
The scared Tota

After finally reaching Frinstion City, Kage, and Unknown went on a run to the store, but after a short encounter with a hooded man Kage and Unknown noticed a brown-haired man who was getting stomped out by ten hard-boiled-looking men. The brown-haired man is curled up in a ball in an attempt to protect himself.

"Please, I'm sorry. I won't mess up again!"

One of the men with a mohawk kicks the man in the mouth.

"Shut your damn you, insect! How hard is it to pull a fucking trigger and wait till I let Nubuki know about this!?"

One of the men spits in the brown-haired man's eye while the other kicks him in the rib.

"Please, I'm sorry it won't happen again!"

The man with a mohawk continues the brown-haired man's suffering by kicking him in the crotch as hard as he can.


He grabs his crotch in pain and starts crying even more.

"Hahaha, what a fucking bitch! At least show some type of resolve."

The man with a mohawk once again gets in a position to stomp the brown-haired man, but before he can, he is hit by a stone, which sends him straight to the ground.

"Hey, y'all scream the word bitch a lot for someone who's having a whole ten vs. one right now! Honestly, the only bitch I'm seeing right now is you!"

The men, including the brown-haired man, look over to their right and see Kage and Unknown, who are fully prepared for a fight. One of the men ran to the man with a mohawk who was face-flat on the ground.

"He's knocked out!"

"What! By just a rock!"

All the men look towards Kage and Unknown.

"I don't know why y'all dumbass are surprised y'all weren't holding back when y'all jumped that guy over there, so why would I hold back against you?"

"Tch shut the hell up!"

The other nine men activate level one and rush toward the boys.

"Welp, here we go Unknown Back me up!"

"I mean, okay, but I don't think you need help, to be honest!"

"I don't care; just help me out!"

Kage runs into battle with level one activated and Unknown following.

"It's nine of us vs. you two children; you can't win!"

"Watch us!"

Kage uses the accelerate technique to run around one of the men and slam his fist into the back of his head.

"Unknown on my left!"

Kage ducks the man who tried to attack him from the left, and Unknown punches the man to the ground.

"See, this is why I bring you along, dumbass!"

"Oh, go to hell!"

Kage and Unknown continue beating up the men as the brown-haired man watches. The brown-haired man starts to think to himself as the men start to drop like flies.

"Who the hell are these guys, and why are they saving me? They're beating these guys so easily, even though all of them are level-one OGI users. So strong!"

Kage and Unknown finish off the last guy, leaving all ten of them beaten and knocked out.

"You see, when you listen to me, things go well, right, little bro?"

"Don't call me that, asshole!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go help this dude out."

Kage walked over to the brown-haired man, who was beaten and bruised everywhere and crouched to get closer to him.

"Hey bro, are you good, and why were those men beating you up?"

Unknown slaps Kage on the back of the head.

"The man just got the shit beat out of him. Instead of questioning him, how about you help him out?

"I was going to do that; you just didn't give me enough time!"

Kage helps the brown-haired man get back on his feet.

"Thank you for helping me, but why are you helping me?"

Unknown starts looking at the brown-haired man's injuries.

"We're helping you because you looked like you were in trouble. Aye Kage, we should get him to Mr. Mink; he's in pretty bad shape."

"OK, but first, what's your name?"

"Oh, uh, my name is Tota."

"Aye, dude, I just asked for your name. Why are you so nervous?"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You're so apologetic."

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Stop apologizing; just follow us to our hotel so our teacher can help you out."

"Wait, teacher?"

"Yeah, my name is Kage, and that's Unknown we are both members of Grava Academy."

"Wait a minute, you mean that school for kids searching for level three?"

"Yep, that one!"

"Oh, no wonder you all are so strong."

"Haha, yeah, we are pretty strong, right Unknown!"

Kage and Unknown with Tota start heading back to the hotel, but Tota stops walking.

