
The thread test

And... Here we go!

I kick the sand out of my hand with the buckler and watch carefully where and how it falls. Six hundred and twenty-three strands and an opening, just as I thought, at the bottom.

Let's go.

I let go of my hand and fall parallel to the wall, a metre short of the ground, pushing off the wall with both feet. My back to the ground, two seconds and then I group up, putting the buckler backwards.




I fly into the opening with a bombshell. After the pass, I throw my legs down sharply, finishing myself off. That's how I get my feet on the ground.

Now the main thing is not to let the inertia from the landing run out and use it for further acceleration...

My toes are the first to touch the ground, inertia starts to carry me further. With all my might, I press my heels into the floor and push off to the right. The force of the jump cracks the wooden floor. I fly towards the first control point.

Four strings. One should be to the left, at my shoulder level, the second to the right is in the path of my head. The other two are about a metre lower.

In flight, I drop the buckler and grab it with Levi, sticking it out in front of me and infusing it with my aura as much as I can, causing it and Levi to start emitting a faint grey haze. I doubt I can tear the threads, but I can certainly push them away.

There's a squeak of cutting metal, the shield fails, and Levi gets a small scratch. The strings gradually move back and I can fly in. A new sharp swing of my legs, and with the threads extinguishing my speed and starting to go to my starting position, I successfully fly into the opening.

There's no stopping, it's six metres to the miko. Four hundred and six threads have already been passed. Two hundred and seventeen to go.

I'm landing. I take two steps forward and jump further, going through a series of threads.

I land on my hands, immediately going into a somersault over my right shoulder.

The somersault is over, and I immediately get to my feet. Four metres to the priestess. One hundred and fifty-nine threads to go.

Inertia is still pulling at me, so I take a small step forward, put Levi on the tanto in the sheath and, starting to turn left, jump again. In mid-air I'm spun parallel to the ground and twisted around my axis.

Three metres to the miko - I'm approaching the second control point.

The second hardest moment of the whole plan. There's a barricade of strings in front, but there's a small gap. A small gap for a stone or... Or a dagger.

I can't throw knives, but in theory I should be able to throw a knife and hit the gap. The main thing is to let go of the tanto in time for it to go without twisting, it has good balance. I hope it all works out. This is what the whole plan is based on: the priestess will have to protect herself with threads, and if I go a little to the right under maximum acceleration before the knife flies, I have to slip through.

Maximum concentration, I need to be able to let go in time, not sooner or later. I lower my body so that the scabbard is parallel to the ground, and sharply raise Levi, holding the tanto with three fingers at the end of the handle. Time slows down for me, windows flicker before my eyes, but I pay no attention to them. The tanto gradually aligns and I begin to infuse it with Aura...

The hand finishes with a scathing forward jab...

At the last moment the tanto aligns, I hear Akasha's distant cry of "NOW!" and I release the dagger, immediately transferring all Aura energy to my legs, and run after the blade at full speed, but slightly to the right.

The dagger flies a little faster. Not looking where it's going but concentrating on my next task. I need to skip sideways. If I've got my calculations right, I should be able to skip...

At the last moment, I make a left turn...

I see a dagger begin to crumble in the air in the periphery of my vision...

Yes! YES! I'm coming through!

My right shoulder flares up with a little pain before exiting, I ignore it and turn my torso, looking straight at the surprised miko.

Three metres to the Priestess.

The path beyond is clear. But I know it's a trap. Llos accepts only the most cunning and skilled into her priestesses. All her surprise is ostentatious. She wants me to relax and get close to her. Then she attacks me with strings. Another play on words. No one said she had no right to attack. She just said she was going to sit still...

I would have done exactly the same.

The turn of the body ends and I, using the same idea I had with the dagger, hurl the shield at her. Inside the buckler my first trump card is a bag of sand. The shield I've powered up just a little, showing that I want to get closer after the throw.

Her eyes squint slightly at the shield flying straight into her face, and I start running to the right side of the miko.

I have three seconds. Three seconds for the last part of the plan. The crucial part...

I put my hands behind my back...

Three seconds...

I activate the King's Treasury and take out five small jars of scarlet liquid...

I hit the brakes. The floor starts to crack. I turn to the miko and drop the jars from my left hand, starting my run to the left of the priestess.

