
Florida Man Identifies His Immigrant Employees as Floridian to Escape Charges from Immigration Police

Chapter 153 – Florida Man Identifies His Immigrant Employees as Floridian to Escape Charges from Immigration Police

Leo couldn't stop laughing. He jerked the flightstick to the right and pulled, flying the bus around. The vehicle turned around and reset its course back to the parking lot.

The parking lot was drowned in the sea of flame. But from Leo's perspective, he saw a runway. As cultivators fueled their flying ships with essence stones and spirit stones, the explosion caused a chain reaction.

The rocket's flame ignited all spirit stones and essence stones as if they were gasoline. The fiery fire lit up like beacons, showing Leo the hidden runway in the middle of the burning parking lot.

Leo brought the bus back. As he had learned the distance from the previous landing attempt, he pulled back the throttle and decelerated the vehicle as soon as the wheels touched the ground.

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