

"Oh crap, well my guess my joke went overboard and here I thought you just be hospitalized after fall not that it would kill you out right…" He said as he was sweating bucks looking at the soul orb of Selena. 

"Wait, I wasn't even supposed to die!! I was living a very comfy life already just working bare minimum and enjoying my life. And who the frick are you?"

"Well, I am Kirito the god of mischief, not that edge lord from sword art online crap. Heaven knows people keep bringing that shit up nowadays," he pounds his hand to his chest proudly to Selena's bewildered face. (Pic)

"You know what." he snapped his fingers "I got an idea". 

Jesse started to pull out various objects out of his pocket. Most are far too large to fit by any reasonable means. First was a heavy red gauntlet with claw-like fingers. Next a delicate butterfly, flapping its large purple and blue wings lazily. Then there was a full length katana with a crimson blade and a strange handle that looks like a trigger. Finally was a broad three pronged knife with a thick handle covered in text and a ring on its other end. 

"Haven't used this one yet."

Kirito threw the kunai at me. It did not seem to hurt my orb like body, rather it seems like it has merged with my orb body..

"That gift won't be active for some time but this time I can mess with the human soul. Best add it now rather than later." 

Selena's mind began to race. Who is this freak? Why did he throw a knife at me? What does he mean by powers?

"Look, I'm very busy god and I got stuff to do". He answered casually as if I had spoken to him. 

'What the fuck does an Edgey god even do…?' I was just frustrated at this point since 

"You know that's exactly why you don't have a boyfriend…" Kirito said

"Are you reading my mind….? "

"Oh, I wasn't talking about you. You're maidenless for entirely unrelated reasons. But don't worry, you'll be breaking flower buds in no time." 

"I don't even have a body."

"I got the perfect place for you to start." 

We seemed to be having two entirely different conversations. He pulls out a set of six cards that were blue with the design of a mask on the back of it. 

"Here, pull a card." Selena looks at the cards, selecting one in her mind. That card erupts in flames.

"Damn it… oh well, time for you to go." He tosses the cards, revealing that all of them have the same image of a certain chestnut haired girl. 

"That wasn't even a choice, why did you do that…"

"Quit being such a downer". 

He threw the card at my ball form and the card dissolved just like kunai. 

"Not to worry dear, the next great adventure starts now!"

With a flair of his hand, a lever appeared sticking out of the white void. He pulled it down, and the floor below me opened up. Despite being a floating orb of formless light, I felt gravity pulling me down into the darkness. THe last thing I saw was Kirito smile as he had a strangely serious look on his face.

"Fortune smiles upon you. I will see later and I hope you don't disappoint me."

Weiss Schwarz FTW

Fuuka_Stichcreators' thoughts
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