
Chapter 86: Life of Possibilities, Pt. 2

Kannin's rest that night was one of those special sleeps you only get every decade or so, where there's no trouble falling asleep, no dreams, and a clean awakening. He didn't feel tired at all when he awoke--in fact, he was bursting with energy. Deep sleep didn't even begin to describe how it felt. It felt like he had slept for days, which seemed weird considering the times he did sleep for days didn't feel like this.

Stumbling out of bed, Kannin did his morning routine of brushing his teeth, showering, and playing around with Kiyo before going back to his room to do one more summoning trick. In the corner of Kannin's room sat, erected on an armor stand, Kannin's bluish plated body armor that had served him so well during the war. It was a special ceramic material which was imbued with chakra to increase its durability and a degree of self-repair. Kannin hadn't worn it in weeks, since the war ended, but his sudden spat with Danzo and his goons made him realize that his tools for battle needed to be ready at hand at any time he needed them.

He did the same thing he had done to Koseki on his right forearm this time, blood dripping down to his right pinky and then to the floor at he drew the initial summoning formula.

"With Koseki," he thought aloud, "I should be able to summon it directly into my hand; but for the armor here, it'll only summon it in front of me..." he began to wonder as he etched the formula into the breast plate of his armor, "Maybe there's a way to summon it directly onto my chest."

Once the summoning formula on his arm sank into his skin and vanished from view, he used a basic water jutsu to clean up the blood from the floorboards, all the while trying to think up a more efficient summoning method for his chestplate. Drawing a blank for the time being, he put on his day clothes.

Rolling up his sleeves, he tested his summoning for the first time. He bit his right thumb and dragged it across the summoning seal on his wrist. As he did, the formula emerged into view on his skin, obscuring the blue lines coursing beneath his flesh with blackish-red lettering. Once his thumb reached the end of the bar, a puff of smoke engulfed his arm from the elbow down, and Kannin felt the familiar heft of his blade appear in his palm. Kannin hadn't really thought about it, but putting the summoning formula on Koseki's blade meant that when it was summoned, it didn't bring the scabbard with it.

He tried the same thing with his armor, and a puff of smoke billowed up from the ground in front of him, where the form of his chestplate sat on the floor. Satisfied with how it all worked out, he put both the armor and the blade back where he usually kept them, and headed out for the day.

First item on the agenda: Warai's house. He meandered through the winding streets of Konoha on his way to the Uchiha compound; but about halfway there he started getting the strange feeling that someone was watching him. Turning his head around like a frightened chicken, Kannin managed to catch a glimpse of an Anbu mask between the faces passing by on his left before vanishing again.

'Makes sense,' he thought to himself with a sigh, 'either it's Danzo or Minato looking over me. I don't think it's too big an issue right now, though. After our tussle, Danzo probably won't make a move any time soon--at least I think he won't.'

He shook off the thought as he found his way to the entrance of the Uchiha compound. Saying hi to the guards, he waltzed in and walked over to Warai's house, where usually he would find Shisui hanging out somewhere in the vicinity, but today, he was nowhere to be found.

Knocking on Warai's door, he looked around for the smiley kid until she answered the door.

"You seen Shisui lately?" Kannin asked.

"He's been sulking in his room the last few days," she replied, "but that's not the issue at hand is it?" she said, reaching out her hand and pinching Kannin's cheek, "Why didn't you tell me you got out?"

"Ummm" he said, "that's what this is I think. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," she said, opening the door a little more and getting out of the way, "How are you feeling?"

"Right as rain, actually," he said, sliding across the threshold, "you sure Shisui's okay?"

"Shisui's fine, Kannin," Warai grumbled, "his mission went poorly, that's all."

"Oh right, he had a mission," Kannin recalled, "I'll see if I can't talk to him in a bit. Anyways, I think I owe you a sparring date if I'm not wrong."

Warai closed the door behind him and said, "Yes you do. I went over and helped Kakashi after the fight anyways. It seemed to help. Never thought I'd have to teach a non Uchiha how to use the Sharingan."

"Well," Kannin sighed, bringing out a chair, "maybe think of it as a kindness to Obito."

"Obito..." Warai said, sighing, "I suppose."

"So," Kannin began, rapping his fingers on the arm of his chair, "what can I do to make up for the spoiled date?"

"You could meet me tomorrow to spar," she said, "but you should stay over today anyway, I missed you while you were out."

"Yeah," Kannin looked down, a little embarrassed, "me too."

Warai sat down next to Kannin with a bottle of water in her hand, her other hand around Kannin's shoulders, "So!" she started, "What can a couple of shinobi do on their own on such a beautiful day like this?"

Kannin chuckled at the thought and said, "Alright, I see."

The two continued to spend their time together for the rest of the day, so to speak.


Shisui sat in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The old grey paint was starting to peel in places, and little bits were hanging by a thread, like a partially peeled sunburn. He hadn't eaten in two days, and hadn't moved from his bed in nearly 4 hours.

His mission went poorly, his best friend died, and worst of all, he could've prevented it. These past few days, the only thing he could think about was the image of Fuma Yasashi missing his right arm below the elbow, and a hole in his chest where his heart was supposed to be.

Shisui, of all people, had been controlled by a genjutsu, and in that state he killed Yasashi. When the illusion melted away, he saw the mutilated corpse of the happy kid he grew up with, the kid he ate his lunches with, the kid he joked around with not 20 minutes before he died.

Witnessing the scene, Shisui became keenly aware of a change in his Sharingan; the feeling was similar to when he had gained his third tomoe, but far stronger. When he got back to his room, he checked them in the mirror, and saw that they had obtained an entirely different shape, and he had the vague understanding that they were far more powerful.

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