
43. To Hurt


I looked up at the mid-afternoon sun through the window and sighed .

This was so boring , I thought dejectedly .

" ... and that kids is how Cristopher Columbus discovered America ." Mr Jady said pointing to the white board .

I was in History class and bored out of my skull .

There were 20 desks in the room seperated into four neat rows .

The walls had pictures of historical figures and events . There was two florescent lights above us on the white ceiling . The floor was brown grey tiles and there was a long row of windows on the right side of the class that looked out into the sports ground .

" Damn , I wish I was out there ."

" What was that , Mr Brown ? " Mr Jady said looking at me and I realised I had spoken outloud .

" Umm I said ... I wish ... I wish I had been there ." I lied easily and smiled .

" Really ? Well you'd be the only one . Cristopher Columbus began his attack on the native population soon after that . " Mr Jady said and then the bell rang .

" Finally . " I said softly and started packing my stuff into my backpack .

It was finally lunchtime and I was free from more ' historical facts ' .

I really hated history class .

So , it was with a breezy smile that I walked out of the class and into the hallway . I quickly got to myself to the cafeteria and in line with the other students .

Today was chilli Tuesday, which was okay but I preferred potato chips Friday . You get enjoy potato chips and the satisfaction that it's the weekend and you won't have to see school for two days .

" To bad Yuree isn't here . "

" Yuree ? You mean Yuree Rosi ? " someone said behind me and I realised I had spoken outloud ... again .

It was a habit of mine ... I didn't know when I talked outloud or in my head . I turned to the person who had spoken .

" Yeah ... sorry , I was just ... talking outloud ." I said to the guy behind me .

Maybe he was one of those guys who was on that Yuree queen of hearts website . A probable prospect .

" No problem ... it's kind of cute . " he said and I smiled wider . He was cute aswell .

With his light brown hair and that smile ... mmm , he looked tasty , I thought .

" I'm Terry Brown . I don't think I we've met ." I said putting up my hand and he shook it .

" Me neither , I'm - "

" Stevey could you move ? We're in a line , you know . " a boy behind him said and I instantly felt cold .

" Stevey ? As in Steve ? " I said out loud and this time it was intentional.

The guy , Stevey or Steve smiled and pulled his hand across his hair in a way that would have made me swoon , if I was not on the tip of rage .

" Yeah , my name is Steve Johnson . I... know Yuree , that's why I noticed you say his name . " he said ruefully and I swallowed .

" How do you know him ? " I asked moving forward in the line . I had an idea brewing in case this was the Steve I had been wanting to meet . If he was the one who had injured Yuree ... oh , I was going to teach him the meaning of pain !

" It was ... not under good circumstances ... I was kinda of a douche when we met and afterwards worse ." he said looking at the side and I narrowed my eyes but still walked forward .

" Oh , did you do something bad ? " I asked him as I put my tray for the lunch lady . She put in some sliced apple pieces , three bread slices and alot of chilli . I took my tray but then i stayed put . I wouldn't do anything until I heard Steve's answer .

" Oh ... yeah . It was a ... bit of hustle and bustle , ended up with me and my friends seeing the cops and some shrinks . " he said with a sigh , " I really wish I hadn't been so dumb back then and maybe a better person . But it's never too late ."

" Yeah , yeah but the bad thing , the ' hustle and bustle ' ... how bad was it ? Hospital bad ? " I asked holding my tray tightly .

He looked at me and he sighed again , then ... he nodded his head .

" That's all I needed to know ." i said tightly and then quickly raising the tray , I smacked his face with it . I made sure to aim with where my chilli was , i hoped it would go into eyes !

" Ahh ! " he screamed and drew back but I quickly raised my leg and gave him a kick in the gut that sent him father back . A few people moved out off the away after that and the lunch lady went into the kitchen but I hardly noticed as my attention was focused mostly on Steve .

Steve had doubled over, whilst holding his stomach in obvious pain . I rushed to bang his back with my elbows but unfortunately I was stopped .

