
Enter Velvet Part Three

Miles away from the high-stakes battle against Hunter inside Grava Acadamy Stadium, there is also a problem.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Mr.Brown screams to himself in the announcer's room.

Mr.Brown's level two power is ultrasight, a power that allows him to stretch his vision to anywhere in a four-hundred-mile radius. No matter where he is, he can see anything within his radius, underground or above.

Mr.Brown starts rushing out of the announcer's room with a panicked expression.

"Damn it, I just wanted to find a better way to plug up that hole Wayne left, but it seems I don't have any time."

In a bunker under the left side of the stadium, all the citizens saved by Grava Acadamy are gathered. In the middle of the crowd of people, Tota and Arcta are playing a card game against each other.

"And that's game," Tota remarks as he places his final card down.

"Kakaka!" Arcta shouts with a defeated expression.

"Damn, that's our seventh match! When do you think we will be able to get out of here, Arcta?"


"You know right now Kage and the others are all probably out there fighting for their lives just to save the people in this city."

Memories of the things Kage did for him in Frinstion City start to flood Tota's mind.

"You know, Arcta, those guys helped me a lot; without them, I wouldn't be able to live my dreams like Arvin and Mom wanted me to. I just wish I could help them somehow."

As Tota says those words, Mr.Brown runs into the bunker.

"Arcta, I need you right now!" Mr.Brown screams.

Mr. Brown, Tota, and Arcta rush to the section of the stadium that has a hole in the dome.

"Wayne and Lex broke out of here by making a giant hole in the dome."

"So, Mr.Brown do you want Arcta to use his powers to form an ice block to block the hole so no one will be able to get in?

"Yes, Tota. That's exactly what I want him to do, because soon everyone in here will be in grave danger."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"It's Death's zombies! I've already checked, and Death is still fighting Mr.Alex but thousands of her zombies have left their fight. Now they are walking to the stadium at great speed."

"And if those zombies get into the stadium, it will be a bloodbath," Tota says with a stressed expression.

"Exactly, so Arcta, can you do it?"

"Kaka!" Arcta shouts with a serious expression.

Arcta swiftly freezes up the hole in the dome, completely blocking anything from getting in or out.

"Alright, that's a fantastic job, Arcta. You just have to keep reinforcing it every time it starts melting."

As Mr.Brown speaks, Tota looks at the ground and sees a crack. Tota looks closer at the crack and notices that it's getting bigger by the minute.

"Umm, Mr.Brown I don't thi—"

When Tota turns back around, he sees Arcta and Mr.Brown getting grabbed by zombies coming out of the ground.

"Oh no, they're coming through the ground!"

Suddenly, a zombie jumps from the ground behind Tota.


Tota turns around with sweat sliding down his face and a nervous expression.


While the stadium gets overrun by zombies, Kage and Unknown's battle against Velvet continues.

After Velvet killed Eldrick with her power, Kage and Unknown went into hiding to avoid her power. With them hiding, Velvet started walking around in search.

"Where did those boys go? I kill your friend, and you chicken out like a bunch of bitches. You all truly are just boys."

A few steps away from Velvet, Kage and Unknown are hiding behind multiple rocks.

"Damn it, Unknown, why are we hiding? She's out there talking mad shit; I just want to clock her in her big ass forehead already."

"Dude, calm down; we can't possibly rush at her head-on now. Did you see what she did to Eldrick? For all we know, her power could be popping the heads of whoever those black clouds touch."

"Yeah, maybe, but then all we have to do is just avoid the black clouds," Kage remarks as he begins to stand up.

"Wait, no, Kage, that can't be our strategy!"

"Sounds like a perfect strategy to me!"

Kage and Unknown look at their rights and see Velvet standing next to them with a smile.

"Hehe, what foolish boys!"

Unknown and Kage quickly jump away from Velvet.

"Energy shotgun!"

Kage points his right fist at Velvet, then grabs his arm with his left hand. Instantly, he shoots a shockwave of energy at Velvet.

When the attack hits Velvet, she tanks it by focusing the flex technique on the spot it hits.

"I'll get you first energy boy!"

Velvet sends the dark cloud on her back at Kage.

"Here we go!"

Kage surrounds himself with an energy barrier, but the second he sees the dark cloud go through it, he takes the barrier down and starts running away with the accelerate technique.

"So no energy barrier, alright!" Kage screams as he shoots two energy beams at Velvet.

Velvet dodges the two energy beams, and Kage avoids the dark cloud again.

While Velvet is distracted, Unknown comes from behind her, attempting to punch her.

"I have an opening; this is my only chance for a free hit!" Unknown says in his head while gritting his teeth.

"Do you really think I didn't see you there?"


The dark cloud coming from Velvet's back changes direction, moving from chasing Kage to chasing Unknown.

"No, I got to move!"

Before Unknown can even get a chance to move, Velvet grabs him by the arm.

"Why don't you stay lit a little longer, boy?"

The dark cloud hits Unknown right in the chest, much to Kage's surprise.

"Unknown no!"

As he screams, Kage uses energy jet to blast himself toward Velvet.

"Energy jet attack!"

Kage forms a ball of constantly blasting energy with the flex technique applied, uses it to blast his arm forward, and punches Velvet directly in the forehead.

The force behind the punch was so strong that it not only cracked her skull but also caused her entire body to flip.

"Fuck you and your dumb name!" Kage screams as he kicks Velvet with both of his feet, sending her far away.

