
I'm Very Humble

Perseus POV

"Why are you looking at me?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? You're no level 0." Professor Everett stated with a serious grumpy expression, "You are strong enough to fight an angel on your own, so you're level 4 at minimum, so you're going to be vital in our plans, you're better than the 3rd years and my daughter here."

"Oh, so you want me to like reveal my actual strengths and weaknesses to you."

"Is it not obvious?" he asked in a slightly mocking tone, though I felt no hostility behind it, "We'll have to cater a proper plan to everyone's strength, and the only thing I know about you is that you like flying on a skateboard."

"Why are you hesitating?" Captain Ida asked, "We have no reason to arrest you, and if you are as strong as we think you are, the rescue's priorities may change to be more inclusive of you and your brother just to please you into our side."

Now that's a tough decision to make, these guys are now my allies, and when it comes to my allies, revealing my true strength might be necessary. We need to have a strong foundation of trust and understanding among ourselves to fight effectively as a team.

By sharing my capabilities, weaknesses, and limitations, we can strategize better and complement each other's strengths. It will allow us to coordinate our efforts and maximize our chances of success.

Moreover, if I'm open about my abilities, my allies can plan their actions accordingly. They can rely on me for certain tasks, knowing that I'm capable of handling them, while they can focus on their own areas of expertise. It will promote a sense of unity and cooperation, making us a formidable force against the angels.

However, I'm cautious about revealing every or most of the details. I don't know if any of them are secretly members of that syndicate, and the school isn't necessarily a loyal ally either.

Apart from my own brother, they all have a reason to report it or at least say what they know, and in case they become my enemy somehow...

It's essential to maintain a degree of mystery and surprise to keep our enemies on their toes. Holding back some information can be advantageous during critical moments when I need to outmaneuver my opponents. By selectively showcasing my strengths, I can catch them off guard and turn the tide in my favor.

In the end, striking a balance is key. Sharing enough to foster trust and effective teamwork while retaining some hidden strengths to maintain a strategic advantage. With this approach, we can build chemistry among ourselves and face challenges with a higher chance of victory.

I don't want to become a constant target, revealing too much might also put a target on my back. Others might see me as a threat, and it could attract unwanted attention. So what should I do...?

"Well, for now, I'll say that I'm somewhere above a mid-level 5, does that sound satisfactory to you."

"That's a bit high, even for you, you clearly didn't train on your own." Captain Ida commented, "Are you sure that you're not overestimating yourself?"

"You can say that, and if you're still gonna try and connect the dots on whether I was taught by a member of the MSS or not, I'm not, so let's get on with it, I'll give out some info, but I'm still keeping some to myself."

Hopefully, the faes will have some secrets that I can learn while I'm here. Their magic radiates similar energy to the angels, despite the concept of magic being the same, it seems that they use it for a lot more applications than us humans.


Shawn POV

After that, they arranged another mission to call back to the mainland and say that our side is as ready for rescue from anywhere starting 3 weeks later, giving all of us enough time to prepare.

The date of rescue is scheduled to take place in exactly 3 weeks, just enough time for the fairies to move, I was brought over to the fairy village in my spare time and I helped do some manual labor and helped them move.

They were very curious about me, even though they know what I am, they have never met a changeling before, but at the same time, I don't really feel that different.

The fairies may be smaller in size, but they seem powerful, somehow their bodies can contain a similar amount of mana, which I didn't think would be biologically possible, but...I'm not to question how it's possible for these magical beings.

Angels exist after all.

Too bad that I can't call Dad, I do it often, and he must be really worried about not hearing our voice, I doubt that they'll reveal anything to him, a powerless civilian with no strong background.

I also want to go home and eat proper food again, I'm kinda tired of rations and tough meats, mix with the fruits and vegetables given by the fairies...they don't mix well in my stomach, but I shouldn't complain, at least I'm living.

I headed into the so-called forbidden zone that most humans won't enter, and as we trudged through, we arrive at the spot, they now moved to this rock, which they used magic to lift up and down to open and close the secret village.

There's this large open space brightened up by lowing mushrooms, I then placed down the things I'm carrying and left them to their devices, and Perseus dropped off several of the fairies' houses that he used light platforms to carry over here.

"You're not feeling like you wanna stay here permanently, are you?" he asked out of the blue.

"What?! Why'd you ask that?"

"I don't know, maybe you finally feel like you're home or something."

"Haha, I was made by a fairy, don't worry, I'm going back to help you get out of awkward social situations."

"Alright, but just letting you know, if you need help burying the original, I'm available."

"You need help."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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