
Chapter 18 Was Injured

Chapter 18 Was Injured

Get in the car, tell the driver the address, the next thing Degan is going to is the house he bought in South Korea.

Halfway, not knowing what happened ahead, the car stopped, and he was resting with his eyes closed. When Digan opened his eyes, he saw a large group of people in front of him, and many cameras were set up around. Shoot the show.

When Digan accompanied Park Ji-yeon to Korea before, he also went to many film crews with Park Ji-yeon, thinking about it, he paid the fare and got off the car.

Although there were quite a few people watching, Digan's outstanding figure allowed him to see clearly what was going on inside. To Digan's surprise, his girlfriend Park Zhiyan was inside!

At this moment, Park Ji-yeon was yelling in vain in Korean, which Digan couldn't understand. Judging from the current scene, it was probably voting or something. There was a girl who was about the same age as Park Ji-yeon, and she seemed to be very popular. Some people went to vote, but Park Ji-yeon was a bit tragic. As an idol, she couldn't catch up with flattery.

At this time, two temperamental men appeared, said something, and then saw the group of female artists rushing into the crowd holding the ballot box one by one, Park Zhiyan looked delicate, but she was really strong , the ballot box was in her hand as if it had no weight, and then she ran straight over to Digan.


Digan smiled: "Zhiyan! What a coincidence!"

Pu Zhiyan was taken aback, looked up and saw that it was Digan standing in front of her, exclaimed, and almost couldn't help but rushed over, it was Digan who reminded her to pay attention, and now she was shooting.

"oppa!" Pu Zhiyan said, tears were about to flow down.

During this period of time, Park Zhiyan knew everything Degan encountered in Barcelona. She wanted to go to Spain to visit Degan several times, but Digan refused all of them. Digan didn't want Park Zhiyan to see him down look.

Digan smiled and said, "You should go to shoot first! Let's meet at home in the evening!"

Pu Zhiyan was about to agree immediately, when she suddenly remembered something: "No way! pp! Today is an all-night shoot, I can't even go back!"

Although Digan was a little disappointed, he still said: "It's okay, I will stay in Korea for a while this time, we have plenty of time to meet each other! You go to shoot first, but Jiyeon! You are also my girlfriend, what? The popularity is so low!"

Pu Zhiyan was taken aback when she heard the words, and then said angrily: "What! My popularity is very high, it's all Zhien, it's her who snatched away everyone who likes me, that's right! pp! Come and vote for me!"

At this time, the people around also noticed the situation. Pu Zhiyan started chatting with a man, they all looked over and immediately found Digan.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed, although Deegan is now in a low ebb period, there are still countless fans who like him all over the world, especially in Korea, don't forget, Deegan has the title of a Korean son-in-law Woolen cloth.

In terms of popularity, Digan's popularity in South Korea is definitely not inferior to any popular star in South Korea, it is definitely the top!

The filming of the show was also interrupted. The people who were originally watching all ran over to surround Digan and Park Zhiyan, holding up their mobile phones to shoot non-stop. Surrounded by two people, they frantically pressed the shutter.

After being in chaos for a long time, finally under the coordination of the program team, Digan nodded and agreed to appear in the camera, voted for Park Zhiyan, and then said a few words of encouragement.

But even with Digan canvassing votes, in the end Park Zhiyan still lost miserably and was assigned to a team that was said to be unpopular.

"If PP can come earlier, I will definitely be able to enter the red team!" Park Zhiyan was full of resentment.

Digan laughed and said, "You should work hard on your own popularity. Besides, what did you complain about just now!? Is this still my fault?"

Pu Zhiyan snorted angrily: "Of course it's PP's fault, PP is my boyfriend, so what does it matter if you lend me some popularity!?"

Digan was speechless now, and he couldn't be serious with the little girl Pu Zhiyan, so he could only bear the charge for no reason, and then comforted Pu Zhiyan with good words for a long time.

For Pu Zhiyan, Digan didn't understand why, he was always very patient, no matter how bad his mood was, but as soon as he heard Pu Zhiyan's voice, the dark clouds in his heart would immediately dissipate.

In this regard, Kaka's explanation is: "The poisoning is too deep!"

Probably when Kaka and Caroline were in love, it was the same situation!

Digan was not interested in variety shows at all, so he left after talking to Park Ji-yeon. He was really tired after such a long flight.

At this time, someone also sent the video of Digan appearing in South Korea to the Internet. The fastest way to transmit news in modern times is the Internet. Soon this news was transmitted to Europe, and European football suddenly became chaotic.

Barcelona's official website immediately updated a message: Regarding the matter of Degan, a Belgian player who played for the club, leaving the team without authorization and going to South Korea, the club decided to deduct Degan's salary for one month after research.

A month's salary!

You know, Degan's current annual salary is 17 million euros, which is the world's highest, which is more than 1.4 million euros a month. Most people can't earn this much in their entire lives.

When I got home, not long after I lay down, Zahavi called: "Rod! Something big happened! The news about you in South Korea was found out by FC Barcelona!"

Digan still looked indifferent: "If you know it, you will know it, and I don't intend to hide it from anyone!"

Zahavi said anxiously: "But they have announced that they will deduct your salary for four weeks. Doesn't it matter?"

Digan was majestic, and he couldn't help frowning, but he didn't feel too angry: "What you said is true!?"

Zahavi said: "Of course it is true!"

