

As the infiltrators grappled with the relentless river current, their struggles became a symphony of survival echoing through the darkened night. The turbulent waters, stirred into chaos by the earlier commotion on the bridge, proved to be an unwavering adversary. Each stroke against the tide required not only physical strength but unwavering resilience, as the current tugged at their bodies with a force akin to unseen hands determined to pull them into the unfathomable depths below.

Amidst the darkness, the inky blackness of the river wrapped around them like a shroud, rendering visibility a mere illusion. Disoriented and battered by the unyielding rush of water, the infiltrators fought fiercely to maintain their precarious grip on life. Each gasp for breath was a battle cry against the suffocating torrent, a defiant stance in the face of a formidable watery foe.

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