The boy who had been behind Steve moved infront of him and stood in my way .

" What the heck man ? " he asked looking at me and then at Steve .

" Were you there too ? " I asked him savagely , i was mad now !

I had been planning on finding Steve after school , since it would be easier to fight outside but since he had already presented himself ... how could I refuse a chance to get him back for hurting Yuree ? I would just have to hurt him fast before someone told a teacher and I would have to stop .

" There where? What are you talking about ? Are you crazy ? " the boy said and I frowned .

" What do you think I mean ? You know Stevey , and I'm guessing you two or maybe more of you chased Yuree that day . Am I right Stevey ? " I said dryly at Steve who was wiping chilli off his face .

" Who ... who are you ?" Steve asked in a winded voice , damn my kick must have been good ! I hoped he was hurting alot !

" I'm Terry , Yuree's best friend and I " I pointed at both of them , " am going beat you both black and blue , and still carry on afterwards ."

" Wait , wait ... Yuree asked you to do this ? " Steve asked and I shook my head impatiently .

" No , I'm just doing this because I'm his best friend . He probably would hate what I'm going to do but ," I smiled and took a step forward , they both moved back two steps . I smiled , " I'm going to enjoy this and what he does not know won't hurt him ."

With that I quickly lunged at the boy infront of Steve . I had hoped he would try to fight me but he had just stood as a shield between me and Steve . With all the talking we had been doing , a teacher was bound to come before I taught them a lesson ... which meant I had to act first .

The boy moved to the side to avoid me but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back . I raised my knee and landed a blow which knocked him away and left Steve open .

I moved forward and Steve stood up and looked at me . I rushed forward with both my fists raised, ready to give him a punch he would never forget .

But Steve didn't fight back ... at all . He stood looking at me as if waiting to be punched .

" Seriously ? Where was the fun in that ? "

" What ? " he asked and I realised I had spoken outloud again .

" Come on , raise your arms . " I said , " I won't beat you , unless you atleast try to resist . "

" Then I won't try ... you can hit me if you want ." he said and I paused ... he sounded so defeated .

" What the hell ? " I said putting my arms down and stomping my foot .

" What ? I said you can hit me . Go ahead ... I deserve it ." he said and I felt ... conflicted .

" On one hand he hurt my friend but on the other he sounds so ... down ."

Steve chuckled and i frowned .

" What's funny ? " I asked feeling some anger again .

" Do you do that alot ? " he asked and I frowned harder .

" Do what ? And don't think I will fall any distractions ." I said glaring at him . If this was a trick or something , then I would pummel him , resistance or no resistance !

" No , I'm not tricking you ... I'm just curious . You say what's in your head alot . " he said smiling at me and I tisked my tongue .

Damn my habits ! This was why I talked with sign language even when I used my mouth . When I used it , my mind didn't drip out everything and I could interact with people better . But I usually spoke to Yuree and ... he wasn't there .

Because of the guy infront of me .

I took a deep breath and walked up to Steve and he didn't move .

" Stevey ? " I said looking at his handsome face covered in chilli .

" What ? You going to hit me now ? " he asked and I smiled slowly .

Then I gave him a punch in his gut .

" There we go . " I said , dusting my hands as he doubled over again , " Now , I feel better . "

I did to . Of course this wasn't the grand beat down I had been hoping for , but atleast I had taught the guy a lesson .

" If anyone messed with my friends I would get involved and pay them back , and it's going to hurt ." I said and then I looked around .

Students were looking at us but that was to be expected . There was a stain in the floor from my chilli but all in all nothing major . Atleast nobody screamed or started cheering .

" There isn't a teacher yet too , which means I can leave the scene . It wasn't a guarantee I would make it out but - why are you chuckling again ? Do you need another punch ? " I asked Steve ,who was chuckling softly .

" No ... sorry ...sorry , ahh... shit you throw a mean punch ." he said moving to a table nearby . He sat on the seat and looked at me whilst holding his gut . He was wheezing and that made me feel smug .

