
The storms climax!

In the stadium, Mr.Mink is looking down at his phone after receiving a call from Mrs.Iris.

"What's wrong, Mr.Mink?" Tota ask.

"What was that? I was about to answer, but the call dropped."

Mr.Mink stands up and looks around at the field and all the stands.

"I have a bad feeling not only about Mrs.Iris but also about this entire day."

Mr.Mink looks up to the announcer's room, where Nixion is sitting. When he locks eyes with him, Nixion nods his head.

"Tota and Arcta I know I said I was going to watch you throughout this tournament, but please, if you need anything, go talk to any of the other teachers. Also, avoid Mrs.Doja and the lower-class representatives!"

"Umm ok"


Mr.Mink activates the charged accelerate technique.

"I should have gotten Mrs.Iris to tell me where she's going! Well, I guess I'll have to check this entire city quickly and thoroughly!"

Mr.Mink vanished in the blink of an eye, to the surprise of Tota and Arcta.

"Woah, he's fast!"


On the other side of the stadium, Unknown notices Mr.Mink's disappearance.

"Hey, Kage, did you see that? Now both Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris are gone."

"They probably have something important to do!"

"But Mr.Mink seemed to be troubled."

"Unknown, let's just worry about the battle going on in the field. Paul seems to be struggling against Chika, but if he loses, then we lose the dagger! Damn it!"

"You seem really into this battle."

"Of course I am! I fought way too hard to lose an opportunity at level three in this way."

Unknown looks at Kage's serious expression and takes a seat.

"Yeah, you're right, let's cheer for Paul with all of our hearts!"

While Mrs.Iris and Killer had their battle a long distance away, the battle between Chika and Paul continued. Both fighters have sustained massive damage through this long battle.

With Paul still using the charged sense technique, he dodges multiple wind slashes coming from Chika and kicks her hand before she can form a tornado. He then jumps up and slams both of his feet on her face.

"It seems we're finally on equal footing, Chika!"

With blood leaking from her head, Chika smiles.

"you're wrong I'm just getting started!"

Chika starts to swiftly move her arms in multiple directions. With the charged sense technique, Paul senses what's coming.

"These wind attacks just don't stop!"

Paul dodges an incoming gust of wind coming from Chika, but then Chika waves her hand, and suddenly a gust of wind blows around Paul's legs, causing him to lose balance. As Paul falls to the ground, Chika balls up both of her fists and throws two gusts of wind at Paul. Both gusts of wind hit Paul, sending him flying closer to the wall. Once he's on the ground, Chika flies up and flies back down quickly. Once she lands on the ground, she slams her foot, and a great deal of wind pushes Paul into the wall. With his back to the wall, Paul looks at Chika and sees her spinning.

"Let's play a game! How long will you be stuck on that wall?"

Chika starts slamming Paul continuously into the wall with wipes of air. Paul keeps trying to move out of the way of the wind attacks but can't seem to regain his footing.

"The pressure from the wind is too powerful! If she keeps doing this, I won't be able to move from this spot for the rest of the fight."

Paul gets slammed to the wall once again, but this time he feels a few bones break.

"Damn! I could try to fake her out again, but she won't fall for that twice!"

Chika hits Paul with another air swipe, pushing him to the wall once again. When he hits the wall, he feels his body become heavy.

"Shit, I feel myself losing consciousness!"

As Paul's mind starts to drift, he remembers the words he said a few months ago during the class one presentation.

"If anyone wants to reach level three, they need to have a reason for them to reach level three. Something has to be deep down in your heart that pushes you forward."

When he remembers these words, he remembers a conversation he had with Mr.Mink after that presentation.

After the school day ended, it was just Mr.Mink and Paul in the class. Paul got out of his seat after finishing writing something in his journal.

"Hey Paul, before you leave, can we talk?"

Paul looks over to Mr.Mink, who is at his desk typing on his laptop.

"Yes, what do you want to talk about, Mr.Mink?"

"Well, it's about something I've always wondered about ever since I heard that you refuse to use level two."

