

I sat beside the elemental on a snowy hillside, resting against Fable with my legs tucked neatly beneath me. My tail twitched back and forth impatiently as the Last Light Company formed ranks in the valley below us as they prepared to enter the gate. Those chosen to remain behind and guard the entrance or not suited to combat in a wintery climate were establishing camp just beneath the gate. 

My impatience wasn't so much because the preparations were taking long, but I didn't know what else to feel. I'd accepted that I would remain behind, but though they hadn't even left yet, I yearned for them to return safely. My chest tightened just thinking about the battle to come, memories of my near-death experiences in the gates coming to the forefront of my mind. Without my Nexus and protection, how many soldiers would be exposed to the elements of a sixth-level gate, not to mention the claws of their infernal inhabitants?

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