" Message delivered ."

" You ... did it again . Why do ...you do that ? " he said and I frowned .

I guessed I had spoken outloud again but why did he care ? And why wasn't he mad about getting punched or his friend who was also getting off the floor .

Neither of them were making any sense .

" What's wrong with you two ? Aren't you aggressive ? How the hell did you guys hurt Yuree if you can't even fight back ? " I asked looking at both of them and my eyes rested on Steve .

" Okay ... okay ... First off , we didn't hurt Yuree . Well I did , but not as bad as he looks . Terrence you can go now ." Steve said and his left us and I felt anger rise in me but I still listened as he continued " He got hurt , running away from us and I made it worse but honestly we didn't cut him , or break his bones."

" Why should I believe you ? " I asked him harshly and I sat on the bench he was on .

Steve turned to me , " You don't have to ... but if you are his best friend then you ought to know I already said sorry . " he looked down , his breathing was returning to normal now .

" Yeah , yeah , I think I remember him saying something like that . " I said warily , " It's what he does . He doesn't like violence and keeping grudges ."

" But you do . " Steve said smiling at me and I was drawn back by his handsomeness ; Steve had a square like jaw and sharp nose . He had deep hazel eyes and hard defined lips which could spread into a powerful smile . But I only wavered for second .

" I ... learnt how to fight a while back . " I said to him , " YouTube videos help too ."

He chuckled and winced and I cringed involuntarily .

" Maybe I had hurt him too much ."

" Yeah , you did . But I deserved it . " he said grinning at me and I chuckled .

" Mr Brown and Mr Johnson , both of you , come here ! "

We both turned and there was the teacher I had been waiting for .

It was Mrs Tikka , the communications and language teacher .

" Oh , damn . " I said under my breath and I rose up from the seat .

Mrs Tikka stood by the entrance with her hands on her hips and with a stern face . She was tall with dark brown skin and black hair . She had dark makeup on and a bunch of rainbow hoops in her hair .

" What is this meaning of this display Mr Brown ? " she said looking at me .

" It was ... a mistake . I apologize ." I said using sign language and she narrowed her eyes .

" Was it really a mistake ? " She said looking at Steve , " Because I find that very hard to believe ."

" It was just ... a misunderstanding . Sorry Mam . " Steve said with a smile .

" The devil . "

" What was that ? " Mrs Tikka asked me and I swallowed . Damn my mouth !

" He meant he didn't know what the devil got into him . " Steve said and I felt a bit of gratitude .

" Well , if it was a misunderstanding , then you won't misunderstand , that you will both be cleaning the cafeteria for the next two weeks ." Mrs Tikka said sternly and I sighed .

" Yes Mrs Tikka . " I said glummly .

" Yes , Mam ." Steve said and Mrs Tikka nodded her head .

She was pleased with the order that had returned . She turned around but before walking away she looked at me .

" And also Mr Brown , you will be presenting in class for the next two weeks ." she said with finality and walked away .

" I knew she was going to do that ."

" She your teacher ? " Steve and I nodded my head .

" Yeah , I'm learning communication and languages. Mrs Tikka is very petty . " I said and walked back to the table we had sat at . I sat down and folded my arms , my stomach growled and I groaned .

" Now , what I am going to eat ? I wasted my lunch on Steve's face ."

" Yes , you did ." Steve said sitting next to me , he held a tray in his hands with food .

" Want a bite ? " he said smiling and I laughed . He still had some chilli on his face !

" You mean the tray or your face ? " I asked and he smirked .

" Your choice ." he said and I smiled , so boyish !

" I'll take the tray . Your still on my hit list for hurting Yuree ." I said picking up an apple slice .

" Hey , but I said - " he started but I cut him off .

" Yeah , yeah , you're sorry . I heard you but unlike Yuree , I'm not the forgiving type . " I said taking some bites from the apple slice , " So it's a good thing Yuree isn't in a body cast or you'd be six feet under the ground ."