Digan sneered when he heard the words: "Probably they all forgot, they just announced my injury before!"

At the press conference before the start of the previous round of the league, a reporter asked Guardiola about Degan's question. As a result, Guardiola gave an explanation: "The reason why he couldn't play was because he was injured. He's not in the right physical condition to play!"

Degan was injured by someone inexplicably, and then he set off for South Korea in a fit of rage. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Barcelona club had the face to punish him.

Zahavi said: "Rod! We must not be silent about this matter anymore. You must stand up and tell the truth. The responsibility for this matter is not yours at all, Rhodes! Listen, I know You don't care about money, but what about the opinion of those fans? If you seem to survive in this team, you can't stand against the fans, and even if you decide to leave, I think with your character, you will definitely want to Before leaving, leave something to impress those bastards, at this time you need the support of the fans even more!"

Digan knew that everything Zahavi said was for his own good. Although he didn't want to make a big fuss, and he didn't want to use the power of the media, but at this time, it seemed that he couldn't do it.

"Okay! Get in touch with me, I'll be interviewed by him on the phone!"

Zahavi responded: "Okay! There is one more thing, Rhodes! I will go to South Korea as soon as possible. At that time, we need to make a new plan for the future!"

After finishing the call with Zahavi, it didn't take long before a strange call came. Digan knew that it was the familiar reporter that Zahavi just mentioned.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the interview got to the point. Now people are most concerned about the truth of the matter, whether Digan was injured or not.

"I'm in South Korea now, and I came here to meet my girlfriend. Do you think this is what a hurt person should do?"

"In other words, your current physical condition is very good!"

Degan sneered and said: "I don't know, I don't know how to be healthy and have no injuries, because I am glad that some people have completely different standards from mine. Maybe in my opinion, I can play games, but In the eyes of some people, my physical condition is only suitable for a big dog lying at home, waiting for God to appear and give me a thorough treatment!"

"But you should admit to leaving the team without authorization, right?"

Degan's sneer became louder: "Leaving the team without permission! Are you talking about me just now? I don't know, I just remember that after training one day, Barcelona's assistant coach Vilanova told me that due to my physical condition , I don't have to go to training, since I can't train and I can't play, why can't I leave the team and go to a place I think is the best to treat the injury?"

"What do you think of the current situation in Barcelona?"

At present, although Barcelona has qualified ahead of schedule in the Champions League group stage, their results in the league are not very good, and the ups and downs are not large. The difference is three points.

"You shouldn't ask me this question at all. What can I answer for you? Now the team has nothing to do with me. Can you expect me to win Barcelona by sitting in front of the TV?"

The reporter could hear that Degan was very angry at the moment, and he could understand that he was in good physical condition, but was injured by the club. Who can bear this kind of thing.

"You're saying there's a lot of conflict between you and Guardiola, isn't it?"

When Degan heard Guardiola's name, his eyes became cold: "I don't know if there is a conflict between us. In fact, since I came to Barcelona, ​​I have only had one time alone with Guardiola. He asked me to serve Messi on the pitch, but I refused. Since then, we have been strangers, and I can even feel that in the team, he doesn't even want to look at me! "

"Digan! Although I was entrusted by Zahavi to give you an interview to help you prove some things, you should at least prove that your physical condition is completely fine!"

Digan was taken aback for a moment, what is there to prove, isn't the facts all obvious?

But since people want to see the proof, Degan naturally has no objection: "Two weeks later, Belgium will have a European Cup qualifier. At that time, I will prove everything to everyone!"

"I know someone is trying to destroy me now because I don't want to follow his arrangement and restrain myself on the court. I know that players should follow the instructions of the coach, but if this instruction is wrong, I think I have to do it. The right objected, I am very clear that in his plan, the core of the team is Messi, but this is not the reason why I have to serve Messi, obviously I can score by myself, why should I give the opportunity to others , Is it because I'm not the core? Shit! That's the idea of ​​an idiot, I don't think I'm inferior to Messi, and I need to play a supporting role for him to survive in Barcelona!"

"I'm completely disappointed with my life in Barcelona now. Russell didn't do everything he promised me at the beginning. Of course, if you destroy me, it's the big scene he said we want to create together. Now I have seen arrive."

The reporter suddenly became excited. Degan not only fired at Messi, but also at Guardiola, and even started to shoot at Roselle.

Degan's resentment towards Russell is still very deep. When he called Degan and invited him to join Barcelona, ​​he promised that he would support Degan to become the core of Barcelona, ​​but now?

Russell obviously couldn't use his power as the chairman to sway Guardiola's thoughts. After trying once, but with no results, Russell immediately gave up and ignored Digan's affairs. Such an attitude, There was no way to satisfy Digan.

Although Digan didn't expect Russell to force Guardiola to give him a chance to play, at least at this time, Russell couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb!

"Are you saying that, are you planning to leave Barcelona?"

Degan said coldly: "If the current situation can't be changed, I don't rule out leaving Barcelona. I came here to play football, to experience a different style of football, not to swallow my anger and endure the present. All of this, my request is very simple, what I ask is fairness, I don't think this is too much at all!"

Degan has never asked to be the absolute core of Barcelona. All he wants is a free environment to play football, instead of being excluded like he is now.

After the interview was over, Digan was in a terrible mood, but at this moment, his cell phone rang again, and when he picked it up, it was Park Zhiyan calling, which calmed down his angry mood a lot.

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