"Oh really?"

"Well, after hearing your presentation today about having something that drives you forward, I now have to ask what drives you forward and why don't you use level two?"

"What an interesting question you have for me, Mr. Mink."

"Well, it is my job to observe all of you future top-tier OGI user development, so sometimes I have to ask some good questions."

Paul stands up straight and looks Mr.Mink directly in the eyes.

"I will not tell you what drives me forward or why my drive is so strong, but I will tell you why I won't use level two."

"That's fine you don't have to tell me what drives you forward. I have my own share of things I would like to keep secret. Just like me, I'm sure you have your reasons. Now why don't you tell me why you won't use level two?"

"Well, I have been training for a very long time, so when I finally get to my main objective, I can be ready. I have already trained my level two power so much, but after training it for so long, I felt that battling with it would hold me back. Furthering my development is my main goal, and I truly believe coming to this school will help me, but if I use my powers here, I will be too far ahead of everyone. I want to keep getting stronger, and fighting with only what's available at level one will truly give me the struggle I need to push past my limits. So that is why I choose to only use level one when I'm here. I still train my level two power when I'm not here, so I don't get rusty, of course."

"Oh, I understand, so you don't use level two, so you can guarantee you always have a challenge."

"Yes, that's exactly it."

After remembering this moment, Paul returned his mind to the battle at hand. Paul looks at Chika, who is still hitting him with air whips.

"I stand by what I said that day, even now! This is a perfect challenge! Thank you, Chika, for going all out! This will push my drive to a whole new level!"

While still getting smacked by air whips, Paul stands up and starts walking. Chika sees this, and her face turns into a surprised expression.

"Wait, how are you able to handle getting hit by that much wind power?"

With a determined expression on his face, Paul stops using the charged sense technique and activates the charged flex technique. Paul grits his teeth and flexes his muscles to the maximum.


While still getting hit by the high pressure of the wind, Paul jumps up and slams both of his fists on the ground.

"Ahh!" Chika screams.

When Paul smacks the ground, the entire field shakes and the ground completely breaks apart.

"Woah! Paul destroyed the field with his bare fist!" Mr.Brown screams.

Chika flies away, but Paul jumps up and slams his right fist on her left leg.

"Dang, it doesn't look like landing won't be an option for now."

While Chika is in mid-air, Paul uses the accelerate technique and rushes towards her by jumping from rubble to rubble.

"Woah, he looks serious!"

Paul jumps off a piece of rock with the flex technique and gets up to where Chika is.


Chika tries to fly up higher to get away from Paul, but before she can get too high, Paul slams his fist into her chest so hard that she hits the ground. When she hits the ground, an explosion happens on the field. Chika attempts to get up, but then Paul comes down from the sky and slams both of his fists on her. Then he picks Chika up and slams his fist into her stomach. Then he drops her and kicks her in the neck.


Feltzes, who is watching the fight, looks at the battlefield in shock.

"What the hell am I watching? With Chika's wind manipulation, she should be overpowering Paul, who isn't even using any powers! How did he turn the tide of the battle just now?"

In the student stands all the students look in awe as Paul overpowers Chika.

"What the hell got into Paul all of a sudden? He's fighting like a raging beast!" Kage screams.

"Yeah, he's just straight-muscling through her!"

Kai smiles as Kage and Unknown look at the field in surprise.

"To think he could fight at this level of strength. It seems I still need a little more training."

On the battlefield, Paul has beaten Chika to the point where she is struggling to get off the ground.

"Ouch, those punches really hurt!"

Chika swipes her hand to send a wind slash at the incoming Paul, but Paul easily evades the attack and jumps up. After that, he lands on the ground and slams his fist into the back of her head, which causes her head to smack into the ground.

"Are you still able to fight Chika?" Paul asks while breathing heavily after a rush of adrenaline.

Chika looks up at Paul with her head bleeding and smiles.

"Yeah, no, if I keep fighting you in this state, I'm going to die," she says with a smile.

Chika then passes out from a loss of blood.

