"Hum... Everything matches what I expected." The man said as he looked at the distorted piece in the altar
'There are also no notifications for reaching this place...'
'Heh, a bunch of stingy bastards.'
"… I better not count my eggs before they hatch."
'A treasure like this wouldn't be buried without some countermeasures for thieves...'
He turned his gaze backward, looking at the door through which he came in.
There, or better put, directly above it was a massive humanoid creature in a fetal position, lodged onto the wall like a gem in a crown.
It had three hands, each holding different colored pyramids about as wide as his height.
Yellow, Red, and Blue.
It looked more like a Statue carved onto the wall than anything else, but the man knew better.
In fact, this wasn't the sole 'statue' in the room.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: