
The Heart of the Journey Part 3: Strength & Weakness

[Location: Northeast Road near of Town of Valestián - Kingdom of Tevell]

[A week and 5 days have passed]

After gathering the supplies for our expedition we met the girls in our wagon in the stable, they were waiting for us and Mei looked anxious to wait for us, after packing everything in the back of the wagon we got on and left for our destination, the iron mines near the northeastern mountains.

-Zyrus: And what exactly is that monster that lives at the bottom of the mine?

-Leah: They're not sure, it could be a giant lizard or a spider mother.

-Mei: Or it can even be a ghost.

-Aeryn: uhhh...M...Mei, don't say...say those things!

-Celes: You don't like ghosts, Aeryn?

-Leah: Not much, she just freezes in fear when she thinks of seeing one.

-Mei: And being a Cleric is quite rare, don't you think?

-Celes: Sure, normally those with holy magic should be able to deal with undead and ghosts without difficulty.

-Aeryn: No...No...I'm not scared of ghosts, I just feel uncomfortable seeing one, thinking about what that person went through to end up like that...

-Leah: You have a great heart Aeryn even with enemies.

-Zyrus: So in the end, nobody knows what we are going to face, perfect, we will fight blindly.

After a few hours driving to the mines, it had already begun to get dark and by the advice of Celes, we decided to stop and camp on the plain to rest, eat and plan our strategy for tomorrow, but there was a problem.

-Celes: The food is ready.

-Leah: Thanks for cooking Celes, the truth is none of us know how to cook.

-Aeryn: Mei tried once.

-Mei: It was all a disaster hehe.

-Zyrus: Well for me, it's the first time I'll try Celes' food.

We all took our first bite of the dish that Celes prepared, a stew with meat and potatoes, at first glance it looked good and appetizing, the taste well...


-Celes: And...well...what do you think?

We all swallowed the first bite but I think it's about as long as we can take, I was beginning to wonder if Celes had really cooked before.

-Zyrus: Celes...when did you learn how to cook exactly...

-Celes: I think was like.... 3 days ago.

-Zyrus: That...explains the strange taste.

It was obvious that someone doesn't learn to cook on their own in three days, this will be a reminder for the future not to let her cook for everyone until she learns to do it well.

-Celes: Doesn't...the stew taste good?

-Leah: It's very salty...

-Aeryn: The potatoes are still hard...

-Mei: And the meat is still raw...

We were able to realize that the dish was not only poorly cooked, but also that some ingredients were not well cooked and the broth of the stew was cold in some parts and hot in others, it was edible but it did not feel the best.

-Celes: I...I'm sorry, I think I should have told you before.

-Zyrus: No..no, it's fine, you just have to make some improvements and it will look better.

I had cooked before in my world when I was alone with Kaoru, so I tried to give the stew a better flavor, cooking it a little more, stirring it, adding other seasonings and after about 15 minutes, I served the dish again to the girls. I could see the insecurity on her faces but after taking the first bite, their faces changed.

-Mei: Wow...it's delicious!

-Aeryn: This tastes amazing Zyrus.

-Leah: I can't believe it, this tastes completely different than before.

-Celes: How... wonderful is this flavor, My Lord, I didn't know you knew how to cook.

-Zyrus: Well, I'm not a professional but I have my ability.

We spent some time in front of the campfire enjoying the stew, looking at the dark sky with the stillness of the night, when I left the castle almost two weeks ago, I never thought I could enjoy a night like this.

-Celes: And why exactly did they become Hunters?

-Mei: It's simple, I want to be known as the best Treasure Hunter and also the most beautiful in the world, there is a great treasure that I'm sure will make me famous and being a Hunter makes it easy for me to explore with sure profits.

-Zyrus: I understand you about the best treasure hunter, but is beautiful necessary?

-Mei: Of course, I will not only be remembered for the treasures I find but also for my sexy figure.

-Zyrus: Yeah, of course.

-Mei: Huh? What's with that expression, don't you think I'm sexy?

-Zyrus: No, I think you're still a little girl.

-Mei: Oh yeah? Well, let's see if you say that after this.

She got up and stood in front of me making a strange pose that she was quite uncomfortable to watch.

-Mei: This is my [Sexy Pose!].

-Everyone: .....

-Zyrus: What are you doing?

-Mei: ....Ugh!?

-Leah: I think you still need practice with that Mei hehe

For everyone present it was a very uncomfortable moment, Mei returned to her place a little discouraged, honestly I was not going to fall for the charms of a 15-year-old girl.

-Aeryn: Well my reason, it's not that big, I just want to help others, I thought that being a Hunter I would have more opportunities to help others.

-Zyrus: She's adorable.

-Leah: You have no idea hehe.

-Aeryn: (blushing) huh? ah?... uhhh...

-Mei: Oooh, come on!

We laughed a little at Aeryn and Mei's reaction, she really had a big heart to help others.

-Celes: And what about you Leah?

-Leah: Me? Well, the truth is I'm looking for my father, he's also a Hunter and I thought that if I was one too I could find him one day.

-Aeryn: Leah is a very kind girl, even though she is on her own mission she takes the time to help others, that's how we met.

-Mei: She can be somewhat naive and distracted but she is a very trustworthy person.

-Leah: (Blushing) Huh? he...hey...don't...don't say those things about me!

Everyone was having a good time, laughing, talking nonsense, enjoying the moment, she watched as everyone had fun. but out of nowhere, that image that I had began to be enveloped by another similar one, just like the time of the incident in the forest, I saw a blurred image, almost as if it had static, I saw another group of young adventurers whose faces I could not see through the static, sitting around a campfire in the middle of the woods, laughing and talking, but this time I felt a pain in my head as I felt that memory force itself into my sight.


-Celes: My Lord, are you alright?

They all began to look at me worried about my reaction to the pain I felt in my head.

-Zyrus: Yeah... yeah, I'm fine, I just have to be tired, I'll go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning.

I said goodbye to everyone and went to sleep inside the wagon, the second time I had gone through that, but what were these images, these memories, they couldn't be mine since I don't remember having gone through similar experiences before. It was no use thinking too much about it when I only have a few blurry mental images, sleep was the best, tomorrow would be a long day.

"This is the second time this has happened to me, what are these memories? Could it be the work of that white guy from before? But for some reason, those memories make me feel...sad for some reason. I guess there is no point thinking about it too much"

The next morning after breakfast we resume our trip to the abandoned mines. Everyone seemed very animated but Celes seems to have something on her mind, she seemed somewhat distracted this morning, I was wondering if it had to do with our expedition or was it because of what happened to me last night, she worries a lot sometimes.

-Zyrus: Everything alright Celes? I see you somewhat thoughtful.

-Celes: Huh? oh...it's nothing, I just wanted to stay focused for what we're going to face.

-Mei: Come on, you have nothing to worry about, everything will be fine, right?

Both Leah and Aeryn agreed with Mei's statement but that doesn't seem to have changed the state Celes was in, and after a few hours we finally reached the mines, you could see some soldiers at the entrance, some small buildings and the mining equipment After arriving we got off the wagon and checked our equipment for the last time, lamps, potions, antidotes, first aid, we did not know what to face so we took the most basic.

-Mine Guard: You come for the hunt right?

-Leah: That's right, we're ready.

-Mine Guard: Well, I wish you luck, I hope you do better than the last group that entered.

We were all stunned to hear what the guard mentioned, another group had already entered and it seems that things did not go well for them.

-Mei: What...what happened to the other group?

-Mine Guard: Well, five Hunters entered the mine, only one came out crawling and badly injured, he couldn't speak either, he was too traumatized to do so.

It seems that everyone's spirits dropped after hearing what the guard had told us, so that five Hunters entered and only one came out in bad condition whatever was down there was not friendly at all.

-Celes: As I thought, give us a few minutes, we need to talk before entering.