"You know I really shouldn't be following you two; being associated with me could cause you two trouble. You see, Nubuki is really dangerous, and if he finds out what you did, he might—"

Tota looks up and notices that Kage and Unknown kept walking without listening to a word he said. Unknown looked back and noticed Tota was far behind.

"Hey, Tota, what are you doing back there? Come on before you get left behind!"

"Hey, wait up, you didn't hear anything I said!"

Tota starts running after the two of them, but even with him running, he cannot keep up with their walking speed.

Kage Unknown and Tota make it back to the hotel. They walk in and see Mr.Mink sitting on a chair while reading a magazine.

"Oh, hello, you two. Have you got my supplies?"

Kage and Unknown flinch at Mr. Minks's words.

"Damn it, Unknown, you forgot to get the supplies."

"I forgot to get the supplies. Weren't you the one who was told to go get the supplies? I was just dragged along."

Mr.Mink gets up, causing both Kage and Unknown to flinch once again. Mr.Mink rushes past Kage and Unknown to get to Tota. Mr.Mink starts checking out Tota's injuries closely.

"You have injuries all over you. Hey, Kage Unknown where did you find this kid?"

"Umm, excuse me, sir; I'm not a kid; I'm actually twenty-four."

"Oh, you are sorry. I didn't mean to make any assumptions."

Kage and Unknown walk over to Mr.Mink.

"Aye, Mr. Mink, this guy was getting beat up by some strange dudes, so we helped him out."

"Oh, so that's why he has so many injuries. Come on, let's go to the hotel room so I can treat your injuries."

"Oh, um, ok."

Mr.Mink starts walking towards the elevator on the left side of the building, with the boys following. Mr.Mink presses the button that has a symbol pointing up, then looks back to Kage and Unknown.

"Just letting you two know, I noticed that you don't have my supplies. You two are lucky this poor man needs some attention, or I would have given you a punishment by now."

"Yes sir! Sorry sir!"

Tota, watching this go down, starts to think to himself.

"So this guy they call Mr.Mink, he seems pretty nice. Why do they seem so scared of him?"

While these thoughts were going through Tota's head, a group of three people walked past the group. The group started to whisper among themselves as they passed by."

"Hey, isn't that the bitch of the Frinstion gang?"

"Yeah, let's get out of here before something happens."

"You know, I kind of feel bad for him having to be a slave to that tyrant, Nubuki."

Tota overhears the group and looks down at the ground with a face of distress.

"Hey Tota, are you coming or not?"

Tota looks up and sees Kage, Unkown, and Mr.Mink in the open elevator.

"Oh sorry"

Tota starts to limp his way into the elevator. The elevator takes the group to the sixth floor, which is the top floor of the hotel. It's so high up that you can see the entirety of Frinstion City. The group starts walking through the hallway. The hallway has rooms on the right side with windows on the left. Kage and Unknown run to the left side of the hallway and start looking outside the window with excitement.

"Look how high up we are, Kage!"

"Yeah, the city looks even better from up here."

"Kage Unknown, hurry up!"

"Oh right!"

Kage and Unknown run to Mr.Mink and Tota, who are further down the hallway.

"Akira and Selena are in the room right next to this one, and both of you are in the room next to theirs. Now, Tota, let's get in here and treat those injuries."

Mr.Mink grabs a card out of his pocket and scans it on the scanner on the door. The door clicks, signaling that it's open.

The group walks into Mr.Minks's hotel room. The room is huge, with a king-sized bed and an even bigger window that allows full sight of the city, but what is most impressive is the 370-inch TV. Mr.Mink starts digging into his bag that is sitting on the bed. He pulls out some medical supplies and walks to Tota.

"Ok, let me see your injuries."

"Oh alright."

Mr.Mink starts patching up Tota's many injuries.

"Alright, that's the best I can do, but those bandages should do the trick."

"Thank you so much, Mr.Mink."

"So I'm guessing your injuries feel better now?"

"Yeah, I feel much better."

"Perfect, then I have a quick question for you."


"What is really going on in this city?"

Chapter 56 end 

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