
Now this is beautiful

The world was dark. There was screaming. They are searching for their lives. Monsters were fighting for their lives for the demon's entertainment.

But what can you expect something interesting from the like of a demon kind? They were known for being brutal. Their sense of joy was different. They hoped to be destroyed.

But what the fun in destruction.

Fire and crying didn't make it entertaining.

Lucifer woke up from his slumber. He was pretty bored. His bedroom was dry. No fun. At least there was leftover blood to drink.

He grabbed the cup. Looking inside was dark blood it was probably last night's scratch. He drank the whole cup.

" Yike. " Lucifer coughed. " Not a great idea. "

He got up from his bed, butt naked. He walked toward the mirror and looked for admiration.

" Damn, I am really beautiful. " He touched his face.

His smile died and he looked at the door behind him. He frowned. " What? Gaben. "

The door opened and the maid with one horn came into Lucifer's sight. She was about age 25 and have slight grey hair.

Lucifer picked her when he saw her beauty.

He loved beauty.

" In case you forgot, There is a meeting on Prince. " Gaben said. She didn't even react when she saw naked Lucifer.

Her words brought back forgotten anger. Lucifer clicked his tongue. " I am still angry that Prince stopped me from participating during the raid. They are idiots. "

He complaint. After a few seconds of silence, Lucifer sighed. " At least you should back me. Never mind prepare my clothes. "

Looking sharp with his fashion sense, he headed toward the Prince's castle. He lived in the high noble compound. The lowest level of the underworld.

Things were hot here so all the demons usually wore cool clothes. Some didn't even wear anything. Just a bunch of barbaric.

He used Ice on himself and walked his way. He saw other high nobles flying toward the castle.

' That is not my style. My clothes are meant to look cool when walked. ' He was proud of his style.

As he reached the castle, he heard about the battle situation. ' Only one of them managed to achieve our goal and that one is dead. ' He laughed inwardly. ' Well, what should I expect from them? It is a fool plan, to begin with. '

" Hey, Lucifer. "

Someone warped his hand on Lucifer's neck. Large and muscular hand. It stinks as well.

Lucifer cast Fire.

" Ouch, What was that for? " Filenn said. His loud voice was annoying.

" Can't I say hello to my friend? "

" No. " Lucifer said. " Tell me why the Prince summoned us. "

Filenn sighed. " I don't know. "

Lucifer saw right through his lie.

Filenn smiled. " Don't worry. You are about to know. Come. "

They both walked into the hall.

There were countless paintings about blood and horror. Previous Prince and countless other Prince loved blood. Lucifer didn't know why? It was not the only entertainment in the world.

Sure, conquering the upper world is important but it is not that necessary. ' Okay, I take that back fighting is fun. '

He sat on his chair. He may be the only middle-rank demon here but his authority is almost the same as high demon. He can reach high demons at any time.

He observed nervous demons they are like an old man beside his home who complain too much about noise.

He sighed. ' Here come. '

The Prince entered the meeting last. Showing his power as usual.

He sat on the chair and said. " Our result is no good."

Someone from the greed path said, " But Prince we overall achieved our goal. Like telling them about force. "

Before the Greed path opened his mouth, he got erased. There was no trait of his not even his soul.

Lucifer looked at this and sighed. ' I won't use the eraser on this anybody. And what a boring death. '

Nobody in the meeting was surprised.

Their kind got the worse dead. And yet no one didn't care. They moved on.

Each has a plan to conquer the upper world. Prince listened to the plans each had the advantage but for a long turn, it didn't work.

Prince sighed. " Guess. A simple plan is the best. We will fight head-on. "

Lucifer was surprised that they were dumb. Not just any dumb but super dumb.

' Fight in honour. What kind of bullshit was it. They are demons for fuck sake. '

Lucifer stood up. " Hey hey. "

They all looked at him.

" Do you think fighting head-on is the best? " He asked.

