
AZI Volume 4 Chapter 44

Maintaining their position—of Long Hua being pressed onto the bed, with Tian Cheng hugging tightly onto him like a frightened child, morning gradually draws near.



Eventually, it is Tian Cheng—who makes the first move to break their posture by lifting her head away from Long Hua's chest, to reveal an expressionless face that is no different from usual, other than her magenta-colored eyes being opened.



Instead of giving a verbal answer, Tian Cheng simply nods her head.


Within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor's face is as red as it could be, as she makes a begrudging expression, while muttering—

"To think that I had actually fallen asleep… Kuh. This humiliation…"

Heaving a heavy sigh, the Tai Xuan Emperor shakes her head, as she convinces herself that if her situation had befallen anyone else, they would have surely done the same.

The entirety of the nightmarish experience is something that she doesn't dare to recall. However, she still considers her behavior, which was no different from a frightened child, to be unacceptable for someone of her age and status.

Her sole blessing under these circumstances lies in the fact that Long Hua doesn't know her to be the one in control of his doll.



"So? What exactly was it that got you so spooked last night?"

Inevitably, Long Hua would ask about the circumstances that led to the situation from last night, and towards his question, Tian Cheng replies with—


Within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor turns her head quickly.

(What do I say here? Do I try to act cute, and cling to him more? Or do I act a bit more serious? No, acting cute, and clinging to him would be out of character for my vessel. Being serious is probably best, but… Ah, what would I even say if I wanted to be serious?)

With not much time left to spare, the Tai Xuan Emperor can only choose to answer with—


"…A voice appeared last night."

Believing in the idea that a good lie is one with a portion of the truth contained in them, Tian Cheng decides to be somewhat honest.

"A voice? ...…!"

Gradually, Long Hua's eyes widen as a certain individual's voice comes to mind, causing him to ask—

"Is it that unpleasant bastard?"

Replying with a nod, Tian Cheng goes on to say—

"He said, he plans to grant master unlimited freedom with your evolution. However, it's unclear as to what he has in mind when he says he's interested in creating a system for it."


Hearing this, an odd feeling manifests in Long Hua's heart. This feeling is difficult to put into words; however, under normal circumstances, the situation mentioned should probably be—

"Ai, not something to look forward to… For sure…"

*Ping.* just as Long Hua had muttered this, his new phone goes off, and picking it up from the side, a new message that reads—

[Renovations are still ongoing @ the office no need 2 come in 4 2day. Honestly no clue as 2 when we'll b able 2 go there bk again.]

Reading through Ye Chen's messy text message, Long Hua sets the phone down, and says—

"Isn't it about time for you to get off?"

Thinking deeply about what the appropriate response to this situation would be, Tian Cheng eventually replies with—

"Is it fine to stay like this… For another five minutes, master?"

Normally, Long Hua would definitely find this to be odd; however—

"…So, even a machine would feel fear towards that unpleasant bastard?"

Towards this question, Tian Cheng doesn't reply, as she presses the face of her vessel against Long Hua's chest.


Positioning the side of his hand over his lips, while placing it over Tian Cheng's head—as if to comfort her, Long Hua hides his venomous smile away from sight.


Right on the five-minute mark, Tian Cheng has her vessel push itself off Long Hua.

Sitting upon the bed's edge, and shutting her eyes, while maintaining an expressionless face, Tian Cheng asks—

"What are your plans for today then, master?"

"Office is closed. Need to kill some time before the aircrafts arrive with the items. Hmm. Let's just relax at the café, but before that…"

Taking out the magic treasure refinement talisman, along with the other two Spirit Armaments, Long Hua turns to Tian Cheng, and says—

"You can take the two Spirit Armaments for your dummies."


As Tian Cheng stores the two Spirit Armaments away, Long Hua takes out Bai Zhe, and pastes the talisman onto it.

As white light covers Bai Zhe, Long Hua thought—

(It's somewhat similar to the effects of the Divine Weapon of Tai Xuan.)

Momentarily, the white light dissipates, revealing a soft sword of the same length and width as the original—being three feet long, with a width of one and a half fingers.

Different from before, the original gold accents—that were wrapped around the white handle have turned black, along with its blade.


Examining the weapon, Long Hua tests its blade's ability to bend, along with its durability.

(I guess, it's a universal concept—that magic treasures can change in appearance, when they are elevated into another realm. Hmm, can't really be called Bai Zhe with its blade being so dark now. Flowers within the Mist—although incomplete, it's my current limit due to my cultivation base. I suppose, it's about time I start on refamiliarizing myself with "Moons Dwelling within the Lake." Then, I guess I should name this sword…)

Contemplating about a new name for this sword, Long Hua eventually arrives at—

"Shuǐ Yuè."

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