
The Ruthless Wrath Part One

As the attack on Grava City grows more intense and the sun gets closer to setting, Mr.Mink continues to let out his rage upon Wrath.

"Wrath!" Mr.Mink screams in a fit of rage.

Mr.Mink and Wrath for the past ten minutes have been running down the road, block to block with the accelerate technique.

With his hand firm on his katanas, Wrath starts to think to himself.

"Damn it, who is this? He is keeping up with me with ease, and that's not easy!"

Wrath stops running and swiftly pulls one of his katanas out of its sheath and sends out an air slash, which Mr.Mink sidesteps to avoid.

"And he can dodge my air slashes even though I put so much force into even making that fast of an air slash possible! His sense technique must be on another level!"

As Wrath is thinking Mr.Mink jumps from the other side of the road straight toward Wrath.

"So you're the one that killed Mrs.Iris!"

Mr.Mink slams his foot onto Wrath's katana with the flex technique.

"Come on! Go ahead and hit me with the same attack you did her, so I can block it and make you suffer ten times worse than she did!" Mr.Mink screams with an angry expression.

"You're still on that? People die every day. She was in the way, so I killed her!"

"Oh, so that's it! Fine, I'll show you as much mercy as you showed her!"

Mr.Mink attempts to punch Wrath in the face but completely misses and hits the ground. When his fist makes contact with the ground, the entire road cracks.

Mr.Mink then rushes forward and kicks Wrath, but he blocks it with his forearm.

"You're strong, but they call me the feared legend Wrath for a reason!"

Wrath unsheathes his second katana and attempts to slice Mr.Mink on the arm but completely misses.

"What! I know for a fact I swung with full intent to kill! So why the hell did I miss that he didn't even move out of the way?" Wrath says with a frustrated expression.

Wrath pushes Mr.Mink away from him and sends out two air slashes at him. Mr.Mink avoids the attacks, and at the same time, Wrath backs away.

"What's wrong? Don't feel up to the fight anymore!"

As Wrath is backing up, suddenly a piece of the building next to him falls, and when it hits the ground, the entire area gets engulfed in dust.

"The hell! Should this much dust come from that?" he says while protecting his eyes as much as possible.

Suddenly Mr.Mink appears in front of Wrath and punches him in the stomach with the flex technique, which sends him flying back. With Wrath on the ground, Mr.Mink quickly stands over him. Mr.Mink has one of Wrath's katanas in his hand, and with a serious expression, he puts it to his neck.

"Answer me, Wrath!"

"Wait, so you're not going to finish me right away?"

"What were her last words?" Mr.Mink screams with angered eyes that could pierce through someone's soul.

"Oh, wait, you're talking about that woman you keep calling Mrs.Iris? The one that I sliced apart and killed, right?"

When Mr.Mink hears the way Wrath talks about Mrs.Iris, he grits his teeth so hard that one of them cracks.

"Answer my fucking question, damn it!"

"Well, if you want to know so bad, the last thing that woman said was, "I'm dead."

When Mr.Mink hears this, he flinches.

"So that was it?"

"Well, before that, she blabbered about how she couldn't beat me even if she was fully healthy. I think she meant to say all of that in her head, but I guess the moment got to her."

"And what did her face look like?"

Wrath looks at Mr.Mink's face and sees that it has changed to a face with less anger but more sadness.

"Well, her face looked full of despair, of course, but what I see most of all is regret," Wrath says with a serious expression.

The second Mr.Mink hears the word regret, his mind starts racing.

"So it's as I thought; in her last moments of life, she was thinking about failing the mission I assigned her."

Suddenly, Mr.Mink swiftly dodges an attack by what he assumes is a katana.

"What? But he doesn't even have his katana in hand; this must be a part of his powers!"

Wrath snatches away his katana from Mr.Mink and picks up his other katana from the ground.

"The hell how did you even dodge that? Well, no time to let up now because if you want to make me a part of the pavement so badly, I'll make sure to destroy you!"

Mr.Mink plants his feet on the ground, and when he looks over to Wrath, he sees him sheathing his katanas.

"Also, I figured out who you are teach! Long, scarlet-red hair and also feels impossible to hit. You're feared legend, Invincible, aren't you? Who would think the myth of a man who could never be hit in a battle was true, but don't you think you're a little too old to be fighting like this?"

"Hey, don't call me that name! I've abandoned that name!"

"Oh, it seems I hit a nerve."

Wrath puts his katana together, making an x symbol, and rushes forward. When he gets in front of Mr.Mink he thrusts both of his blades forward. Mr.Mink ducks to dodge the attack and then punches him in the arm, causing him to go flying back.

"A feared legend abandoning his title—you don't hear that often; it's usually the other way around!"

Mr.Mink jumps up and goes in for a kick, but gets dodged. Then, with a backflip, he kicks Wrath in the chin. While Mr.Mink is still in mid-air, Wrath tries to slash him with the katana in his left hand.

"I can't believe I let this happen again!" Mr.Mink thinks to himself.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind flows through the block Wrath and Mr.Mink are in.

"Wind? But from where it just came out of nowhere!"