Two seconds...

Suddenly I feel something. Not paying attention to the windows flashing before my eyes, I begin to fall to my knees on automatic.

In the place where I had been half a second ago, a thread whistled through, slicing off a patch of my gray hair. It was close...

One second...

The buckler begins to slowly disappear in front of the priestess' eyes, gradually reaching the pouch, and I launch myself towards the miko...

Here she has received her first gift, some sand gets into her eyes, nose and mouth...

From the other side, jars fly into her head.

It's three steps to the miko. Throwing the cans out of my right hand, I continue my run...

The cans shatter before they reach the priestess, but the Red Juice is not easily destroyed by threads. That's the main disadvantage of almost any weapon. It is impossible to destroy the liquid with ordinary weapons.

The sticky syrup hits the priestess' left ear and hair. A grin slowly appears on my face.

It's two steps to the miko...

Uh-oh, she's trying not to panic, but she's not doing so well...

One step...

The next batch of jars starts to break in front of her nose... I slow down a bit to get a better look at the threads in the splatter...


I continue accelerating, letting the threads out of Levi, and start reaching into the gap between the priestess threads with my hand...

I feel wounds appear in all places on my body...

Five centimetres...

The threads begin their way to my bones, cutting through skin and muscle...

Just a little more...

I can see my blood splashing in all directions...


The threads that were trying to cut me stopped and went back, and I flew at full speed into the priestess, splattering her with blood... Health on forty points. I survived...



The quest "Boredom of the Demonic Queen of the Abyss" is complete!

Conditions for completion:

Touch the priestess by any means necessary.


Soul! You've cheered up this Mistress... And I always keep my promises! This Lady is pleased, so she allows you to adopt the style of her priests! But this reward is not enough... You shouldn't have defeated the priestess, but you're clever... And cunning... The mistress has decided! You are worthy, soul... Become her priest!

Attention! You have fulfilled the extra condition!

Additional condition:

Surprise the Spider Goddess.



+6 levels.

Title: "In the Deep Pit..."


You've piqued the interest of the Spider Lady herself. And then... Surprised her!

Positive reputation with Llos and all the Pantheons associated with the Queen of the Pit!

Negative reputation with Corellon and all Pantheons associated with the Elf Maker!

Warning. You do not need to wear this title for it to work!

Title: "Divine Luck?"


You have made three Goddesses interested by your existence... And what three know, four know...

+10% to the probability of meeting a new Goddess.

Attention! You don't need to wear this title to make it work!

I was still lying on the miko bleeding, my leg ligaments were severed and I wouldn't be able to stand up. Looking up at the ceiling, I noticed a black dot beginning to descend, gradually getting bigger. A huge half-metre-long black spider descended to the floor and began rapidly approaching us.

Wonderful, that's all we needed... I don't like spiders...

The spider, before we reached us three meters away, spoke with a tinkling female voice:

- Diana, your Mistress is disappointed in you... But I am pleased with this spirit! Consider that you owe your life to this man...

- I-I will, Mistress. - stammering, Diana replied, climbing out from under me.

- Now dress and dress the wounds of this soul, and this Mistress will speak to him..." the spider came in close and I could see... a woman's grin on his face.

- I obey! - shouted the miko and quickly disappeared from sight.

Attention! Communication request from *:O%*;Sh*:I!*B;!...

Request received! Connection with Llos, Demonic Spider Queen, established!

Llos! Why would you want Artorias? I can't believe you just offered priesthood to a man you saw for the first time. I hope you haven't forgotten our rules.

You silly little Akasha. You're a hundred millennials younger to talk to the Mistress like that, but be that as it may, the Mistress knows generosity and forgives you... this time. This Mistress is well aware of the rules of your order and has no intention of breaking them. This soul has potential, it just needs to be... Channeled.

Llos... What do you want with it and what do you want from it in return?!

*Akasha... Don't be so suspicious, this Mistress only wants the best!

You play with the fates of thousands of beings and you don't want me to be suspicious?! Don't be ridiculous, I know...

Well, this Mistress understands you, how about a pact? This Mistress will not play with the soul, she will only guide it and sometimes give advice, the soul will decide for itself whether to listen to this Mistress or not.

I cannot choose for Artorias! Art, you choose for yourself. It is your life, and only you have the right to decide how to live it.

