
Chapter 8: The Drunken Fox

The drunk fox beastman said, "What is going on now? Did I fuck up *hic* or something?" He then collapsed due to how much he drank. "Ah fuck. He's gone. Don't mind the intrusion." Aliyah said this and then practically dragged the guy into his home and onto his bed.

"Let's wait for him to wake." said Aliyah. So we brought over chairs and sat down together. 'Isn't this illegal? I mean we entered someone else's home but I'm with a knight so it should be fine...' I thought.

I was already tired from all the walking and fighting I did earlier. Damn this child body...I get tired so easily now. 'I'm struggling to stay awake' I said in my mind. "Oh? Are you tired, Pearl?" Aliyah had noticed me nodding off. And had patted her lap with her hand signifying I can lay my head there.

As the seconds went by I slowly started to drift off to sleep so I put my head on Aliyah's lap and fell asleep.


Pearl fell asleep on my lap a few minutes ago. 'AH! WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE SO DAMN ADORABLE!!! Okay, me. Calm down. I have to keep an eye out on this man...what was his name again? Hmm. OH! It was Lawrence. Right. It was Lawrence Halmeyer.' I said in my mind.

'Well since I have nothing to do.' After saying all that I noticed Pearl's little ears and tail. 'Oh.. I want to, but I shouldn't...do you think she would be mad? Argh...FUCK IT!' I yelled in my mind. I slowly started to approach her ears with my hand and I felt one of them.

"Mhn..." Pearl let out a small sound that I found even more adorable. I petted her head and ears until it was time for the main course; the damn fluffiest tail I've ever seen.

I reached for it but since her body is so small, I only had to move my arm a little to feel it. It was soft, VERY soft. I could get addicted to this...

Before I knew it, 3 hours had passed. Pearl was still asleep and I was still petting her. "...ah?" I heard a man's voice. It was Lawrence, he had awoken. "What the hell? What's a knight in my house for? Dammit, I only remember the pub last night. I really need to stop drinking so much...haha." Lawrence then got out of his bed after talking and proceeded to introduce himself.

"Hello, Miss Knight. My name is Lawrence Halmeyer. Do you have some sort of business with me?" I stopped petting Pearl and said, "Yes. Do you remember that application for a missing child you sent in to us a few months ago? I would like to know, is this little one your's? The description from the application fits her almost perfectly." Lawrence proceeded to get down to see Pearl better and he studied her physical features for a minute or so.

"Although this little one does look like my daughter, I can tell that she is not mine. I'm sorry for making you come all the way out here." Lawrence then bowed down in front of me. I said back, "It's fine, really. I mean this is part of my duty as a knight of Rybim." Lawrence gave an awkward smile, but I could tell that there was some humor and sincerity behind it.

"...huh?" Pearl had now awoken and sat up. Her hair was a bit messed up from laying on my lap. Although if I may say, she is even cuter with that drowsy expression! *Ahem* Anyways, I should tell Pearl about the results of this. "Good afternoon, Pearl. You slept on my lap for a good while, huh?" After I said that, Pearl had fully woken up and her face turned red from simple embarrassment. How cute!


I woke up and I now had realized that I fell asleep on Aliyah's lap. HOW EMBARRASSING! But back to the reason we're here. "So, how'd it go? Am I his child, or no?"

After I said this, Aliyah replied. "I'm sorry to say, but he said that he can tell you're not his daughter." I was honestly relieved by that answer since now I can focus on adventuring around and doing guild quests when I become an adventurer. But there is something I want to ask the man.

"Hey uh, mister? If I may ask this, what is your daughter's name? And does she look like me?" Lawrence looked at me and said, "Her name was Claire. She looked almost exactly like you but she is a quite bit taller than you."

I thought for a moment and gave an answer. "If I see someone like that, I will try and alert them of the situation with you. And if I can help them get back to you, I will try my best!"

Lawrence's face turned into a delightful one but tears started to form in his eyes a bit. He wiped his eyes to clear the tears that had begun to build up. "Thank you, little one. Well, may I call you Pearl?" I nodded to answer that.

