

The pair broke camp just as the morning sun crested the nearby treetops, it would take another day to reach Vale's villa, that was if they didn't encounter trouble on the road. Since he was a child, Cas had an innate sense of direction, anywhere he'd been once he could get back to. As they started walking Raeja nudged Cas' leg, "What is it boy?" Raeja sprinted ahead, spinning as if he was drifting a car and dashed back to Cas. "You want to run? I'm not nearly as fast as you, ill never keep up" The lion shook his head, an almost painful look appearing on his face. A series of growls and looks over his shoulder followed. Cas, realizing his own ignorance, "You want me to ride you?" Letting out a groan the lion affirmed with a nod. "Well why didn't you just say so!" Cas, touched that Raeja was fond enough of him to subject himself to carrying a human around climbed aboard the lions muscled back. A grunt that must've meant hold on followed, they barreled forward, Cas holding on for dear life and Raeja racing the wind. For whatever sense of direction Cas thought he had, Raeja's was ten fold. Adeptly they navigated the foothills, when Cas gathered his courage he looked up spotting packs of hyenas who could only stare with hunger in their eyes. Once, Cas swore he saw an Ogre sitting atop a faraway hill. As the sun started to sink they reached the valley Vale's villa resided in, Cas took a deep breath, a herd of unicorns grazed peacefully, offering only amused glances at the pair. Having only seen a small margin of this world, Cas was amazed at the wonders it held. Raeja slowed allowing Cas to hop off, his stamina all but depleted. "Thanks boy, we will find you something to eat in the villa."

Entering the villa, Cas caught a stray chicken assuming Vale wouldn't mind, he butchered the bird, skewered it and set it to roast. Checking his bag he only had one monitor lizard left, knowing one bird wasn't enough he skewered it as well. Raeja waited, audible growls emitting from the lions stomach. Once the skin crisped and the meat started to blacken Cas ripped off a drumstick and tossed the rest to Raeja. Grease dribbled down his cheek as Cas devoured the meat, pulling a sizable chunk from the lizard he left the rest for Raeja, deciding it was time to visit the tapestry.

Inside the study Cas received a system message.

<Quest 3000 "Flames of Vulcan" Completed- allocable experience received.< p>

As the message flashed the tapestry glowed, transmuting into a sparkling gold chest. Hastily Cas opened it.

Equipment - Vindicator's Vision (Silver) +25 defense +20 intelligence "Once worn by a hero who outwitted a giant"

Item, Consumable- Elixir of Fortitude (Bronze) Boosts Dexterity by 15 and Stamina by 20, duration 1 hour. "Can be brewed by combining bygrass and root of master briar.

Quest Item, Fragment of Vulcans Legacy (???) "Half of a treasure map depicting a series of underground tunnels."

With each discovery, another mystery is born. Pleased with the helm, Cas pocketed the potion and accessed his mind menu. With 3000 experience, Cas raised his own level to 7, gaining 15 attribute points, he added four to intelligence and the remaining eleven to stamina. Cas used the remaining 1300 experience to raise Raeja to level eight. With 23 points, Cas added twelve to the lions mana, the remaining ten to his dexterity. With that done, Cas chose a volume called "Dwarves, Drudges and Denizens of the Inner Realm" and sat at Vale's desk. As he read his eyes grew heavy, his next thought was that of waking up.

They returned to Adanano before the sun reached its peak, the sight of a man riding a lion brought a retinue of guards out. "It is I, Casimiro, belonging to the Ludus Lararia, returned from my training." A husky spear wielding Captain looked him over, "Seems shit can be polished! Your dominus left word for us to bring you before him the very instant you returned. Follow me, the rest of you return to duty!" His heavy voice sent the other guardsmen back to post with haste. As they passed through the city no one dared to impede their progress, some looked on wide eyed at the sight of the armored lion.

"I hear that's Eleutiro's champion for the Iron tournament!"

"He looks formidable but they say a ferocious orc warrior is set to enter the list."

"That's nothing, Legatus Speratus captured a famed swordsmen from the east they said killed a hundred legionnaires before capture."