-Mine Guard: Sure... sure, no problem.

Celes asked us to accompany her a bit away from the mine entrance, we were all somewhat confused about what she was doing. I didn't imagine Celes asking us to leave, although I had to admit that what the guard told us really affected the mood of the party.

-Zyrus: What happens Celes?

-Celes: I'm worried about everyone's combat capabilities, if five Hunters weren't able to deal with that monster, what chance do we have?

-Mei: Bu... But what are you worried about? I'm sure we'll be fine if-

-Celes: Positive thoughts and good cheer don't win fights, Mei.

-Mei: I...

-Celes: I know my abilities and I can deal with almost anything, I also know those of My Lord and he has the ability and intelligence to face challenges, but yours are the ones that worry me.

The three girls looked at each other, despite the fact that they were determined, their combat prowess left much to be desired, I didn't consider myself skilled in combat either but I felt that I could manage even so I lacked experience.

-Aeryn: Bu...but...so you want all of us to go back to town?

-Leah: But we are here, if we return all this would have been for nothing.

-Celes: Then prove to me that you are ready.

-Mei: Prove that we are prepared? How?

-Celes: I want Leah and Mei to face me, if you two manage to hit me at least once, then I will accept that you are ready, if not, we will return to town.

-Leah: Just the two of us?

-Celes: Aeryn is a Cleric, her job is outside of combat, but you are the ones who must fight and protect her.

Leah and Mei looked at each other and then at Aeryn who nodded and encouraged them, I understood what Celes wanted to do, despite her desire to venture out if they weren't able to protect themselves then they would just end up being another part of a tragedy.

-Mei: Well, if that's what you want, we accept the challenge.

-Celes: Perfect but I warn you, I will not hold back.

-Leah: Neither us.

Both Leah and Mei positioned themselves next to each other preparing her weapons while Celes stepped away from her and also readied her sword, finally understanding why Celes was so thoughtful before her. she was worried about the safety of the three of us given the risk we are going to take.

-Celes: You can start when you are ready.

-Mei: Well, let's do this Leah.

-Leah: Yes, let's prove to her what we are capable of.

After the two agreed, they began their attack, both ran with their weapons in hand against Celes who was waiting for them calmly from her place, Mei began to accelerate her pace to make contact with Celes first.

-Mei: I'll show you how capable I am when I get serious!

Celes just looked at Mei before her provocation who at a great speed was already in front of Celes to launch her first attack with her blade but Celes did not move her sword, just before Mei made the first attack she quickly disappeared from sight of Celes positioning himself on his right side, right in his blind spot.

-Mei: I got you!

Keeping an eye on Leah, Celes easily parried Mei's attack with her sword before she managed to land a hit.

-Mei: What!?

-Celes: You're fast but very predictable.

-Leah: My turn!

Leah took advantage of the moment that Celes had her sword engaged with Mei to thrust with her spear but with just one movement she deflected Mei and blocked Leah's spear attack and then pushed her back.

-Celes: If that's all you have, then we'd better get back to town right away.

-Leah: We're not done yet!

-Celes: In that case, it's my turn to attack.

Mei and Leah backed away and Celes started her attack and as mentioned, she didn't hold back with her, a fierce charge at her giving quick attacks keeping both of them constantly on the defensive.

-Aeryn: Be careful...

-Zyrus: Don't worry, Celes just wants to make them see reason.

-Aeryn: Make them see reason?

-Zyrus: Both Leah and Mei were taking this expedition very lightly without considering the consequences of their own lack of combat strength.

Me and Aeryn watched the fight while she looked worriedly at her friends, she apparently wasn't aware of her own situation either, even though they are good fighters, they lacked real strength.

-Zyrus: Celes wants to show them that they must understand that her weakness can cause the death of any of the three and if they take the other hunts the same way that could end up becoming a reality.

-Aeryn: I understand, I also thought that if the three of us were together we could handle anything but really sometimes that's not enough and they are too proud to admit it easily.

