

"Let's head home then," the lady said, her smile radiant.

"Yes!" Auric replied, matching her enthusiasm.


On the first day, after arriving at my grandparents' home, I was taken aback by its sheer luxury. It came as no surprise, though, given that the clan specializes in the business sector, dealing in various rare stones, metals, weapon ingredients, potions—you name it. In earthly terms, they were akin to a powerful conglomerate.

During our first dinner together, they eagerly inquired about everything—my mother, the Everlight Estate, Aunt Lumina, Ellie, and even the assassin. They had every right to know about my life since they were my grandparents.

As I narrated my experiences with my grandmother, they couldn't help but shed tears, especially when they learned about how I was treated at the Everlight Estate. Their anger boiled, and my grandpa even entertained the idea of going to confront and eliminate Avalon right away, but my grandma intervened, calming him down with a sharp smack to the back of his head. It was both scary and endearing.

And well, allow me to introduce my grandparents, Lily Emberclaw and Owen Emberclaw. Despite being far older than me—as expected of beings who have lived for over 2.5 centuries—they possessed an aura of grace and wisdom. It turns out that the reason they had children later in life was due to the lower infertility rate within the clan. My mother was born to them when they were already more than two centuries old.

As for the mystery behind my birth, well, it's quite complex, because of my bloodline from my mother and the ritual she went through, was possible that i was born. Complicated, I know.

Grandpa is a robust man with scarlet hair and a youthful appearance, seemingly in his thirties, and boy, is he handsome. Grandma is a beautiful woman exuding a motherly aura, appearing to be in her early thirties as well, with her mesmerizing blue hair. Even Ellie found comfort with them and has started calling them Grandpa and Grandma. It warmed my heart to witness her bonding with them and they even boasted how lucky I am to have such a wonderful little sister.

And at night, I checked the notification that had come in while I was still under the influence of the patriarch's powerful aura, and could not notice them.


[ Warning! ]

[ Aether is forced to enter the host's body! ]

[ The concentration is too intense! ]

[ Allowing it to enter will cause harm!! Harm!! Harm!! ]

[ Ding ]

[ Trying to resist the external force!! ]

[ Ding ]

[ Trying to resist the external force!! ]

[ Danger ]

[ The force is too strong!! ]

[ Danger ]

[ Host is not in the condition to check! ]

[ System is trying to assess the situation!!! ]

[ Access granted ]

[ DuoCardia purchased!! 4000 SP used!! ]

[ Situation under control!!! ]

[ Host is out of danger! ]

[ + 100 Aether Stat ]

[ + 100 Aether Stat ]

[ + 100 Aether Stat ]

[ + 100 Aether Stat ]

[ Host doesn't have the capabilities to control Aether!! ]

[ Aether stat locked until the host gains enough capability to control Aether!!! ]


'Wow... This was one hell of a situation. I never thought I'd gain a DuoCardia. I always believed it was exclusive to dragonborns,' I mused to myself.

[ Well, it's true. The only reason you have it is due to your compatibility, stemming from your mother's dragon bloodline, and, of course, thanks to the system! ]

"Good for me, then. The 4000 points were definitely worth it. I'm sure I'll unlock its full potential soon. Hehe, now I'll have access to those dragon techniques," I thought.

"Are there any dragon techniques available in the system shop?" I inquired.

[ Yes, there are, but you don't have enough points to purchase them. You need 1800 for the lowest grade one. ]

"That's alright. I'll eventually earn enough to buy them," I determined before drifting off to sleep.


Four days have passed since I joined the Emberclaw clan, and it has been an unforgettable experience. Magnus wasted no time and began my training the very next day. To be honest, it hasn't been a pleasant ride. The regimen involves intense sparring, grueling exercises, and endless meditation and repeat—it feels like I'm enduring a demon's wrath.

But with each session, my stats show promising growth, proving that the arduous training is bearing fruit. However, training under Magnus is only part of the challenge. At home, Grandma provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the clan's rules, politics, and overall influence—quite a daunting task, to say the least.

In essence, she explains that the clan is entangled in complex political affairs, and our house, unfortunately, lacks significant influence, owing to the absence of a successor. There are four direct line houses and several collateral lines, though I confess, I struggle to remember them all, despite Grandma's repeated efforts. Nevertheless, I'm aware that the other three direct line houses pose a threat, as they don't wish to see a half-blood like me rise to their level. With their higher influence, they could cause trouble, so I must tread carefully.


It's been two weeks now, and everything is going well, except for this—

"Focus, Auric," Magnus reminded, his voice steady. "Your stance is too wide, leaving you vulnerable to attacks. Keep your feet closer together and maintain balance."

