
The Boat of Yaruga

Chapter 167

A blanket of fog covered Yaruga, the river underneath it flowing steadily. A barge with a blue flag and an emblem made up of three lions hung on top of it, and it was traveling ahead slowly along the river.

Most of the passengers on the boat were merchants and farmers, and they were taking a little nap to prepare for the day ahead. A group of soldiers in chain mail were standing at the bow of the barge. Standing before them was a young girl in a white dress. She was staring at the silhouettes of the islands hidden within the fog covering the river. "How much longer will this journey take, Coria?"

"We shall arrive in Nastrog in three hours. That is what Mr. Krauze said."

Ciri yawned, and she counted the waves that rippled across the river as the barge sailed ahead. She was starting to look tired. "There is absolutely nothing in Yaruga. This is so dull." She pointed angrily at the people who were at the stern. "And why should I be on the same ship as these people who know nothing but sleep?"

"Do please be understanding, princess. Sailing on the same ship as your people isn't something to be ashamed of. And please do not stand on the boatside. That's too dangerous." Coria held Ciri's hand carefully and took her away from the boatside.

"You are such a scaredy cat. You should not have come with me."


Roy was standing among the crowd at the stern. "Well, this is relaxing." He smiled and changed his position to enjoy the sight of the river. The first rays of the sun shone upon the yellow river, but the fog still persisted against its warmth. Waves rippled across the waters as the barge sailed ahead. If Roy could take a picture, he bet the scene would look just like an oil painting.

It was a peaceful moment, but that moment was short-lived. Roy sighed, for someone sat down beside him and acted like they were friends. The man was gaunt, and he seemed like he was in his thirties. He was wearing an oversized, dirty cape, and there was a bronze circular brooch on his chest. He huddled closer to the witcher and cleared his throat. Even though he was inches away from Roy, he still could not see the young witcher clearly, and he squinted. "Might you be a witcher, sir?"

"I am not."

"Golden eyes, beastly pupils… You are most definitely a witcher."

"You must be seeing things."

"It's fine if you deny it, witcher." The man laughed heartily. "I am just trying to talk to someone and kill some time. I do share a lot of common topics with witchers in some respects."

Roy looked at him curiously.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Linus Pitt. Masters in Natural History and lecturer at the Oxenfurt University."

Oxenfurt was a famous place, and one of the best educational institutions—Oxenfurt University—called that place home. Jaskier and Shani were alumni of that university.

"I see. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Linus." Roy was impressed that an educated man like Linus would treat a young witcher like him with respect, so he repaid that respect in kind. "Roy of the Viper School." He shook Linus' hand. "What is your business here in Verden? It's a long way from Oxenfurt."

Linus pulled his hand back and corrected Roy. "Oh, my destination is not Verden. I am searching for a mysterious and rare species living in these waters. I have scoured Pontar and Yaruga, but these creatures have eluded me thus far."

"Why are you looking for them anyway?" Roy frowned. Rare, mysterious creatures always mean danger. Lethal danger. "Are you an animal rights activist?"

Linus nodded. "I have built a keep near Oxenfurt. It's home to rare and endangered species, where they can procreate safely so they won't go extinct. To that end, I would spend months every year collecting rare creatures all over the world. The theme this year is still aquatic animals. I've heard that witchers are experts in the field of mysterious creatures. Now that I've had the pleasure to meet you, I would be delighted if you could impart any knowledge regarding the creatures that reside in Yaruga." Linus looked at Roy expectantly.

Roy smiled. This guy shares some similarities with Dorregaray. He's an animal protector too. Roy was interested in the keep Linus had built, since it meant he could get a new mount and gain more EXP. If he could get on Linus' good side, Roy thought he might have a chance to visit that keep. "I do not know much about this. Only enough to make conversation. But do tell me the kind of creatures you're looking for. The more specific, the better."

Linus rubbed his hands in anticipation. "Legends say that this elusive creature has appeared in eastern Pontar. They took up residence in the waterways from Foam to Novigrad. These creatures would attack the ships traveling to and fro Foam and Novigrad. I tried to see if I could find them there, but alas, I found no clues there, so I had to change a spot, and here I am in Yaruga. I wanted to see if they were here somewhere."

"An underwater creature that attacks ships?" Roy jogged his memory up and went through Serrit's classes. "Now that you mention it, I do have some clue of what the creature might be."

"Is that so?" Linus was getting excited. "Then surely you must have seen it."

"No, but I have heard of an underwater creature taking up residence in the waters nearby. We witchers call it aeschna."

Linust paused for a moment. "Can you explain that in more scientific terms?"

"Aeschna is a bumpy and rough-skinned water creature, four yards in length and resembling a stump overgrown with algae. They have ten paws and jaws like cut-saws."

Linus could make out a picture in his mind. "Yes, that does sound like a creature belonging to the dytiscidae family."

"They do, don't they?" Roy said, "Aeschnas are vicious creatures who will devour everything that enters their lair."

"A minute. Putting that creature aside, I think I need to correct you slightly," Linus said. "Yaruga's waters are too salty for any creature in the dytiscidae family to survive."

"If it's not an aeschna, then what is it?"

"Have you ever heard of an octopus creature the size of a small hill?" Linus huddled closer, looking cryptic. "Legends have it that this creature can live in both freshwater and saltwater. It travels between the main rivers and ocean of this land."

"A giant octopus?" Yes, I know. I killed that kind of monster when I was playing the game in my past life. But shouldn't that monster be slumbering in Flotsam?

"I think the creatures that attacked those ships might be its babies, but I have to see them for myself."


The conversation was interrupted by an ear-piercing scream. They turned around and saw a middle-aged woman lying on the boatside, her face filled with terror.

"Calm down, lady. What happened?" Everyone surrounded her.

"My son. My little Blue…" The woman pointed at the raging river in despair. "He fell overboard into the waters. Please, save him. Anyone, please, save my son!"

"Something's wrong." Roy looked at the crowd. He remembered the child. He was about the same height at the guardrail, and it was impossible for him to fall overboard just like that.

A young boy fell into these waters? He is doomed. Everyone shook their heads in pity.

"The boy is doomed."

"Poor child."

"My condolences, lady."

A muscular, mustached man gesticulated at the sailors, then he tied a thick rope around his waist before he leaped into the river. The man made a splash, and he was gone, swallowed by the waters.

Roy approved of the man's actions, and he sheathed Aerondight. He and the crowd stayed on the boat and watched the river. The sailor tried his best to keep the barge in one spot, while the child's mother put her hands in a prayer.

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