"Alright then Pearl. I hope you and this beautiful knight here have a great day. Thank you for the attempt of finding my daughter." After he said that, Aliyah and I walked towards the front door.

I waved goodbye to Lawrence as we walked down the street back towards the place with Denise.

It had started to get dark outside and I had gotten worried. "Hey, Pearl? Do you have a place to stay?" said Aliyah. I shook my head no. Aliyah then picked me up and said, "Well then. How would you like to come stay with me in my room? You'd have to ignore the other 2 people in there if they get obnoxious."

Did she really invite me over? Wait, 'Hey Gem? Is she trustable?' I said to Gem. [She is giving off no malice towards you. It would also seem that she has a liking towards beastmen seeing how she was fondling your ears and tail as you slept.]

'Oh..' I said. I looked over to Aliyah and said, "Can you at least do that stuff when I'm awake? I don't like people touching me, especially when I'm asleep..." Aliyah was surprised.

"I didn't - I thought it would be okay...sorry!" Aliyah apologized to me. She was super close to my ears so when she yelled her sorry, it kind of hurt. I grabbed my ears and held them to my head. "Sorry." Aliyah apologized again for being too loud. It was getting colder so I took my robe out of my inventory and put it on while Aliyah wasn't looking.

"But are you sure you'd let me stay with you? I'm a beastman, as you can see. Wouldn't it possibly cause altercations between you and others?" Aliyah had now put me on her shoulders and I held on to her as to not fall off.

"If anyone has a problem with you, tell me. And I will punch them in the face! Haha!" Aliyah started to laugh a little after her declaration of protection for me while I stay with her. "If it's fine with you, I'd love to stay with you." I said this and Aliyah's face was as happy as she could be.

She started walking towards the building for the knights of the city. "Hey Aliyah? Could you leave out the fact that I'm a beastman? I don't want to cause problems with it." Aliyah agreed to do so. Then we opened the door to the building and Aliyah said, "We're here now." She put me down from her shoulders and back onto the ground. I pulled the hood of my robe over my head as to hide the fact I'm a beastman in case of other people seeing me with the possibility of them not liking beastmen.

There were a few other knights in the lobby area playing cards since they were currently off duty. They looked over in my direction and said, "Oh. Welcome back Aliyah- Who's the little one?" One of the 3 men playing cards got up and moved over to us. He got down in my face and said, "...damn. This one is pretty adorable." My face turned red because everyone keep saying I'm small, cute or adorable.

It's kind of embarrassing, you know? "This little girl is named Pearl. She came to the city today but I'm afraid she has a pretty bad case of amnesia. She can't remember her parents, where she lives, but she can remember how money works. I invited her to stay with me in my room since she has nowhere else to stay."

The man who came up to us now looked at me once again and said, "Well then. My name is Michael. Over there is Robert and Arlo. They might look mean or tough on the outside, but once you get to know them, they're as friendly as ever." He put his hand as to get a hand shake from me seeing how that is common courtesy for a lot of people. I hesitated for a moment but I took his hand and we shook.

"Nice to have you here." said Michael. "T-thank you for letting me stay here." I stuttered. Dammit. Whatever. I was already tired but now I started to doze off again and Aliyah had noticed it. She picked me up and headed to her room for the night. She opened the door to her room. And within it's contents, there were two other women. One had blue hair, and the other had brown hair.

"Welcome back- hold up. Is that a kid?" said the blue haired girl. Aliyah then explained to them what happened and told them everything she told Michael. The two girls listened to Aliyah as she told them about me. I was then sat down on Aliyah's bed. It was soft and comfy. Oohhh...I'm falling...asleep...goodnight.

I passed out almost immediately and Aliyah had taken my boots and robe and set the robe next to the bed on a small table and the boots next to her shoes on the bedside. Aliyah then laid down next to me and the other girls had already left a few minutes ago for their night shift of patrolling the city. Aliyah had brought me closer to her and she hugged me. She then proceeded to fall asleep. Overall, I had some good sleep that night.

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