast hits the ground, everything in the area freezes solid.

"Damn it, you made the place all slippery!" Derrick screams as he slips.

Seth lands on the ice with an upset expression.

"I just realized I'm taking too long with this fight! That upper-class fake Kage has probably saved the whole city by now! So hurry up and lay down so I can beat him!"

"Weren't you just pissed about me messing with your friend a second ago? Also, if this Kage person is a fake, what does that make you?" Derrick says with a blank expression.

When Seth hears Derrick's question, his face turns to shock.

"Shut up, you don't know anything, you dumbass!" Seth screams with an annoyed expression.

Suddenly, two blocks of ice move at full speed toward Derrick, looking like they're about to sandwich him in between, but he swiftly dodges.

"The hell was that?"

"Don't you see this entire area?" Seth asks.

Derrick starts looking around and sees everything completely frozen around them.

"Yep, that's right! Welcome to icy zone!" Seth exclaims as mist swirls around him.

After seeing his situation, Derrick jumps into a fighting stance.

"Well, if you play like that, I'll use this body to make you cry for..."

As Derrick was talking, he got kicked by a big, transparent blue foot.

Seth looks around in confusion as Derrick's body skips across the ground.

"You bastard, how dare you use my power to attack Seth?"

Seth looks to his left and sees Amelia inside her spirit projection's head.


Seth looks closer at Amelia's face, and he sees that she has an infuriated expression on her face, with drool spilling from her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" Seth screamed as he started moving out of the way.

Amelia's spirit projection runs to where Derrick is laid out. Derick looks up and sees Amelia's spirit projection standing over him.

"Wait, you can do th—"

Amelia starts to pound her huge, see-through fist, hitting him over and over again.

"Take my body off, you creepy bitch!" Amelia screams as she lifts both her arms and slams them into Derrick's body.

Amelia continues to slam her giant fist onto Derrick's body.

"Rahh! Your worst than that dumbass Kage!"

As Amelia destroys Derrick with her spirit projection, Seth watches with a confused expression.

"Well, I guess I don't have to fight for her anymore."

Amelia continues beating Derrick to the point where his bones start snapping all across his body.

"Ahhh! Ok, I'm sorry, stop hitting me!" Derrick begs.

"Fuck you! You tried to make Seth forget me, and you tried to hurt him! I'll never forgive you!"

Amelia gets up with her spirit projection and then starts stomping Derrick out.

"I'll make sure you never breathe around Seth again! I'll make sure you won't even be able to think of Seth again! I'll make sure that you'll never be able to live on the same planet as him!" she screams while stomping on Derrick over and over again.

"Hey, Amelia I think that's enough! I'm pretty sure he gets it by now." Seth screams with a shocked expression.

Amelia looks back and sees Seth, which makes her expression joyful.

Amelia's spirit projection vanishes, and she runs straight to Seth.

"I'm glad you're okay, Ame—"

Before Seth could finish his sentence, Amelia jumped up and hugged Seth tightly with tears staining her face.

"Thank you, Seth! You didn't forget me again!" Amelia screams as all of her past memories with Seth run through her mind.

"Wait again?" Seth says with a confused expression.

While Amelia and Seth are reuniting, Derrick is crawling out of the crater Amelia made with her spirit projection.

"Ahhh! I think she broke everything."

As Derrick drags himself, blood leaks from his wounds.

"I need to leave before they beat my ass again!"

After a few minutes of Derrick struggling, he finally gets up.

"Ok, all I have to do is find someone else, touch them, and change my appearance. Then I'll escape the city; this job isn't worth my life," Derrick says with a stressed expression.

Before Derrick can limp away any further, he feels a hand grab his shoulder.


"I apologize, but you won't be leaving here with my classmate's face," Damion remarks as he traps Derrick in his trauma fuel.

A few minutes later, Damion dragged Derrick's knocked-out body to Seth and Amelia.

"While you two were focusing on beating the shit out of him, I was focused on making sure he didn't escape."

When Damion sees Amelia hugging Seth tightly while crying, he looks in disgust.

"Umm, what's going on?"

"I don't even know myself; she just keeps crying about me forgetting her," Seth says with a worried expression.

"Seth! You remembered me. I'm so happy!" Amelia says while rubbing her face against Seth's shirt.

"Well, at least she's okay, and we caught the asshole who made her cry," Damion states as he throws Derrick to the ground.

"Good job, Damion, now we c—"

Suddenly, Seth and Amelia both heard a muffled, sharp crack from where Damion was standing. With that sound, Damion's lifeless body went "thud" when it hit the ground.

"Damion?" Seth whispers as blood leaks from a tiny hole in Damion's head.

"Wait, what happened to Damion?" Amelia asks with tears in her eyes.

Seth instantly activates his sense technique to find the person who shot Damion.

"I don't sense anyone else in the area but us!"

As he says those words, Seth looks to his left and sees a glimmer coming from a tall building's window.

"Shit, Amelia, get down!"

Seth covers Amelia with his body and puts an ice block between him and the sniper.

"Seth, what's going on?" Amelia asks with a panicked expression.

Suddenly, both Seth and Amelia hear a clicking sound coming from the building.

"Before I put up this ice wall, I got a glimpse of a familiar gold mask..." Seth says with a fearful expression on his face.

Suddenly another sniper bullet was shot, but it then curved around the ice block, hitting Seth in the shoulder.



As Amelia screamed, Seth put up ice blocks all around them for protection.

"I know who just killed Damion Amelia!"

"Wait, he's actually dead; no, it can't be!" Amelia screams while panicking.

Seth makes a hole in the ice wall and takes a good look at the person shooting at them.

"We're about to get into a fight with a fear legend! Feared legend Killer!"

Chapter 158 end

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