Prince exchanged glances with a few demons and nodded. " Of course. Countless princes tried to outsmart humans but they never won. That's why we decided to fight head-on. "

Lucifer's knees gave out. He can't debate them.

Suddenly he felt a change in space in the room. Not just him all other demons felt the same as well. But none of them moved.

The intruder was weak. So weak in fact that he could be considered a child. A dark portal was in the middle of the meeting room.


A man with old clothes walked out from it. His right hand was covered in a terrible scar. A slight red aura from the left eye and a cloak of great evil can be sensed on him.

The demons were not that much distance from an evil deed so they all can feel it. But it was overwhelming.

The man looked around. His gaze stopped at Lucifer. He smiled. It was devious.

Lucifer touched his mouth, he looked down. He was grinding. ' Finally. ' His instinct told him that the man was him.

' He will be the one who can give me entertainment. '

The man clapped his hands to gather attention. But it was only an act as they all eyed him.

" Hello, my name is Raven. I am searching for a job. Do you have any position for me? "

Prince placed his hand on his chin. He looked bored. " So, what do you specialize in? "

The man smiled. " I have nothing but this. " He pointed at his left eye.

Prince looked unimpressed at first but he quickly picked up familiar scents. The scent of the devil.

Prince got up from his seat and he disappeared. Grabbing the man, they both melt into the darkness.

" What is going on? What the matter with his eye? " Lucifer said.

All the high demon packed their thing to leave. There is nothing to discuss anymore.

" Hey, how can you all leave like this? A human shows up. You know. A human. Never in my life, have I heard humans can enter the underworld. " Lucifer yelled in excitement. He was hoping many humans will come and battle here.

' That will be so great. ' He thought.

Filenn patted his shoulder with his large sweaty hand. He shook his head. "Don't be stupid. Bye. I got my part-time job tonight so I won't be able to come to your party. "

Lucifer was left alone. He waited for the Prince. He was so excited.

After a few hours passed.

Prince and the man entered the meeting room. The old clothes on the man were now gone replaced by royal clothes. Lucifer finally saw the full face.

He was thin and weak. A long black hair tied up from his back. One black eye and the other red. He carried the weight of evil and had confident looks.

A strange human.

Prince saw Lucifer sitting. " What are you doing here? I thought everyone when to home. "

The man looked at Lucifer.

Prince pointed at Lucifer, " This gentle demon is my friend from the old days. "

" Hey, what old days. " Lucifer scolded.

" Sorry for his tone. So I know about your plan so who do you need. I have the finest soldier to guard you. "

The man pointed at Lucifer. "Him and I have someone in mind but she will need a few tricks to get. For now him. "

" Are you sure about that? The plan is dangerous. " Prince asked.

The man nodded.

" I see. So I wished you luck. Take whatever you like here. I still can't believe the devil would give it to you. Your mental strength must be high. Bye. " Prince said. He then looked at Lucifer, " Hey, don't screw up. "

He disappeared.

So there were only two left. The man gave a breath and sat nearby the chair. He placed his legs on the table crossing.

Lucifer asked. " So what is the plan that Prince talk about? "

" Raven. " The man said.

" What? "

" My name, dumbass. How can you talk to someone without knowing their name? " The man said.

Lucifer frowned. He never thought about that. " Lucifer Morningstar. So what is the plan? "

Raven looked up at the ceiling. There had been no cleaning in age here. He frowned in disgust.

" A plan to overthrow the Pope of fire. "

Lucifer fell from his chair. " Holy shit. Really. "

Raven nodded. His expression was wicked. Twisted in a lot of senses.

He got it from the chair and stood on top of the table. " Lucifer, I got no power. You see this scar. "

Lucifer nodded.

" This is the curse of the Fire God. I can never be able to sleep at night. No. I can never be at peace when the sun goes down. "

" Even now I am feeling the pain of burning. "

Raven smiled. " You demons want to take over the upper world but I am different. But at least our goal is the same. Follow me I will show you a messed-up world I will create. "

Lucifer felt a chill pass all over his body. ' He is beautiful with that insane look. '

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