
Forging Begins!!!

Rowan at his full size made Envy smaller than a speck of dust, but that was quickly fixed as the weapon rapidly began to expand until it was 400 miles long.

Rowan seized it by the shaft and raised the Great Axe, channeling the Lost Flames and Berserker Aspect, the Axe Head erupted with a white light brighter than the sun and the core of it was red like blood, his surroundings also lit up as the Arcane Runes activated with a loud clanking sound as if a gigantic cog in a colossal engine had been activated, which was not far from the truth.

With a vicious slice, he parted his chest down to his stomach, and with a roar of resolve he shot a massive burst of Lost Flames and his entire Berserker Intent inside his chest paired with the enhanced vibrational force of Envy, a massive shock wave blasted out from his back pushing his miles long hair to rise up like a gigantic tornado made from golden silk.

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