" Shit , you're harsh aswell as cute ." he said and I chuckled .

" The total package ." I said smugly .

" And by the way , it's because of a guy that Yuree was okay . He came up and spooked us really good . " Steve said looking down .

" Wait , a guy ? " I asked my interest rising .

" Yeah , he came up dressed in all black and started throwing us around like toys . " Steve said sighing " Then ... ah , nevermind . All I know is that day is going be burned in mind for a long time . "

" Dressed in black ... was he wearing a mask ? Like a scarf ? " I asked him and he nodded his head .

" Yeah ... I saw him again when I apologized to Yuree . He was watching me like a ... man he gave me the creeps ! "

" Oh , okay ... this is interesting ." I said giggling . That guy Yuree had been with yesterday ..." What was his name ? A bugs name ... Mmmm."

" Bee . His name was Bee ." Steve said and I nodded head .

Yes , that was it ! But damn it , yesterday I had been focused mostly on Yuree and hadn't even asked him any important questions .

" Ugh , damn it ! " I said with a grunt .

" What ? " Steve asked and i looked at him .

" I just realised I made a huge mistake the other day . " I said sighing .

" Really ? What did you do ? Beat someone up ? " he asked jokingly and I punched his arm .

" No , it's more like what I DIDN'T do . " I said with a huff , " But ... maybe next time . Anyway , let's change the subject , if we keep talking about Yuree ... I might start hitting you again . "

" Okay , what do you want to talk about ? " he asked and I lifted my hand and stroked his chin playfully .

" How about ... you . Let's talk about you . " I said breezily and he raised his eyebrows .

" Or you could start mopping ! "

We both looked up and saw the janitor holding a mop and glaring at us . He was standing by the mess on the floor from my chilli .

" Oh , right . We can talk after this ." I said grudgingly getting up and walking towards the janitor .

The janitor handed me the mop and a bucket that was next to him . Damn the guy was prepared .

I started to mop up the chilli feeling alittle miffed at myself .

" I should have waited until after school to start this mess . "

" I'm actually glad you didn't . " Steve said coming up next to me .

He was holding an apple slice in his right hand and offering it to me .

" And what's this ? " I asked him and he smiled . His face still had chilli but he was still handsome . Damn his handsomeness !

" Well if you're going to be cleaning , I might aswell feed you . " Steve said and I glared at him .

" I clean ? So you're not going to help at all ? " I asked him incredulously .

" There's only one mop and this is your mess . " he said and I punched his shoulder . He held it and looked at me with exasperation ." What was THAT for ? "

" For being right and because I am still mad about Yuree . I'm going to keep punching you until I'm satisfied ." I said smiling smugly and he sighed but he then smiled .

He looked at me and I felt a flutter inside from the look in his eyes , " If it means we'll be seeing more of each other ... I don't mind a couple of bruises . " he said and I punched him again on his other shoulder and he dropped the apple slice.

" So we'll be spending more time together ? " he asked holding his other shoulder and I grunted in frustration .

" You will take all the fun out of beating you up ." I said and then before he could react , I moved up and kissed his lips , wiping my tongue and tasting the chilli on his bottom lip . I wasn't like Yuree , I took what I wanted and who I wanted . Life's too short for the hurdles of romance .

" Woah , what was that for ? " he asked looking at me and I tisked my tongue .

" A boy who doesn't know what a kiss means ... such a shame . " I said and started wiping the floor again . I heard Steve turn around and walk away .

A few seconds later Steve walked back and in his hand was another apple slice . He smiled breezily at me as he offered it and I opened my mouth .

He put the slice in my mouth and I started chewing . He went back again and that's how we finished Steve's lunch .

This chapter was more of an experiment.... if you like the Terry and Steve combo please tell me and I'll think about putting more inserts on them .

Next we get back to our main couple ... and Yuree makes a new friend ... a new DEAD friend

...Well , they will be friends later .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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