

A/N: I've been reading through some of my earlier chapters and found there were a few things in my vision that didn't quite develop in the way I originally planned. So, I took the liberty of retconning a few things in the early story. There's no major impact on any of the characters or world, just a few terminologies. 

The biggest changes are in the identifications at the Shard of Omniscience. In regards to soul strength and mana affinity, I felt that the wording was a little confusing. I had some other ideas that made sense, but the story developed in a different direction. I've gone back and made the changes in previous chapters. You can view the new statuses in the character descriptions available for Xiviyah and Korra. 

Anyway, this is also your friendly reminder to leave a review. We just need a few more to get rated and I'll release like 3 or 4 chapters. Thanks for reading!

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