With a nod, I adjusted my stance, absorbing Magnus's advice. I took a deep breath and initiated my offensive. Launching a series of punches, I tested my newfound techniques. However, Magnus, the seasoned warrior, barely moved, effortlessly deflecting my blows.

"You're too predictable," Magnus pointed out. "Vary your strikes, incorporate some feints, and be mindful of your rhythm."

Incorporating his suggestions, I became more fluid in my movements, hoping to catch Magnus off guard. Yet, he remained an unwavering force, skillfully countering each strike.

Undeterred, I lunged forward with a powerful kick, aiming squarely at Magnus. But he merely sidestepped the attack, leaving me off-balance and grazing past him. Despite the sharp pain, I pressed on, fueled by my determination to prove myself.

As the duel continued, Magnus observed my every move with a critical eye, detecting flaws in my technique. "Too eager," he remarked calmly amidst the ferocity of our bout. "Your kicks lack balance, and your movements are telegraphed. Control your energy, young one."

Frustration simmered within me, but I knew he was right. I needed to heed his advice and focus on my balance and precision. But in my eagerness to impress, I found it difficult to maintain the newfound discipline.

Magnus seized the opportunity, parrying my attacks effortlessly and leaving me exposed. With swift precision, he countered each strike, demonstrating his mastery of defense and offense. It was like a dance, with Magnus leading, and I was struggling to keep up.

As I continued my assault, trying to predict his next move, I realized he was like an immovable stone, impervious to my attacks. My respect for his skills grew with each interaction. Every time my fists hit air instead of connecting with him, my determination only grew stronger—I would prove my worth, even if it meant enduring the pain of my mistakes.

With the session nearing its end, fatigue set in, but I refused to back down. The sun was high in the sky, the dust of the training grounds mingling with my sweat. Magnus remained steadfast, his voice a constant guide through the intensity of the battle.

"Your left side is exposed. Protect it," Magnus called out calmly, contrasting with the intensity of our exchange. He demonstrated the correct positioning, but despite his guidance, maintaining it proved challenging under the pressure.

"Your speed is commendable, but don't compromise your form," Magnus advised. "Balance power and precision."

I gritted my teeth and pushed myself harder, attempting a combination of kicks and punches. However, Magnus's expertise allowed him to effortlessly sidestep, exposing an opening in my defense. In a swift move, he landed a strike to my side, throwing me off balance and eliciting a grunt of pain. But I refused to give in.

"That was sloppy," Magnus chided, his tone firm yet supportive. "Keep your guard up and stay focused."

Shaking off the pain, I regained my resolve. I resumed my offensive, fueled by a determination to prove myself. I focused on my footwork and corrected my stance, taking aim at Magnus's defenses.

But no matter how relentless my attacks, Magnus remained a steadfast anchor, effortlessly parrying my strikes with a calm and composed demeanor. It was a dance of master and apprentice, with each move calculated and precise. Yet, with every block, dodge, and counter, I learned, adjusting my approach with each new attempt.

Time continued to pass, and our training session pressed on, sweat and dust mixing in the air. As the sun reached its zenith, I launched another fierce assault, but Magnus continued to outmaneuver me with ease. Despite the challenges, I was determined to push past my limits and surpass them.

Finally, Magnus executed a masterful move, catching me off guard once more. With a swift shift of weight and a well-placed strike, I found myself thrown off balance, landing on the ground with a painful thud.

Wham *THUD!!*

"Owww! That hurts!" I whined as I massaged my bruised arm, my pride a little dented.

"Young master, you're a fast learner. In just two weeks, you've grasped the basics of our clan's hand-to-hand combat techniques. It's quite an achievement," Magnus praised, acknowledging my progress.

"Thank you," I replied with appreciation.

"Only two weeks remain until your admission into the training hall, and your speed of learning is incredible. However, remember that there are monsters out there far stronger than you. You'll have to train even harder and surpass your limits."


{ A/N - I read the complaints some readers had in the previous chapter, and I honestly agree that it was too cringe and forced.

I realized that I've been stretching this arc for too long, and the main character hasn't had much character development, so this lead to that.

My intention was to portray the patriarch as a powerful yet kind-hearted figure, unlike other tyrannical rulers, but it seems that attempt also turned out cringe-worthy.

As a novice in the writing department, I'm still learning and trying to balance my schedule to write better chapters. I take full responsibility for the incompetence in the last chapters and promise to improve.

AND A VWERY WARM THANK YOU for reading and a big shoutout to all those supporting the novel through power stones, gifts, and golden tickets. Your support means a lot to me. Please keep supporting the novel!

Happy reading.

Author (Shiroi) }

(( T?N- let the gifts coming baby!!!

A/N - dude shut up. you are cringe!! ))

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