
AZI Volume 4 Chapter 43


Light laughter emanates from all directions.

The person who had frozen the flow of time was none other than the creator of that odd world, which had a colossal white serpent coiling around it.

[The amount of freedom to grant to my masterpiece, and the restrictions that should be set. I've pondered and pondered at how I should go about this. In the end, I believe it would be best to grant my masterpiece unlimited freedom with its options. However, that's not to say that I'm willing to just give up on my vision of what its evolution should be.]


The sheer amount of terror that the Tai Xuan Emperor feels from being in the presence of this individual is difficult to describe with words.

There is no doubt in the Tai Xuan Emperor's mind that this individual is equal to Dao He Tian Xue, but unlike Dao He Tian Xue, who is an incomplete being with flaws, this individual is complete—making them much more terrifying.

[Tai Xuan Emperor.]

"…! Y-Yes…?"

Being called out by the terrifying existence, the Tai Xuan Emperor can't help but straighten her back sharply, as the former says—

[I know of your past and your future. You're an interesting individual.]

"Uh? …Thank you?"

[It's an honest compliment; you may take it with pride. Personally, I enjoy watching individuals of your nature because people similar to you and my masterpiece—never cease to entertain me.]

Despite the individual's praise, the Tai Xuan Emperor can't feel an ounce of happiness. If anything, her dread would only increase with every passing second.

Even if she is only a spiritual body at this time, the Tai Xuan Emperor feels like she currently possesses a beating heart, and should this imaginary heart's rate of beating increase any further, it would surely pop like a balloon.

(Surnamed *, just how tough are your nerves? To even think of telling this monster to piss off, you…-)

Inwardly shaking her head, the Tai Xuan Emperor dismisses these thoughts.

[My 8,749,329,910,181st experimental subject, my current masterpiece—not even I know why, but I feel like it is extremely special; hence, I do not wish for anything to go wrong with its evolution.]

"I-Is that so…?"

[Indeed. Since I am still feeling conflicted about the restrictions that I should set for it… I've decided to create a replicant of it.]


Ignoring the Tai Xuan Emperor's reaction of bewilderment, the individual continues to say—

[However, a simply replicant cannot possibly be comparable to the real thing. Strict observations are in order. To create a perfect replicant of my current masterpiece, I need to see how it would react under every possible situation imaginable; this is especially so when it is hunting. Tai Xuan Emperor, your system of granting rewards at a cost is to my liking. It should be suitable to my goal of creating the perfect replicant.]


Not knowing what to say, the Tai Xuan Emperor merely responded with a subtle nod.



Something presses down on the top of her head, and counting the number of pressure points that are being pressed down on, the Tai Xuan Emperor is quick to recognize it to be a hand.

The temperature of this hand is akin to dry ice, and despite it not exerting much strength at all, the Tai Xuan Emperor finds it impossible to move away from its grip.

Closer than ever before, the individual says—

"It is imperative that I see how your thought process works—when you were creating this system."




As soon as Long Hua reopens his eyes, Tian Cheng falls right on top of him with her face pressed against his chest.


Making the situation stranger, is the fact that she is hugging onto him tightly—in a way that is almost desperate, as if she is a child, who is in fear of something.


Despite finding this situation rather strange, Long Hua doesn't say anything, as he places one hand onto Tian Cheng's head, and strokes her artificial hair.


Within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor, who had experienced something akin to having numerous cold-bodied serpents coiling around inside her head—has just turned the sensory feedback that she would receive from her vessel to its max setting.


Currently, she is seated with both arms wrapped tightly around her folded legs.

Even now, her magenta-colored eyes are still filled with utter dread.


Through the sensory feedback of her vessel, the Tai Xuan Emperor becomes aware of how cold Long Hua's body temperature is.

But this level of coldness—it could be considered warm, when it is compared to the frigid eeriness that she had experienced under the hand of that individual, who is equal to Dao He Tian Xue.


Under the comfort of this coldness, the Tai Xuan Emperor's eyes close gradually, and for the first time in many years, she sinks into slumber.


Momentarily, Long Hua places a hand to his lips—feeling it to be curved into the form of a venomous smile.


Out in the vast voids of space—

"Truly an interesting thought process. Well then…"

Raising his right hand, the man—who had instilled into the Tai Xuan Emperor a deep sense of dread, conjures a bubble on top of his palm.

If one looks closely into this bubble, they will see an island surrounded by raging seas, and the raging seas surrounded by the colossal body of a white serpent.

"I may as well recreate some of my past experimental subjects, and put them to good use."

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