
Chapter 23 Prince and the slut

Chapter 23 Prince and the slut

More and more famous football figures have come forward to question the fairness of this FIFA year-end awards ceremony. Comrade Blatter can only adopt passive ostrich tactics, bury his head and pretend that he does not exist. Hope time can dilute everything.

However, Comrade Digan, who stirred up this storm of denouncing FIFA, seemed to be fine, and went back to Italy directly. Others can take their families, girlfriends, mistresses, and mistresses on vacation, and they are already recuperating from illness. After nearly half a year, Digan couldn't be so leisurely.

He wants to restore his body to the best condition before the Serie A re-ignites, especially when Degan knows that he will face his old club AC Milan in the comeback game, the monstrous fighting spirit is almost His blood was about to be ignited.

Degan has no objection to AC Milan, until now he is still a fan of AC Milan, but who let there be an unsightly fat man as the head coach.

Ancelotti's current situation is not good. Although the Champions League has successfully qualified, but the last game of the group stage, losing at home, still made him suffer. The Coppa Italia successfully entered the top 16, but then they will The opponent he faced was Juventus, a small partner who was assigned to Serie B.

Juventus is currently unable to find a chance to gain a sense of presence. When facing AC Milan, they will definitely do their best. AC Milan's current lineup simply cannot cope with the third-line battle. It is foreseeable that AC Milan is doomed by then. It's going to be as hard as their head coach.

Not to mention the league, just look at the series of team names that have weighed on their heads in the standings so far, and you will know that Ancelotti's life is not easy.

Degan didn't mind bleeding Ancelotti's bloated figure at all, and he was determined to win the match against AC Milan.

Digan wanted to take advantage of this time to take a good rest and try to recover, but some people refused to let him be quiet. He just made a big show in Zurich and made Blatter look ashamed, but he returned to Italy. His old man was on the front page of a lace news again.

"Digan Bellen returns to Milan together, intending to continue the frontier! "

What the hell is this!

Degan did return to Milan on the same plane as Belen, but can he decide which plane to take? Besides, they didn't meet until they were in the sky. Could it be that Digan kicked Beren off the sky?

On the plane, Belen took the initiative to speak up, but Degan's attitude towards this woman was to stay away from her. When the two were together before, Degan still wanted to make Belen change a little, so that he wouldn't become the one who liked Luda in his previous life. A third-version girl with breasts, but after being betrayed once, Digan knew that this dog will never change his good habit of eating shit.

Digan kept Beren at a respectful distance, but Beren didn't? Lun didn't intend to let go of this good opportunity to hype herself, and she was now in a cold war with the paparazzi king Corona.

Speaking of it, Corona is also a dog. With such a stunner as Belen, he still flirts with each other and plays with the tender model.

As a result, Argentinian Roudan, who had been emotionally hurt in Degan, quit. He had a small quarrel for three days, and a big quarrel for five days. He was so happy that he wanted to practice a set of combined punches on Corona's small body. .

When the two were passionately in love, they had tattooed each other's name on their bodies like conjoined twins, but now, that tattoo almost became a mark of shame for Belen.

Belen is also regretting it. When she was with Digan, she was the most popular supermodel in Italy, and her career has developed impressively. Although she is not bad now, she even has the title of Godmother of Serie A, but what is all this fame? Come, keep hyping up your private life, plus showing your body in public.

At the beginning, the flower that stunned Italy with its beauty is now almost synonymous with sex. It would be a strange thing if Beren could feel happy in his heart.

Ever since, Belen thought of Digan, especially after the two met in Zurich, she was even more eager to reunite with Digan.

What is Degan's status now? He is the top football star in the world, and he is also a big news figure. As long as he can get in touch with Degan, he will basically not worry about exposure.

Since Avril Lavigne announced her breakup with Degan, the number of women who want to catch up with Degan and become famous in one fell swoop cannot be counted. They have shown their love in public, boldly confessed their love on TV shows, and even sent nude photos.

But for those women, Digan didn't even have the mind to talk to them. Although he was cold and very slow to emotional matters, he was not a sentimental person. It was completely helpless to break up with Avril. Their personalities are too tough, when they are passionately in love, everything is fine, but once conflicts arise, no one is willing to give in, and the only way is to break up.

But even after breaking up, Degan didn't intend to accept a new relationship immediately, and he wasn't crazy about talking to those flesh and blood.

After a long time, some unscrupulous media began to report that Digan, who was dumped by Avril Lavigne, was emotionally frustrated and ready to come out!

Degan, who was out of the closet, was very angry, but at the time he was receiving rehabilitation treatment in Brussels, even if he had no strength to scold the street, he could only let it go.

Of course, Bellen would not believe those gossip news, even though when the news broke out, she had spoken kindly to the reporter to comfort Digan.

Since there is no such thing, Belen plans to take the initiative. After repeatedly comparing Degan and Corona, Belen finally came to a conclusion that Degan is a high-quality man. As for Corona, Just a flirty little paparazzi.

After making up his mind, Belen staged a bitter scene in front of the media, repeatedly emphasizing the harm he had done to Degan, and then he missed the happy time when the two were together, and finally faced the reporter When asking if two people are likely to get back together.

"Rhode has always been in my heart. I made an unforgivable mistake back then, and now I just want to ask for forgiveness!"

Belen has already sent out a signal, and those reporters all believe that, facing such a sexy stunner, Digan's resistance will definitely drop to a negative number in an instant.

But if the play is really as they imagined, is Deegan still Deegan?

"If an apple was always in my hand, I would be very happy to eat it all the time, but I ate half of it, but this apple didn't want me to eat it. I insisted on sharing it with others. Now this apple is gone." It was eaten by someone, but that person found it was not tasty and vomited it out, now let you eat this vomit, will you agree?"

Depend on!


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