
Chapter 115: Fuku's Outing Part 1

"Please go camping with me Tomorrow!"

Now, when Kioku went to her room late at night after some lessons from Izuku, she did not expect to find Fuku outside her door, giving her a very sudden request

Fuku was shaking slighting after giving her request, looking away from her, but Kioku couldn't see her face because of the hoodie she was wearing.

Kioku didn't respond immediately, mostly because of the shock that came from this sudden, and strange request coming out of nowhere.

"Y-You don't have to if you don't want to," Fuku added in a small voice, and Kioku could already hear dejection in her voice like she accepted Kioku's rejection before Kioku even rejected her.

Kioku didn't even really consider rejecting her. Camping sounded like it could be enjoyable, and since it was Fuku, she knew they weren't actually going to go that far away from the house.

And more importantly, it would let her get to know Fuku better. Which was something she really, really wanted. For multiple reasons.

Of course, there was the obvious reason, of course, Fuku being one of her sisters, and thus she really should be on more familiar terms with her.

And the other reason was that the first step in getting more familiar with people would be getting familiar with the people that live in you're house.

"Ok." Kioku answered. "Did you ask Daddy for permission?"

"U-Uh I-I-I didn't really think you'd say yes so I-I didn't do that yet. B-But I'll go do that now!" Fuku said, before running off. "I-I'll text you the details! T-Thank you for saying yes!"

And just like that, she was gone.

Kioku could only wonder what kind of plans were brewing in that girl's head.

But she was too tired to think about that right now, so she put that matter aside, and went into her room to go to sleep.


Whatever Kioku may have thought Fuku would do, this was not it.

When Kioku woke up, she found that Fuku had texted her, telling her to meet her in the backyard at the edge of the forest, and to be ready for camping. As well as being reassured that Fuku packed everything they'd need for camping and that she quadruple-checked, to make sure she didn't miss anything.

And when Kioku got there, she saw Fuku, standing in front of a Beowulf, that had all sorts of bags strapped to it.

"Y-You came!" Fuku's face lit up when she saw Kioku approach. "I-I was worried that maybe you'd changed your mind."

Kioku shook her head. "No, I wouldn't do that to you Fuku."

"Oh! Uh, I'm not saying you're the kind of person to do that it-it's just…never mind!" Fuku shook her head. "We should get going. The place I want to go to is pretty far away."

"Really?" Kioku asked, her eyes widening a bit.

"It's not too far I swear!" Fuku told her frantically, worried she'd said something wrong. "I mean, it's pretty far, but we're still gonna be in our forest. It's just a part of the forest that's a lot farther away from the house."

"It's fine, I just thought you'd want to stay somewhere closer to the house." Kioku explained, giving her a confused look. "Why do you want to go so far away in the first place?"

"Um…" Fuku paused, and Kioku could see the gears turning in her head, as she thought hard about something. "I'm sorry but I really want my reason to be a surprise."

Fuku's expression then turned crestfallen. "But…if you really want to know, I'll tell you."

Kioku sighed, she wanted to press for details, but she could see that doing so significantly worsen Fuku's mood. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me. I'm sure you have a good reason for wanting to go so far away."

"I do! I swear!" Fuku promised. "J-Just…please wait until tonight! Then you'll see."

"Alright." Kioku agreed, already wondering what Fuku had in store.

She looked up at the Beowulf, it was a rather large one, and it was absolutely covered from head to toe in different bags. She heard Fuku was a hard worker, and that must apply to her planning as well.

Kioku only hoped she could have as much fun as Fuku wanted.

"Alright! Let's get on the Beowulf and start going!" Fuku said, hopping into the creature, sitting down on one of the two saddles, that was put on it.

Kioku followed suit, and climbed up to the Beowulf, although she struggled to try and climb onto the creature, due to being significantly shorter.

"Oh! Here let me help!" Fuku said, offering her hands, which Kioku quickly took.

With a bit of effort, the two girls managed to pull Kioku onto the Beowulf, and Kioku got onto the saddle.

"I'm sorry I didn't think of that!" Fuku apologized. "I should have-"

"Please stop apologizing." Kioku cut her off, with a bit of frustration in her voice. "Not everything is your fault."