The combat of the three continued with Celes' total dominance over the other two who could barely defend themselves from Celes' aggressive attacks. little by little it looked like Leah and Mei were exhausted while Celes hadn't even started to sweat, the difference in power between them was clear and no matter how hard they tried they couldn't land a single attack.

-Leah and Mei: Guaaahh!!

After another powerful attack from Celes, the two ended up falling to the ground and it seemed that they no longer had the strength to get up.

-Celes: That's enough, clearly you don't have what it takes to face this hunt.

She turned around and put her sword away, she had already passed judgment on her and found the two unable to do the job, it was really a shame since they really seemed determined to carry out this hunt.

-Leah: (Gasping) Wait, not yet...we're not done yet.

-Mei: (Gasping) We still...we still have the strength to fight.

Celes, ignoring the provocations of the two, went towards Aeryn and put her hand on her shoulder.

-Celes: Heals his wounds, we return to the town.

-Aeryn: Ye...Yeah.

As Aeryn ran to help her friends who were devastated at being unable to accomplish her mission, Celes headed towards the wagon, she was already determined to cancel this expedition but on the other hand.

-Zyrus: Celes, let them continue with the expedition.

-Celes: huh!? But...but My Lord, they don't have the strength to defend themselves, they won't have a chance against that monster.

-Zyrus: If they don't have the strength to protect themselves, then I'll protect them.

They all stared at me in surprise when they heard me say that, especially Celes who apparently didn't believe what I was saying.

-Celes: My...My Lord, I understand how you feel but...

-Zyrus: If you're not convinced, then let's do the same challenge you did with them, if I manage to hit you we'll continue with the expedition.

-Celes: Are you sure about this?

-Zyrus: If I don't make it, then I'm not able to enter there either, this is also for me.

She nods and while the other girls walked away we positioned ourselves at a distance between us to start the challenge, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it but if I wanted to keep my word I have to overcome this barrier.

-Leah: Zyrus...you don't have to...

-Zyrus: Don't worry, I have to get over this and I'll protect the three of you.

The three girls looked at me somewhat blushing when they heard me say that I would protect them, I thought it would be something I should say to improve their spirits, I also wanted to know if I really had the strength to protect someone.

-Celes: Very well My Lord, you can attack when you are ready.

-Zyrus: (Whispering) Here I go, all or nothing.

I held my sword tightly and giving a great impulse I began my attack, at that moment I did not know why or how but I felt lighter than the last time since after a few seconds I was already in front of Celes who, like the others, was surprised of my speed

-Leah: It's very fast!

-Celes: Did he increase his speed!?

Our swords collided and sparks flew from them, we both pushed hard for the domain of the terrain, not only did I feel faster but I also felt that my attack power also increased, I didn't know how but the only explanation I had was that my Blessing had affected my body even more.

-Celes: Aaghh...even his strength!?

-Aeryn: I didn't think Zyrus was that strong.

-Mei: Me neither.

I could feel how Celes was resisting the attack but little by little she began to push back, clearly she did not expect my power to increase in such a short time, after a few moments we separated.

-Celes: At what point did your power increase?

-Zyrus: I don't know, this is a surprise for me too, but I think we both already know the answer.

We both smiled knowing what I was referring to, I imagined that Celes would take this challenge more seriously now and even though I had increased my power, I still lacked the experience and ability that Celes possessed.

-Celes: In view of this new increase of power that you had, My Lord, I have a better idea.

-Zyrus: An idea? What is it about?

-Celes: If you manage to stop my next attack, you will win the challenge, what do you think?

-Zyrus: I see, so that's what it's about, go ahead, Argentum is more than resistant to withstand your next attack.

She nodded and just as she expected she began to prepare her new technique. From what I understood she doesn't want to see my ability since she knows what I can be capable of thanks to my Blessing, she knows that we could fight for a long time until my stamina betrayed me or I made a mistake. so she prefers a test of resistance, if I am able to resist her technique and thus demonstrate that I am capable of protecting the others.

