
Chapter 8: Awakening

[Omniscient POV]

"You must be wondering why you are here Mr. Baihu," said R.O.B to which Ezekiel nodded still a little shocked at the situation he found himself in.

"Well you're not in trouble per se, however, your not performing at the level I expected," said R.O.B."You've not truly embraced yourself to the reality before you, you still view yourself at least subconsciously as an outsider, and not just of this reality but if that meat suit.

Ezekiel had no words, R.O.B. was right he knew he was holding back, he didn't trust himself and as a result limited himself. But what could he do the memories of his past will always be a blessing and curse. How could he view a world that was once a form of entertainment as his new life, his new everything?

"With that being said here's my proposition," said R.O.B regaining Ezekiel's full attention

"Give up the memories of your past and the knowledge of the new world that it comes with and in exchange, I'll give you a few upgrades, of my choice, of course, make tweaks to your background, that should be interesting to watch."

"What kinda upgrades and what changes to my background specifically? Because if you going to take away what is arguably my biggest advantage then I have an idea of what is like in exchange, but if like to hear what you giving me first," said Ezekiel with some chest.

"You've grown a bigger pair than your last life that's for sure." chuckled R.O.B which was a good sign Ezekiel wasn't about to be squished out of existence"Fist upgrade would be to awake your bloodline to the level of demi-god ranked God Beasts which is equivalent to a Minor god with a stable domain" this brought a smile to Ezekiel's face" Next would be your suit, it now capable of shape-shifting and self-cleaning and this allows you morph it into any article of clothing and it's always fresh upon the repair. I'm even giving it a two-stage combat mode one when you haven't transformed and one when you have because the suit you designed is ass no shock and aww factor just plain and effective which is decent and all but superheroes are flashy. Even that Bat is rocking the emo protector vibe well".

Ezekiel's eyebrow twitched, he was happy about this upgrade to his suit but his taste was being insulted without a subtle.

"As for back groups I've aged up to twenty-one matching your past life and setting your timeline straight to match this change. Your father was an injured clone of the original Byakko who was on limited time and met your mother and had you blah blah, your mother had a dormant metagene blah blah, and now you do too" said R.O.B clearly not a fan of monologues.

Ezekiel's twitching brow sped up. He took a deep breath " Can I make a few suggestions" asked Ezekiel.

"As long as it is interesting and not generic and plays well with the motif of the current inspiration" replies R.O.B

"Since my mother was meta-human let's remove the hybrid yokai and add something spicier" Now this drew the R.O.B's attention.

"Go on," he said anticipation on his face.

"My metagene gives me the abilities of Battle Beast from invincible. In my case, I still have the standard superhuman package of strength, reflexes, endurance, stamina, and speed. With the addition of dense tissue, fangs, and claws with additional abilities granted by my bloodline. However, my transformed state is a combination of my metagene and my bloodline baring tiger features instead of the lion-like battle beast pose and bringing out the full potential of my metagene and bloodline because God Beast, and by extension, their descent grows stronger with age and my metagene being of the physical variety would also develop with time and training I would be a much more entertaining specimen...wouldn't you agree" finished Ezekiel while waiting for R.O.B response.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Delicious this spice you've added Ezekiel," said R.O.B while cackling a tad manic."What if your techniques that require Qi"

"Most can be created via wind manipulation, the other more complicated ones can be inherited abilities of my bloodline that become stronger as I awaken my bloodline to higher stages and I can use them on an instinctual level," says Ezekiel expecting the question.

"Well done My Baihu, ill put a few training montages in your past and have you start your hero career at eighteen giving you three years of crime fighting experience. And your parents left an inheritance for you can't have you broke after all. You have a small sum to buy your house with all the necessities and few indulgences. Your dad even left a few things for you" said R.O.B

Ezekiel's eyes widen something left by a God Beats even a clone would be extraordinary and more money is always helpful.

"All your memories will be altered to fit the new narrative. Goodbye Byakko" said R.O.B. with a face-splitting smile as the space cracked and Byakko was back in the rubble of the collapsed building.

He gets to his feet when pain is like no other hit.

Lightning ran through his blood and fire ants assaulted his sound while a hammer went to town on his brain. His body was being remade and his memories were altered. His old life was erased and his new life was adjusted to fit his new self.

His body was reconstructed as his bones became denser his muscles more compact and his organs more sturdy. His sense sharpened to the extreme and heard the sounds of screaming and fighting before he reigned his senses in. His hair grew longer stopping and his body grew taller stopping at six foot two inches After a few minutes of body modification, he started steaming and stepped out of the rubble into the open streets and he stopped steaming. His body emitted a popping noise as he flexed his body. He was already transformed into pale white short fur with black stripes covering his body his face was a perfect fusion between human and tiger, his ears were pointed and his hair reached his shoulder. His eyes were a piercing amber with predatory slits in the middle and his mouth was filled with fangs. Black retractable classes extended from his fingers and toes and his tail was playful swishing from side to side showcasing the hidden excitement.

(New look while transformed)

With a thought, his armor covers his body while leaving his face partially exposed. It was golden in color and cover his vitals well yet it did not restrict his agility.

(Armor image)

He licked his lips exposing his fangs, and looked in a certain direction before crouching and taking off shattering the asphalt and creating a sonic boom. With a matter of seconds, he was behind Steppenwolf who had stopped his attack on Shazam and was in the process of turning in the direction of the sonic boom. But he was too late as armored fist met face, the side of his helmet shattered, and his face rippled from the impact as he was launched through several buildings before hitting the ground by the dock and creating a trench.

Shazam with a stunned look on his face approached and look transformed to genuine joy.

"I thought you were a goner." he said before giving Byakko a good look"You got a makeover and new threads," said the champion of the gods.

Byakko chuckles while clenching and unclenching his fist reveling in his new strength.

"Something like that. Let's just say I was sleepwalking before..now...I'm wide awake" he said much to Shazam's confusion."He's down but not out what do you say we finish him off," said Byakko while extending his fist towards Shazam. Who was surprised by the gesture he thought that his error had cost his fellow hero his life and even though he was fine he should at least be angry. And yet- Shazam shakes his head other was no time for feeling sorry for himself if the victim (If you can call him that) was fine and he was forgiven then so be it. They had work to do. With his internal struggle over with he extended his fist and pounded Byakko who smirked as if sensing his renewed vigor.

"Yeah.. let's send him packing," said Shazam with a smile on his face.

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