"...I know…I'm still trying to learn that." Fuku admitted dejectedly, looking back towards the front and away from Kioku.

Instantly Kioku regretted sounding so harsh, while also silently cursing Fuku's father for making her like this.

"I'm…" Fuku stopped herself before she said, I'm sorry again. "I'll try to stop apologizing so much. I know it can be kind of annoying."

"No, no it's ok. I get why you do it, it's not your fault, daddy does this too." Kioku pointed out, to try and make her feel a bit better.

She didn't know how effective it was, and Fuku didn't respond, instead, she just kept looking ahead.

Meanwhile, the Beowulf, knowing the girls were on it's back, rose, and started running, taking them to their destination.


They had been riding on the Beowulf for about half an hour in silence, and by now the earlier awkward tension had worn off and been replaced with something else.

Sheer boredom.

Alright, Fuku, you made things a bit awkward by apologizing too much, but now it's time to start the fun. Fuku told herself.

"Um hey, I have an idea for a game we can play!" Fuku told Kioku, before opening up a nearby sachel and taking out two cameras. "We can take pictures of everything around us, and see who gets the better one!"

Kioku looked a bit skeptical, as she took the other camera. "Ok, how do we tell which one's better."

"Um…you just kind of know," Fuku answered, sounding more than a bit unsure.

Kioku shrugged. It beat just doing nothing.

The pink-haired girl started looking around, searching for something to take a photo of.

Fortunately, the Beowulf they were riding on, while pretty fast, was not the fastest Grimm around, and it was also being weighed down by all the bags, so they could still get a pretty good look at their surroundings as they passed by them.

Soon, Kioku found her shot. It was a small pond, surrounded by trees, with two frogs sitting at the edge of it.

Kioku aimed her camera at the scene.


Meanwhile, Fuku looked on the other side, and after a minute of looking, she found a shot of her own.

It was of two deer, eating something on the ground next to a tree.


Once the two had taken their pictures, they turned to each other and started comparing.

"Wow, that's a great picture Kioku!" Fuku gasped when she saw Kioku's picture. It was far from a perfect picture, it was a bit blurry and out of focus, but that was expected for a child.

"I think your pictures are a bit better." Kioku said, taking a close look at Fuku's picture. Fuku's hands were more steady and her eyes more focused, and as such the quality of the picture was quite a bit better. "It's not as blurry."

"Well that's…hmmm." Fuku looked at both pictures. Her picture was objective of higher quality, but she liked what Kioku choose to take a picture of more. "Um…I think maybe the blur brings it down a bit. Is it ok to say my picture's better?"

Kioku nodded. "Yeah, I'll try to make mine less blurry next time."

Once again, the two girl's started looking around for something to take a photo of.

Or rather, Kioku was, Fuku kept looking at Kioku.

Eventually, Kioku found her next shot.

In the distance, there was a Red Crane, standing in a small lake, with the sun shining down on it, causing the water to sparkle.

Kioku held her camera, and Fuku paid close attention to how she took the photo.


The moment Kioku took, the picture, Fuku tapped on the Beowulf's head signaling it to stop.

"Huh?" Kioku looked around in confusion. "Why did we stop."

"I um…can I take a look at that picture?" Fuku asked, receiving a nod from a still confused Kioku.

Fuku took the camera and inspected the picture she took.

It was even worse than the last one. The blur was even worse, and because the picture was taken so far away and she didn't zoom in on it, you could barely make out the Crane.

"You're moving too fast," Fuku told her. "You have to take your time to get everything just right. Here, hold it up."

Kioku followed her instruction and held the camera up to her face, and Fuku moved her arms, to center the shot.

"Here, since it's so far away, you should press the zoom button right here." Fuku guided her, as Kioku used the zoom feature, and focused in on Crane.

"Now try to be as steady as possible," Fuku told her. "Just breathe, and focus."

Kioku nodded, and tried to do as instructed, breathing and out, and focusing intensely on the shot.


"Alright, let's see how it turned out," Fuku told her, as they both took a look at the picture.

It was, significantly better. A lot less blurry, and they could actually see what she was trying to take a picture of.

