

Sitting up hastily, you gasp. "How long was I out for?" You glance around looking for a sign of time.

The lights in the room were on, and the door was shut. However, you could hear the sound of music booming from the other side and people laughing.

It didn't sound like the girls.

You were nervous.

Glancing down at yourself, you instinctively pat yourself, feeling for any bruising, or signs of unconsented touching.

Everything seemed normal.

Except for the abrupt wave of nausea that swept over you.

You hop out of bed covering your mouth, looking for an exit. To the left of the room was a door leading to the bathroom. Without hesitation, you fly in there, lifting the toilet seat, hunched over, and vomited.

The instant relief that came after the pain was noteworthy.

Flushing the toilet you take a labored breath to recompose yourself. "Damn…what the hell happened to me?"

The bedroom door opens, causing a flood of loud music to fill the room.

Your heart begins to pulse arduously.

Elevating from the toilet, your eyes glued to the bedroom, awaiting the person who came in.

It was one of Yoongi's men.

He peers into the bathroom from a safe distance, noticing that you were already eyeing his direction.

"Oh, you're awake."

"Who are you?" You question, backing into the sink.

"Calm down. Your friends are in the living room enjoying themselves. It could have been you enjoying yourself, if you weren't so hung over."

Hearing that baffled you. "What?"

"We will be waiting for you." The man leaves and shuts the door behind him.

You glance down at yourself one last time to make sure you were still wearing your party dress.

Correcting your posture, you exhale. After rinsing your mouth out with the complementary mouthwash, you exit the bathroom, still skeptical about where you were. You saw your phone laying on the dresser next to the bed. You rush over and grab it, checking your homescreen. Your eyes glisten seeing a notification from Kyla.


We're gonna be chilling in the living room with Yoongi and the others. Hurry up and wake up! </3

Your eyes widen at the sight of Yoongi's name.

"...Yoongi?" You mumble.

Lowering the phone from your face you fix your gaze at the door that was slightly ajar. You find yourself inching towards it. Opening it by just a crack you peek out.

There you see Kyla, Leah, and Bailey laughing, sitting in the laps of men that sat around like handsome decor.

There were also a number of women that were present. They were all beautifully adorned, from their straightened hair, to their makeup down to their feet. You were speechless to see that you were in the middle of such a fabulous scene.

With the dimmed lights and disco ball illuminating parts of the living room, you realized how misplaced you were.

Stepping back from the door, you attempt to call your best friend, hoping that she would pick up. With the phone pressed to your ear, you peer through the door once more to watch and see if she would notice her phone blowing up. But she didn't.

You suck your teeth. "Come on…just go out there. There's no point in waiting around here…" With your last breath, you step through the door, beelining towards Kyla.

She immediately sees you coming at her, causing her face to brighten. "Bestie!" She emerges from the lap of a man she was sitting in. "You're finally up!"

"Where are we?" You whisper in her face.

"We're in Yoongi's suite!" She cheeses.

"Yoongi?" You repeat in disbelief. "Kyla, stop messing with me."

"You don't remember he helped me take you back to this hotel?"


"(Y/N), my girl!" Bailey waves her glass in the air.

You follow her voice and see she's also sitting in the lap of another man. "It's good to see you back to your bad bitch self! I was worried you were gonna miss the entire night!"

"...the entire night?" You question yourself, trying to grasp the situation. Taking a peek at the time on your phone, you gawk to see that it was 3 AM.

"Kyla, where are we? How did I get here?"

"I already told you. Yoongi helped me bring you up here. And yes, it's Yoongi from BTS! Can you believe it?!"

"No. Actually, I can't." You march away to the kitchen, checking to see if you can snag a bottle of water from somewhere. You were absolutely thirsty and needed to guzzle something before you had a panic attack.

A group of adults were huddling around the kitchen, making it harder for you to pass through. Excusing yourself, you squeeze your way in.

"Sorry, pardon me." Pushing yourself further in, you bump into a man with a firm and solid back. He smells so good, it catches you off guard.

He turns around to see what unfortunate little midget got stopped by him. "Oh, you're awake."

You blink a few times, wondering if he was really talking to you.

Well, duh! Of course he was talking to you!


He smiles.

Your brain took a moment to let this reality sink in.

"Y…Yoongi?!" You yelp.

Yoongi snaps his finger. "Correct."

You look left and right, waiting for the cameras to come out. "Alright, who's trying to mess with me?"

The rapper cackles. "This is not a prank."

"B-But why here?!" Your query. "This has to be some kind of joke."

"I told you I wasn't joking." Kyla pouts. "Stop doubting me, (Y/N)."

You were aghast by this phenomenon. Banking away, you lean yourself on the counter, recomposing yourself.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you sober."

"Sober…" You whisper to yourself, instantly recalling the event that happened at the club and the bar near the hotel. "...oh my God."

"I saw you bugging out on two guys at my bar across the street. I had to step in quickly before things got ugly."

"I do remember that!" You gasp. "But…not vividly…where are they anyways? I know I was about to beat them up!"

"I dealt with them after I helped Kyla bring you back here."

"Y-You really brought me here?! You know Kyla???"

Kyla folds her arms, shaking her head at you.

You couldn't deny the truth anymore.

Yoongi was truly standing before you.

Your lips went numb, making it hard for you to talk. It was clear how overwhelmed you were becoming by his presence. "B-But why…? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your tour?" Your eyes light up. "Your tour!"

Smirking, Yoongi leans toward you. "Ah…so you are a fan."

You become a red tomato, covering your mouth.

Yoongi laughs. "That's really cute. Also, you're pretty funny when you're drunk. You know that?"