-Mei: Wait, wait, is she really planning to use that against Zyrus!?

-Aeryn: that... that's very dangerous, he could get hurt.

-Leah: He will make it, I know.

-Mei: How do you know?

-Leah: Because he said he would and I trust him.

I was ready, I was there to receive the technique from Celes who was also ready to execute it, her sword wrapped in lightning looked more powerful than the last time I used it, which means that she wasn't just hunting to increase her Hunter rank but also to improve the technique.

-Celes: Ready? This version of my technique is more powerful than the first!

-Zyrus: Go ahead and don't hold back because I'm going to stop that attack one way or another!

-Celes: Very well, here I come!.

She made the circular movement with her arm and with the tip of her sword passing through the ground she launched her attack in the form of a blade wrapped in lightning only this time there were more lightning coming from it and the blade advanced faster than the first time.

-Celes: Aaaahhhhh! [Lightning Blade!]

-Aeryn: It's incredible, it looks more powerful than the previous one.

-Mei: Ahhh, is that okay? Zyrus could resist that?

-Leah: He will.

I felt how inside me was shaking, it told me to escape but I couldn't do it. It was the same as that time with the King of the Forest, intimidated by what he had in front of me but this time I'm going to face him head on. I took my sword with both hands, I raised it and instead of blocking, I attacked Celes' technique with all my power, the moment my sword met her Lightning Blade, a collision began between both parties.


-Celes: Is he attacking?

-Mei: is he crazy?

Shock waves were produced every time I pushed back, lightning discharges surrounded everything around me and it had an impressive force since I felt my feet dragging backwards even so I was not going to give up. I don't know how but while I was fighting this pressure my vision was again overwritten by another blurry image similar to static, just like last time, only now I was looking at a giant monster while I parried its attack with force and for the first time I heard something on my mind

"Masato: I will....protect you....no matter...what...what it takes!"

Hearing my own voice in that image brought me back to the present moment and I had a feeling as if there really was someone behind me whom I was protecting and that same feeling made me give everything I had. I pressed my sword against the blade wrapped in lightning until I finally managed to break it, the blade broke and the lightning gradually dissipated.

-Leah: he did it, he really did it.

-Mei: Ahahahaha he did it!

-Celes: I knew you could, you really did it, My Lord.

As I listened to how the girls celebrated I fell to the ground on my knees, gasping, dropping my sword and looking at my red hands that were still shaking from the pressure they endured as beads of sweat fell from my face.

-Zyrus: (gasping) What... what was that...?

-Celes: My Lord, are you alright?

The girls approached me, Celes worried, Aeryn and Mei celebrating and Leah looking at me with a smile of happiness and relief.

-Zyrus: (gasping) Yeah...something...something exhausted, that's all, but I guess I win right?

Celes nodded, admitting my victory in the challenge and after a moment of rest and recovery we returned to the wagon, Celes apparently wanted to talk about something else with us.

-Celes: Well, since My Lord overcame the challenge we will continue as planned, but I have one condition.

-Leah: A condition?

-Celes: As I already demonstrated, you two don't have the strength to take care of yourself, so you will obey my orders without any complaints if we all want to go out together.

Both Leah and Mei looked at each other realizing that what Celes was saying was true. Whatever was down there was not an enemy to be taken lightly and to overcome it we had to follow a plan and Celes was the best of us to lead the expedition.

-Leah: Okay, we understand that we are still weak but we also want to become stronger so if we manage to overcome this it will be one more step to achieve it.

-Mei: That's right, I also realize that my speed is not enough, I have to train more, so we're counting on you, Captain Celes.

-Celes: Well, My Lord, do you agree?

-Zyrus: Of course, without a doubt you must lead this expedition.

-Aeryn: I'll help as much as I can too.

And since everyone agreed we proceeded to where the guard was who allowed us to enter the abandoned mine, this would be a different and more dangerous experience but I knew that we could make it, we would all get out of here alive and I would make sure that it was so.

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