
All or Nothing.

The room decorated with colorful flowers was filled to the brim with individuals from different works in Kynburgh. There were individuals from the former Royal family, high-ranking military personnel, city lords, religious men, and high-earning citizens. 

Though all Kynburgh's citizens would want to attend such a ceremony, the space was restricted, so only high-ranking figures could witness this live event.

In the center of this crowd was a small shelter supported by seven poles with colorful fabric and flowers as its ceiling.

A small fire was located in the shelter, burning brilliantly in the room.

This was one of the many traditions of Kynburgh, specifically pertaining to weddings. In this ceremony, the groom had to sit at the altar, awaiting his bride who would walk majestically in the company of her relatives.

Stiles idly sat at the altar, the flowery mask covering his expression as he surveyed the room.

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