
Her Dream 

From there, Duke George dragged Abel from one point to another to formally introduce him to some of his friends and some high-ranking officials of Ebodia. All throughout, even though he was conversing with others, Abel still managed to check on Dani every so often. From what he could see, she too was very busy entertaining their guests, smiling left and right at all the people she had to greet. And by the time it was already dark out, he honestly just wanted to skip through everything and just grab his wife so that the two of them could finally have some time alone.

A few moments later, Abel sighed as he comfortably sat back at his designated table. He had finally managed to get back to their couple's table, but unfortunately, Dani wasn't there. As such, he quickly searched for her, and his lips stretched wide upon seeing her already approaching him.

"Oh, my dear husband!" she cheerfully greeted as she sat beside him. "How's the party going?"

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