
The Date 1

(Noir POV)

My eyes locked on the girl the moment I walked through the gates of Holfort Academy.

Her blonde hair blowed in the wind topped off by a tan sunhat. She wore a sundress, the top white and sleeveless while the bottom half was red and went just barely past her knees.

Every so often a student would stop in their tracks as they marveled at the ice queen's appearance. I felt no different from those bunches in that aspect as my eyes never left her.

Her smile widened as I approached and she began fidgeting with the fabric of her dress.

"You're stunning." I wish I could've said something more teasing or snarky but I was too entranced for that.

A small redness painted her cheeks as she smiled wider. "Thank you, you've dressed well yourself."

I was wearing white creme-colored shorts and a simple white t-shirt that was overlayed by a jean jacket.

"You think so?" I looked down at myself, it certainly fit well and wasn't baggy, the way I preferred things.

"May I ask where you got this from? I've never seen a jacket like this." She said as she ran her hand along the blue jean jacket.

"It's a Luxion Clothing exclusive, I can get you one if you like it," I noted. Some things that I missed in the old world, I simply had to get Luxion to make.

"If it's not too much of a bother, thank you." She nodded graciously. Good, good, it's best she doesn't deny my spoiling of her.

"Well, you want to get food before we go to that place?"

Her nod was immediate as she beamed, "We can eat there, but um… I think the scenery would be best enjoyed with food that is equally if not more exquisite."

To her response, I chuckled as I gave her a suspicious look. "Someone misses summer vacation."

"You have no idea." She looked down, her taste buds deprived of the delicious meals she was once always able to get.

"Hehe, so what will it be?" I asked, knowing Luxion was on standby to listen.

"French Toast." She nearly shouted as her eyes lit up with stars.

"You're so eager." I was caught in laughter as I then took her hand. "Lead the way, I'm sure the food will be done by the time we get there."

"Mmm." She nodded, her blush becoming more apparent as she looked around briefly at those gawking at our current state.

"Seriously, I didn't think you could make them even more envious than they are already." An amused voice rang from our side. Turning I saw Clarice eyeing us with a smirk.

"It seems to be something he's exceptionally good at," Angie said as she waved at Clarice.

"Killer outfit by the way, I'm sure Noir can't get enough of it," Clarice added as she gave Angie a thumbs up.

"You'd be right," I added.

"Thank you." Angie tried not to show her blush as she curtsied.

"Well, I will not hold you any longer. Have fun you two." Clarice waved us off, looking as if she were an adult looking upon two children.

Waving back, I turned to Angie. "Lead the way."

A fresh meadow filled with an uncountable amount of flowers. This is the place Angie guided me.

For a place that was inside the capital, I was deeply surprised that this desolate place wasn't swarmed.

It looked as if it had never even been touched by humans, as greenery grew unhindered as far as they wanted, no litter to harm them.

"This is beautiful," I noted to the girl by my side as we stood in the middle of it all.

"You think so? Yeah, and not too many people know about it." Angie smiled, bending down and smelling one of the flowers.

"And how exactly did you find this?" I began laying out the quilt on which we'd be sitting on as I asked.

"We flew over it one time on one of my family's ships. I just so happened to spot it and since then whenever I can find even a little time, I come here." Angie said.

"Well, I'm glad you're sharing it with me." This place was amazing, it felt so isolated and devoid of humans, I loved it.

"Mmm, I was hoping… we could come here often..together." The adorable girl played with her hair as she looked into my eyes.

"You're so cute y'know?" I found myself enchanted by her as I grabbed her hand and slowly brought her closer so that we could sit on the quilt.

"…You too." She said seconds after she took a seat and took off her shoes so as to not dirty the blanket.

"Pardon…" This is giving me flashbacks, I'm not cute damn it.

Something about my expression must have been humorous as her mouth expanded to show her teeth and she cackled at my expense.

"Very cute." She said, as if to damage my pride even more.

I wanted to say something snarky as a remark but I just sighed, "You and Livia are a lot alike."

Just as I said so a familiar floating robot showed, a helper, who as it seemed just came from the ship floating high above us.

It held in its hands two baskets, the food I told Luxion to have prepared.

"Hehe, thank you very much." Like an excited puppy, Angie got up and graciously accepted the baskets before sitting back down, leaving the robot to fly back up.

"It hasn't been THAT long since you've had this," I remarked a little taken aback.

"Going back to normal cooking after trying this… it was torture." She shook as if she got actual goosebumps before she pulled open the cover of the baskets to reveal the contents inside.

Her eyes practically lit up with stars as she stared down in amazement.

"Well, let's not keep you waiting any longer." I chuckled before bringing out the plates packed neatly inside.

Pretty soon we were both happily munching away at the delicious breakfast, not talking as much as we enjoyed the scenery that made the food taste better.

"Hmmm." Angie stretched as her infectious smile permeated throughout the field, almost as if commanding everything to be right in the world.

"Full?" I asked rhetorically as I began packing away all the plates and food to make room on the quilt.

"Couldn't eat another bite." She said playfully.

"Well, it's still a bit early, and I'm sure you don't want to move around much. How about some uno?" A pack of said cards appeared in my hand following my words.

"Perfect." She nodded happily scooting ever closer to me.

The difference between her 'normal' state and her 'happy, carefree state' was like night and day. She hadn't stopped smiling since we got here.

"No cheating," I said playfully, with her right next to me it would be child-play to see my cards, though I doubt either of us cared.

We played a few games, most of them ending in her victory. That ended though, when I felt a drop of rain hit the top of my head.

"Uh oh," I said looking up at the clouds, it was definitely about to pour.

"Uh, should we go?" Angie said, clearly a little saddened that this pleasant mood was soon to be ruined.

"Nah, Luxion, bring an umbrella," I ordered to my AI who was always on standby.

Moments later exactly what I asked for was falling from the sky, landing moments later in the dirt close by. It was closer to a beach umbrella though the size of it was a lot greater.

I stabbed the umbrella next to the quilt just in time for the downpour to start.

"That better?" I turned hoping to see Angie by in high spirits, which she luckily was.

"Thank you," I'm not exactly sure why she seemed so happy with my actions but apparently what I did was enough to warrant a very tight hug.

With her already in my grasp, I didn't plan to let her go, and as it seemed she didn't either.

Slowly, my head fell to the quilt, her head following the decline of my chest. There was hardly a centimeter of distance between all parts of our body as we remained that way, locked in each other's embrace until even after the rain ran its course.

A/N: I know the uploads are taking a while, but this story will continue.

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