"I'll wager a weeks dues on this lion tamer!"

"Piss off, your weeks dues couldn't buy a mug!"

Voices continued commenting as they marched to the Ludus. Greeted by two of Eleutiro's guards they took charge of the pair. "See the lion is fed, id suggest that wimp of a man Lars but I fear his weakness may poison this fine beast." Lanista Felix stood brimming with contempt. "So he returns, seems ill owe our dominus a fist of coin after all, i figured you had turned to shit. Yet, here you are, you've even acquired some suitable gear, color me fucking surprised." While sounding harsh the underlying tone was that of pride. After all, it was Felix who made the call to allow Cas' extra training. "Come, lets not keep him waiting any longer, preparations for the tournament are in full swing, within a week the city will be filled to burst."

Eleutiro's station set atop the Ludus, columns of decretive stone led to an archway. On each side stood granite statues of nude water bearers, one male, one female. Entering the chamber found a sinewy man, garbed in a white toga with a thin purple stripe, he stood staring at the vastness of Adanano. The back of the room was open save marble rails. As they approached the man turned to face them, with lips puckered to scheme he pronounced "My Champion has arrived!" Gesturing to his attendees he added "Retrieve the finest vintage our cellars hold." They scurried away to attend his wishes. "Casimiro, where is the lovely Valeria?"

"Dominus, she had business to attend to, she gave me this to pass along." Handing the letter over Cas stepped back resuming his stoic position. Eleutiro opened the letter, his snake like eyes darting back and forth, annoyance turned to disbelief. "These tidings are unwelcoming to say the least, set upon by a blade of the night, seems my coin was well spent for you to have survived. Not that your appearance hadn't already told me as much, this simply confirms. Felix, ill have my coin on the morrow. HA!"

"As you say Dominus, I look forward to the honor he will bring the Ludus and the House of Pontz during the Iron tournament." It was evident, Felix would perish before letting harm come to his master.

"As do I, how sufficient has your bond grown with your beast?" Eleutiro inquisitively asked.

"Well enough, we grow more in tune with each battle. We've recently acquired new abilities that I yearn to hone in combat."

"You'll soon have that chance, your first match is against Xujarek Scarsworn, a barbaric orc mercenary, as nasty as they come. The orc forgoes a shield in favor of two razor sharp scimitars, many men have found themselves cleaved in two by those blades. Entry to the tournament costs 8,000 gold, Xujarek paid his own way, there are no tactics beneath his utilization. Sky meets Earth is his penultimate move, one sword imbued with wind, the other with earth he creates a tornado trapping his victim before he delivers the killing blow. Be very wary, id hate for my coin to only gain me a first round defeat... Best to beg Xujarek for death before that happens..." Cas could see Eleutiro meant what he said. The servants returned with the wine, pouring filling their masters cup.

"As you say dominus." Cas wasn't sure how he felt, in his travels with Vale everything had felt whimsical, this was different entirely. Coming to terms with the gravity of his situation, his life was only worth as much as his sword. The thought angered him internally, no trace registered on his face, instead with a smile he said " When's the match?"

"First light, the day after tomorrow, you're the opening bout. Cas... Win this tournament and the rewards will be beyond your imagination. The Ludus Lararia has never produced a champion, a runner up here, third place there, all have fallen short. I've meticulously trained and paid for YOU to be champion, ill accept nothing less. Forgive my forwardness, I am not without gratitude." Motioning his slaves to pour a cup, the man stepped close enough for Cas to smell the grapes, "I've a gift for you, Felix if you would be so kind, retrieve the armaments."

Producing a gladius and parma, Felix extended the weapons.

Equipment: Severance (Silver) +30 strength +25 dexterity "This gladius has the ability to utilize Backslash, blocks opponents attack and sends it back with equal force.

Equipment: Honor's Call (Silver) +25 Strength +20 Stamina "A sturdy shield, capable of taking sustained damage."

"It seems a toast is in order." Eleutiro raised his glass, Cas reciprocated, thinking of ways to escape this man's clutches.

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