"There we go! That's much better!" Fuku praised her, giving her a bright, excited smile.

Kioku meanwhile, was shocked at how much the quality had improved, with just a short lesson and a few tips. "Wow. You're really good at this Fuku."

"Huh!?" Fuku blushed intensely at the sudden compliment. "N-No I'm just a beginning too! You should see some of the pictures people take online! They're much, much better than mine! It's just that I've gotten used to taking pictures of stuff! Because I like to draw and paint stuff so sometimes I need to take pictures so I can paint it later!"

"I see." Kioku thought about that. Maybe she should get into photography as well. It was strangely satisfying getting a good shot, and she did like painting as well.

With her mission complete, Fuku tapped on Beowulf's head, and they started moving again.

"Alright, let's keep going with the game," Fuku said, picking up her camera.

"Ok!" Kioku said, sounding a bit more determined, and a bit more into it than she was before. Wanting to put these lessons to use.

Once again, the two girls started looking around, trying to find the next thing to take a picture of.

"Oh!" Fuku gasped, as she saw a small Hare coming out of its hole. She quickly pulled up her camera, lined up the shot very swiftly, and took a picture.


Meanwhile, Kioku found a bird sitting in her nest, with her babies.

Kioku did what Fuku told her, she raised her camera to her face, and took a bit of time to center the shot, zoomed incorrectly, and-


The two quickly turned to each other, and immediately started comparing pictures.

"Oh, that one's so cute!" Fuku praised the moment she Kioku's picture.

"So yours!" Kioku said, looking at the Hare in Fuku's picture.

"I think yours is a bit better," Fuku said. "It has three baby birds!"

"Soooo. I win?" Kioku asked her.

Fuku nodded enthusiastically. "Good job!"

Kioku smiled, feeling a sense of pride. She looked at her picture and she just felt…good. She'd done a good(for her age) job at capturing a really cute scene on camera.

"You know…this is more fun than I thought," Kioku admitted, before holding up her camera, and giving Fuku a smile. "Let's keep going!"

And Fuku's heart soared.


And so the two continued to take pictures, for the next hour of their journey.

However, the game ended, when they finally arrived at the campsite.

"We're here!" Fuku said excitedly, as the two looked around at the campsite Fuku chose.

It was next to a big lake and under the shade of a massive nearby tree. All in all, a very nice campsite, but Kioku still wasn't sure why they had to go this far away to go camping.

"Daddy knows we're out here right?" Kioku asked, a bit concerned about how far they were, now that she realized just how much time had passed.

Fuku nodded. "Of course! And there are a ton of Grimm around to protect us! And there's even a Seer over there!"

She pointed up at one of the trees and saw a Seer latched onto it.

"Ok, just wanted to be sure." Kioku said, her hesitation falling away. "So…what do you want to do?"

"Well, first we should probably unpack and get everything set up," Fuku said, looking at all the bags she brought. "I really did bring a lot of stuff, didn't I? Um…you don't have to help if you don't want to."

"No, no I'll help." Kioku insisted.

"Are you sure? It's gonna be a lot of work." Fuku added, but Kioku just nodded. "O-Ok. Let's get started."


After about twenty minutes, the two finally finished setting up camp.

The most notable thing was the big tent, which was at the center of their camp. On the outside, it looked like a normal grey tent, but on the inside, it was actually see-through. This was something Fuku had asked for specifically from Izuku.

The next most notable thing was the small table and two folding chairs. With a cooler next to it, as well as a crate with some snacks in it, but not much food Kioku had noted.

There was also a small grill close to the table, and some seasonings and other things used for cooking.

Lastly, there were also some chests, filled with various things that Fuku had packed.

"So what do we do now?" Kioku asked.

"Um… maybe it'd be good to go for a swim?" Fuku suggested. "I brought swimsuits but, can you swim?"

Kioku shook her head. "Can you?"

"Yeah. I was worried that if I was being chased that I might need to swim away if I got to a lake or something." Fuku admitted. "Do you want me to teach you?"

Kioku nodded. "Yes please."

"Ok, well then let's get changed." Fuku looked up at the Seer. "Please look away! We're going to get changed!"