"A-Am I really?" You chirp. At this point, Yoongi might as well have kissed you. He was in your personal bubble, making your body quiver intensely from his close proximity. His beautiful eyes clothed by his monolids hypnotized you. It was too much to bear. Uttering his real name suddenly felt taboo to you. "S-Suga, please…"

"Suga?" He raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I too close?" He takes a step back. Tilting his head, he observes how discomfiting this moment is for you. He apologizes.

"You don't have to apologize…I'm just so…shocked. Like, this isn't real at all, yet it is."

"I think you can use some unwinding. Come on." Yoongi holds his hand out to you.

You glance at him briefly before dropping your attention to his hand. With ease, you take it, allowing him to lead you.

The crowd seemed to be unbothered by Yoongi's presence. It was impressive how he was treated like an actual person rather than a celebrity here.

Yoongi takes you to the table, pouring a drink for you and himself, and then shimmies over to the balcony. A few people were already there, whispering and giggling. You questioned why the star would bring you to this specific area.

There were plushy seats on the floor. Two to be exact.

Yoongi encourages you to sit down as he follows suit. You take off your heels and kneel down to his level. The seats were cushy. Your body sinks into the material, swallowing your shoulders, arms, and some of your thighs. Bashful, you squeeze your thighs together subtly to not distract the star.

"So," Yoongi shifts himself in his cushion to feel cozier. "I hear that you're studying abroad here?"

Puzzled, you ask, "Kyla told you that?"


"W-Well, yes…that's partially true."

"But?" Yoongi adds.

"But…" You laugh awkwardly. "I sort of dropped out more than halfway through my studies."

"Really?" Genuinely fascinated, Yoongi gapes. "How come?"

"Well…I came to realize how competitive schooling is here…you have to really be on top of the game. Or else, you'll get left behind."

"That's not always the case. Some schools focus more on your growth rather than how much you excel. At least that's what I thought for foreigners who come here."

"I thought so too…maybe I just applied to the wrong course."

"What were you taking up?"

"Business Accounting."

"Ah." Yoongi puckers his lips. "That course is actually challenging. My condolences."

Chuckling, you exhale heavily. "It's a lesson learned. I was mortified to tell my agency that I was throwing in the towel. I thought they would send me back to America immediately. But surprisingly, they offered me the rest of the year to stay here. I'm actually grateful for their generosity."

"That's cool. I hope you find something better to do here before you leave back to America. By the way, what part of America are you from?"

"Uh, New York."

"Oh! That's where my show is going to be first."

Sheepishly, you grin. "Yeah…I know."

"You were going to come and see me?"

"Of course!" Passion fills your words. "I've always wanted to attend a BTS concert, but I never had the opportunity to. I actually happened to stumble upon your tickets online after finishing another concert…I couldn't believe that you were having a show in New York! And on your own for the first time?!"

"I'm so flattered, I think I'm blushing." His laugh was contagious, you couldn't help but smile.

Am I really having a conversation with a member of BTS?! You squeal internally.

"I'm curious though. Why didn't you just come see me in Seoul?"

"Tickets ran out almost immediately." You explain after taking a sip of your drink. "I was two hours too late, since I was so busy doing god knows what. And by the time I finally got queued into the website, all the tickets sold out. It was unbelievable."

"Wow. I didn't even get the news that we sold out. Damn."

"You are truly loved, Yoongi." You take a huge gulp, smacking your lips softly.

"...am I?" He mumbles doubtfully.

You perk your ears up. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"No, nothing of importance." He smiles. "Are you a fan of anyone else in the group?"

"Uh…" You feel as though this is a trick question. "...is it legal to answer that question?" You joke nervously.

"Don't worry, there's no bias here." He winks.

You didn't know how true that was, but you hesitate before answering.

"Well…I admire Jungkook…he's caught my eye for a few years."

"So, he's your bias?"

Your dumbass knew the correct term. You just felt it would be rude to specify that.

"You can say that…"

"Are you scared that I'm going to bite you for having preferences?" Yoongi smirks.

"N-No! I just feel like it's not fair to favor the rest of the group in the presence of one of the members trying to make a solo career! Especially at his own party AND suite? Even I know that's messed up!"

Yoongi's eyes slit as harmless breaths of joy escape his lips. "I don't mind it. We all know who is the most popular in the group, and it all stems from different strengths. We're all loved in different ways."

"Well, you deserve more." You deadpan.

The two of you stare at each other.

"Is it the liquor talking?" You quack.

Yoongi shrugs. "If it's the liquor talking, then I must be high."

You both chuckle.

"If I may ask," Gazing at Yoongi, you pause briefly. "What got you into music?"

The jovial persona vanishes, leaving Yoongi staring at you.

Lowering your head, you apologize.

"You don't have to be sorry. I didn't think anyone would personally ask me that question."

"Has no one asked you that before?"

Holding his chin, the rapper ponders for a bit. "Not what I know of. We've had numerous documentaries and interviews about our journeys…I think I was pretty elaborate with mine."

Was he trying to tell you something about you?

You laugh sheepishly. "Honestly, I haven't seen most of BTS's documentaries…"

Yoongi's eyes light up. "Really?"

You were astonished to see the man intrigued. "I…was more into the music than the lives of each member…it sounds selfish, I know. But I always felt as though my connection was already deep with you all because of how well written the music is."

Yoongi grins ear to ear, visibly pinkish. "I think I like you."

You didn't expect to hear the famous rapper make such a statement. Your tongue freezes in place as you stare into his eyes. When your tongue thaws you whisper, "…I still don't believe this is real."

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