With Velvet out of the way, Kage instantly checks on Unknown by grabbing his arms.

"Hey, Unknown are you still with me? Damn, his eyes are red, just like when Eldrick got hit by those clouds!"

"You should just give up on waking him up because soon his brain will be splattered on rocks just like your friend earlier," Velvet says as she gets up from Kage's punch.

Kage jumps in between Velvet and Unknown's bodies.

"Well, sorry to tell you, but Unknown ain't going anywhere!"

As Velvet and Kage face off, events start to play out in Unknown's head.

Within Unknown's head, he is currently in the body of one of the mercenaries Velvet killed. When he looks at his body, he sees that his skin is light and his hair is black.

"What in the world is going on? Why do I look like this?"

Unknown looks around and notices that he's in a classroom.

"A classroom? Why am I in here out of all places?"

"Hey, are you going to answer me?" a girl asks.

Unknown looks down and sees a light-skinned, brown-haired girl with green eyes.

"Oh, hi, who are you?"

"Really, Peter, I ask you out on a date, and you pretend to not know me," the girl asks with a disappointed expression.

"Wait a minute. Does this have to do with Velvet's powers?" Well, now that I think about it, I think I recognize this body I'm in," Unknown thinks to himself as he looks in the window.

Unknown glances back at the girl in front of him.

"I think I get it now; this is something in this guy's past."

"Hey Peter, come on and answer my question already."

"Wait, that's right, she's asking me out."

Unknown looks the girl in the eyes and shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm not interested," Unknown says with a blank expression.

At the same time, outside of Unknown's head in the physical world, Kage and Velvet's battle keeps getting more and more intense.

Kage rushes at Velvet and punches her in the stomach.

"What's wrong, Velvet? Don't have much else to say!"

Velvet rushed around Kage, smacking him in the head.

"I got plenty of more stuff to say, boy!"

Kage backs away from Velvet and releases a huge blast of energy from his mouth.

"Energy cannon!"

Velvet tanks the attack with the flex technique, then, with the accelerate technique, gets behind Kage and grabs him with both arms.

"You're lucky there's no one here I can kill to get more grief, so just sit down and die!"

"Get the fuck off of me!"

Kage releases a burst of energy from his body, sending Velvet flying back.

"Damn, you're such a boy, getting all fussy!"

Suddenly, Velvet gets kicked in the back.

"Wait, how did you—"

"Simple I found out how your power works, dumbass!"

"Unknown!" Kage screams with a joyful expression.

Unknown lands next to Kage, and both of them face off against Velvet.

"When I got hit with her dark cloud, my mind got trapped in some type of flashback of one of those mercenaries."

"What the hell was that all?" Kage asks.

"The dark clouds are created from dead people's grievances, and once you get hit by the dark cloud, it puts you in this dream-like state where you go through the dead person's biggest regret in life. If you can find out the dead person's regret and prevent it from becoming a regret, you get freed," Velvet says with an ominous tone.

"But if you don't, then your head explodes like Eldrick's!" Isn't that right, Red Velvet Moon?" Unknown screams with a mocking tone.

As Velvet hears Kage and Unknown talk, her anger rises.

"You stupid boys think you know everything, don't you? Yep, that's right, my power is grievances, but that's not the only thing I can do."

"You trapped me with a guy whose biggest regret is getting into a relationship with this girl!"

"Wait, you're telling me that was his biggest regret? Damn, I wonder what the fuck could have happened for that to be it?"Kage wonders.

"I don't know; maybe she cut h—"

As Unknown speaks, he notices Velvet holding the dead dog chain she had on her neck, with the tail growing out of her back. When Unknown sees this, he instantly gets into a fighting stance.

"Woah, I remember that tail from when she first showed up."

"So what about it?" Kage says as he forms two energy balls in his hand.

"I'm just wondering what it is for."

Velvet raises the dog chain over her chest.

"You've been my greatest asset for years now; let's kill a few more little immature boys."

Velvet's chest begins to glow red, and then the dog chain's eyes begin to glow red.

"Now cower in fear, boys!" Velvet screams as her eyes turn scarlet.

Velvet drops the dog chain onto her chest, and her chest devours it like a rabid beast. Once the dog chain is inside, Velvet stumbles, and her chest starts to burn like there's a flame inside it.

"Oh damn, this always hurts!"

Velvet's tail grows to 35 feet tall, and her entire body turns dark black with bright red veins popping out of her entire body. Her hair spikes up, and all the bright red veins come together in the middle of her chest, making a bright red core.

"You've got to be kidding me! She has a fucking beastly transformation like this!" Kage screams with a shocked expression.

Velvet swings her long tail at the two boys, and instantly both of them dodge it, but when they look behind them, they see every building in a 55-foot radius has been cut in half.

"Is this really another layer to her power?" Unknown asks as his heart beats faster and faster.

Velvet's power, "Grievances," allows her to take the regrets of a dead person and trap her enemies inside those regrets for them to fix them or make the same mistake, which will lead to death if they don't make the right decision. It's how she has killed so many people in her days as a mercenary, but she has another part of her power where she can absorb the grievances of a dead person and turn them into power.

Velvet starts to stare at the moon with her vision, which only sees red.

"What an amazing sight!" Velvet remarks as dark shadows start to surround her body.

This transformation can only be obtained when there's a full moon, and the greater the regret of the person or thing she absorbs, the greater the power she obtains.

"Red Velvet Moon unleashed!"

Chapter 155 end

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