The Seer turned away, allowing the girls some privacy.


After a quick change into their bathing suits, they began to enter the water.

"It's cold." Kioku noted, as the two slowly walk into the water. She was wearing a pink polka-dotted white swimsuit, with a frilly skirt on the bottom.

"Yeah, but you get used to it!" Fuku reassured her. She was wearing a plain purple swimsuit and was guiding Kioku into the water by holding her hands. "Now whatever you do, stay calm. Freaking out is really, really bad. So just remember, I'm here."

"You know, you're a lot cooler today than you normally are." Kioku told her, giving her an appreciative look.

Once again, Fuku's face exploded into a blush. "W-W-W-What are you talking about?! M-Me!? Cool!? Th-That's…oh look we're getting deeper into the water! Let's start focusing on teaching you how to swim!"

True to her word, they were approaching a depth where Kioku could no longer walk and would have to start actually swimming. Fuku could still walk around though, due to her being taller.

"Alright, now let's practice floating first," Fuku said, regaining her composure, while she recalled the way her instructors taught her. "First just lie back, and stay calm, a person's body floats on its own, so all you need to do is let the water lift you up."

Kioku let Fuku position her backward until she was lying back in the water, with Fuku's hands holding her up, and she felt a little nervous.

"Ok, I'm going to let you go now, are you gonna be ok? Can you stay calm?" Fuku asked her, also feeling a bit nervous.

Kioku took a deep breath and summoned her courage. "I'll be ok."

"Alright." And with that, Fuku slowly let go of Kioku's body.

The moment she did, Kioku feared she would sink. The feeling of not having anything physically underneath her to hold her up was a bit frightening, and she had to command herself not to move. Not to ask Fuku to hold her again. She had to hold on tight to her courage.

And it paid off, as a few moments later, she noticed she wasn't sinking. The water was pushing her up, rather than dragging her down.

It was still a bit scary to have nothing solid underneath her, but for the most part, she could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Alright! You're doing it! Now just keep doing this for a few minutes, so you can get used to it." Fuku explained. "Then we can move on to the next thing!"


The next two hours were spent teaching Kioku how to swim.

Fuku instructed her patiently, and Kioku appreciated how thorough she was. It helped her understand things easily, and whenever she did something wrong, Fuku was quick to correct her.

It was thanks to this, that after an additional hour of practice, Kioku was able to swim…kind of. She still wasn't very good at it, moving very slowly and inefficiently in a way that would quickly exhaust her, but she could move through the water without sinking, and that was major progress.

But after all those hours of learning, Kioku was pretty tired, so Fuku carried her on her back, as she swam back to shore.

"You really are amazing Fuku." Kioku praised her sister, as she clung tightly to her back.

Fuku stopped suddenly, and her face turned red again. "I mean…not really. I'm sure Izuku could have taught you a lot better than I could have. He's a lot smarter than I am."

Kioku nodded. "But daddy's a lot older than you. You're only…two years older than me. And you know so much more than me. And you're a really good teacher."

For a while after that statement, there was silence.

Until Kioku heard something start hitting the water.

She looked down and saw teardrops that had fallen from Fuku's face, falling into the water, creating small ripples as they landed.

"Fuku?" Kioku picked her head up and looked down at Fuku with eyes full of worry.

She heard sniffles coming from her, and a very, very quiet sobbing noise.

Meanwhile, Fuku was trying to hold it together, trying to stop the tears flowing out of her eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just…sometimes, it still feels like a dream. Or like I'm inside an Isekai. It…the months I've spent here sometimes don't feel real. I'm worried I'm going to wake up one day, and everything will go back to normal. I won't have Eri, or Kei, or you. No one will tell me I'm amazing. No one will tell me I'm useful. I'll go back to being Fukunoko. Child of Misfortune."

Kioku's embrace grew tighter. Her previously exhausted body suddenly felt hot with rage. "That's never going to happen. That terrible man can never, ever hurt you again. Never. Our nightmares are over. We've suffered enough already."

Fuku paused for a minute, before responding. "I hope you're right. If this was a dream…I don't think I could bare ever waking up from it."

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