The entire stadium looks in shock after Chika passes out.

"That's it! Paul, the level one demon, proves why he's our top student once again as he wins the Grava Acadamy tournament!"

The entire crowd cheered after hearing the winner announced.

With him now the winner of the very first Grava Acadamy tournament, Paul stands up and looks to the sky.

"I wish we could have fought for longer, but this tournament was a perfect way to build my drive!"

Paul falls to his knees and passes out after a long battle.

At the same time as this moment on the other side of the city, where Mrs.Iris and Killer had their battle, Mr.Mink is running at great speed with the charged accelerate technique.

"I've almost run around this entire city! Mrs.Iris, where are you?"

As he's running, Mr.Mink looks to his left and sees a severed arm in a bush.

"Wait, that arm? This is worse than I thought."

Mr.Mink keeps running until he makes it to the peak of the hill. As he runs up the hill, he sees blood stains.

"All this blood! Please don't let this be the worst-case scenario!"

Mr.Mink reaches the place where Mrs.Iris and Killer last fought, and when he arrives, he finds Mrs.Iris's dismembered body. Mr.Mink's hands start to shake while he stares at her body with a blank expression.

"Who could've done this? Kill Mrs.Iris? She's way too strong to be beaten in this manner!"

As dark clouds start to fill up the sky, Mr.Mink's face starts to get filled with rage.

"This is my fault; I should've come with her!"

Mr.Mink looks down to the ground, which is currently filled with blood.

"I don't know what happened or what's going on in the background currently, but what I do know is that someone's going to die for this!"

Back at the stadium, Chika and Paul have been carried to the resting area. The field has also been repaired. According to David, both of them will be out cold for a few hours. Mr.Zane walks onto the field and starts setting up the field for the award ceremony. Mr.Brown comes down from the announcer's room to help Mr.Zane.

"Don't worry, folks, the award ceremony will be starting soon; we just have to set up a few more things."

Up in the student stands, Kage and Unknown have gotten up and started walking up the stairs.

"Damn, I need to use the bathroom!"

"Unknown, you've had to use the bathroom like five times all day!"

"Well, I've been drinking a lot of soda, so I guess it's my fault."

When the two of them reach the top of the stands, Kage and Unknowm see Wayne with Lex on his shoulder.

"Oh, what's up, Wayne? You finally showed up to watch a fight!"

After Wayne hears what Kage says, he looks at the two boys.

"Do you two feel that?"

Kage and Unknown look at each other in confusion.

"Dude, what are you talking about?" kage says.

"Yeah, what he said. Are you feeling something?

Wayne looks to the battlefield and then looks up to the sky.

"Those black clouds and this feeling. I've felt it before. I felt it the day of my father's death."

In the announcer's room, Nixion stands up and starts to look at the crowd.

"Something is wrong in the atmosphere. Something is very wrong."

Nixon looks at the teacher as he stands up.

"Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris still haven't returned. Wait!"

Nixon grabs his mic and starts screaming into it.

"Everyone, get out of the open now! This entire place isn't safe!"

On the battlefield, Mr.Brown looks at the announcer's room with a confused expression.

"Wait, what is the principal talking about? The only thing that's kind of dangerous is what those dark clouds in the sky might do."

"Yeah, I have no id—"

Suddenly, a lightning bolt comes down from the sky and hits Mr.Zane directly.


Mr.Brown looks behind him and sees Mr.Zane's body burnt to a crisp. Then his lifeless body hits the ground.

Up in the student stands, everyone jumps up in shock. Wayne, on the other hand, looks up at the sky with nothing but rage on his face.

"No wonder I feel this feeling. Have you returned to take something else away from me!"

Wayne pulls out his multi-shot pistol and grips it.


Kage, Unknown, and Wayne start to hear a familiar laughter coming from the dark clouds. As lighting rains down from the sky and the dark clouds clear, Hunter's menacing smile becomes more visible.


Chapter 137 end

This is the end of volume four thanks for reading. I will be taking a short break from dropping chapters but I will be back soon!

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts
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