The power from the gust of wind causes Wrath's arm to get blown back, causing him to miss his attack on Mr.Mink.

"Damn, I missed my opportunity!"

Wrath backs away from Mr.Mink and at the same time, Mr.Mink continues thinking to himself after landing on his feet.

"I sent her to her death; I still haven't changed!"

Mr.Mink starts avoiding many air slashes coming from Wrath.

"The preparation for defending Nixion was my job; I should've prepared more instead of just relying on her!"

Mr.Mink tackles Wrath and then kicks him in the face, then follows it up with a punch to the chest.

"Damn, I felt those!" Wrath screams as he spits up blood.

While still deep in thought, Mr.Mink rushes behind Wrath and kicks him in the back, cracking his spine.

"I can't believe I still haven't learned from back then, and I let someone with a heart like hers perish from this world!"

Mr.Mink starts to remember when he first met Mrs.Iris twelve years ago, which is three years after Mr.Mink started out as a teacher.

Mr.Mink is in his classroom, currently drawing up plans for his new class.

"OK, so the first thing we should do as a class is go over the basics like usual."

Mr.Mink looks around at the empty room and then looks down with a disappointed expression.

"These next batch of students don't look like the ones either; they won't reach level three, and that's for sure."

"And how do you know that for sure, sir?"


Mr.Mink looks to his left and sees Mrs.Iris standing behind him. At this time, she has less muscle definition, and her hair is very short.

"Wait, I know who you're—Mrs. your Mrs.Iris the new lower-class teacher. I've heard some great things about you."

"Yes, that is correct, and you're Mr.Mink the number one teacher at Grava Academy, and you're the only teacher to ever become an upper-class teacher within a year."

"OK, so you did your research, but what were you saying earlier?"

"Well, I entered the class, and I guess you didn't notice me walk in, but I heard you say this next batch of students has no hope, and I just want to say I completely disagree!"

"So what? Are you one of those people who believes anyone can make it with enough hard work?"

"Not at all!"


Mr.Mink looks at Mrs.Iris's face and sees a serious expression.

"I believe any student could reach the top of this world as long as I'm the one who nurtures their abilities."

After hearing Mrs.Iris's statement and how serious she is about it, Mr.Mink starts to chuckle a little bit.

"Excuse me, sir, respectfully; I don't think anything I said was funny!"

"You can calm down, Mrs.Iris; you've completely blown my expectations out of the water."

"I have no idea what you are talking about, sir. Was this some sort of test?"

"I noticed her presence the second she walked in, so I wanted to test what type of person she was, so I said those absurd things, but who would think that within this young woman is a person who perfectly represents my ideals?" Mr.Mink says to himself.

"Hello, sir, did you hear me?" Mrs.Iris screams.

"Hey, Mrs.Iris you know you don't have to call me, sir, right? Just call me Mr.Mink we will be working closer together in the near future after all.

"Wait, does that mean you're saying I will climb up to your level one day?"

Mr.Mink stands up and puts his hand on Mrs.Iris's shoulder.

"With ideals like those, you're sure to be up here quicker than the rest."

"Well then, Mr.Mink!"

Mrs.Iris stares directly into Mr.Mink's eyes as she speaks.

"I will get to the top and dethrone you as the top teacher; you just wait!"

Mr.Mink first looks at Mrs.Iris in shock but then smiles.

"Yeah, maybe in your dreams, kid."

Mr.Mink's mind starts to drift back to reality, and with Wrath standing in front of him, he looks down to the ground while clenching his fist.

"Mrs.Iris! The teacher of class two at Grava Acadamy!"

"What the hell are you yapping about now?" Wrath asks with a confused expression.

"She was a kind soul who put her all into her students, even if she had to use a little bit of delusion!" Mr.Mink screams as tears slide down his face.

"Are you going to continue talking Invincible? It's better to talk with action than tears!"

Mr.Mink looks up and stares Wrath directly into his eyes.

"Not only that, she was the first person to break my record of becoming an upper-class teacher in a year by becoming one in six months! My incompetence killed this woman who had so much more in her, so I'll make sure I never forget her, and you feared legend Wrath won't forget her name either!"

"Woah, this surge of OGI is unreal!"

Suddenly, the building surrounding the area started to crack and crumble.

"Shit, I'm going to have to get serious too, or it's over!"

Wrath suddenly feels his body become heavy.

"What the fuck is this?"

"Oh, so that's why the composed Mr.Mink is so angry."

Mr.Mink and Wrath look behind Wrath and see Mr.Chad with a sleepy expression walking over to Wrath.

"Well, after hearing what happened to Mrs.Iris I can't possibly sleep..."

Mr.Chad unsheaths his katana with a stoic expression that shows no sign of exhaustion.

"Until you're dead!"

At the same time, Wrath hears Mr.Chad but the only thing he is focused on is the katana in his hand.

"A Swordsmen?"

Suddenly, Wrath starts moving, despite Mr.Chad applying a massive amount of gravity onto his body.


"Wait you can move?"


Then he grips his katana tight and walks up to Mr.Chad with blood vessels popping out of his head.

"You will die today from my wrath!"

Chapter 147 end

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