I took a deep breath and pondered. By this time Diana had run in and in a few seconds had sewn up the wounds with thread, then bandaged them with bandages and treated them with some stinky ointment.

Spider Queen, tell me, what do I get out of working for you?

A tinkling woman's laughter erupted from the spider and it shook in different directions.

Working for me? *calling laughter* YOU'RE A FIT! YOU'RE FIT, yes! You look so much like him, my guardsman, Malag'Dorla! You know, Artorias, this Queen was very surprised when you entered her territory. She longed to see the new Legend, to see what you were made of and how you'd achieved it... but she never thought you'd come into her den by yourself! She was so surprised the last time Malag'Dorl, Ailestry's mutt, came to my Pits to ask for help... Oh, I didn't kill him on sight because of his sheer impertinence and stupidity! Yes... sweet-sweet madness... You have it in you too... First, I will alter your body a little, to bring you closer to Illytiri, then you will spend five years learning the Drow arts. The whole art... YES, YOU WILL BE IDEAL! *And you will also fulfill the will of my priestess. She wished to see the world, you will have to show it to her... But only after becoming a priest!

Five years... And I can get the power... Did I go through this ordeal for nothing? But Llos plays with mortals...

Akasha, will you help me in case of trouble?

That's why I'm here.

Queen, where will the training take place?

Wherever you like, soul. You choose the place... So, this Queen awaits your answer!

Llos, I agree to your terms.

YES! Yes! You won't regret... The deal! I, Llos the Queen of the Pit, pledge not to play with this creature's soul. I pledge to advise him. In return, this spirit has the right to refuse my advice. This spirit must undergo five years of training, at the end of which he will become my priest. It is also obligated to fulfill the wish of my priestess Diana Lua'Zina to explore this world. May the universe be a witness to us!

A pact! I, the Akashi Library, have heard you and accept your duties and wishes. May the universe be a witness to us!

Art, now you must accept the covenant, repeat after me: 'Covenant! I, Artorias Blood, accept your duties. In return, I undertake to fulfill my part of the contract. May the universe be our witness!"

A treaty! I, Artorias Blood, accept your responsibilities. In return, I pledge to fulfill my part of the bargain. May creation be our witness!

The air vibrated and a bright light illuminated the room. All sounds were silenced, and a golden pentagram appeared on the floor around me, Diana and the spider. Everything fell silent as quickly as it had begun.

The pact was accepted!

Artorias Blood. I, Llos Queen of the Yam, name you by a second name, Kel'Gos, meaning Legendary Beast. Hold out your hand.

I cautiously extended my right hand towards the spider's snout. The feminine smirk disappeared from its head and its stomps returned to their place. The spider crawled up to my hand and bit it on the wrist. I could feel something spreading across my arm, but I didn't remove it. After a dozen seconds, the spider let go of my hand and a dark scarlet seal began to appear in the form of a spider, surrounded by a ligature of symbols unknown to me.


You have been marked by the Llos Queen of the Pit!


You have been awarded the title: "Junior Priest of the Spider Queen".


You have been marked with her seal by the Llos Queen of the Pit, she will always know where you are and will be able to watch over you.

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Attention! This title cannot be removed!

Attention! The "Contract of the Highest" has been made, all participants undertake to fulfil their part of the contract!

Attention! You have been poisoned by ?*;;%:;*:

The rebuilding of your body has begun!

End of rebuilding in: 7:46:21

Congratulations! You have gained the skill "Throw (passive)"!

Throw (Passive)

Level: 9

- What's that in your hand? A coin? You want to beat me with a coin?

- In the right hands, even a coin is a deadly weapon...

When thrown with any object:

Accuracy +9%.

Damage +9%.

Speed +9%.

Congratulations! You have gained the Adrenaline Blast (active) skill!

Adrenaline Blast (active): 10 HP.

Level: 2

When time slows down, you begin to notice the passage of time.

Slows subjective time by 9%.

Deceleration lasts 12 seconds.

Requires a break of at least 6 hours between uses.

Congratulations! You have gained the Sense of Danger (passive) skill!

Sense of Danger (Passive)!

Level: 1

Come on out! I know you're close by!

You feel a threat directed at you.

Radius of action: 5 metres.

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