
Chapter 70: My Name is Isaac, I use Magic

The Sire league, team two following the trail of two more snobbish hijackers were on the run.

With the dream team out of the game, they had no choice but to handle this entire matter on their own.

"Alright, My lord! Where do we chase them to?! Let's get them to a dead end then you can go kaboom!"

"They are the ones in the lead, they will be leading us on instead."

Isaac efficiently countered all of the Sire's words with logic. Poor chap ye olde sire had no choice but to take them all in stride. If he had to earn Isaac's wrath along with his snides, he would stop being a hero and become a martyr instead.

"Damn it, these persistent bugs! Semi! I'll hold them back and you run to complete the mission!"

"Rami! No!!"


Rami, the bald of the two hijackers, turned on his feet and pulled out two daggers from his pockets to face the Sire and Isaac.

"L-lord what do we do?"

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