
Vice Admiral kuzan

"Captain, A guy has jumped from the marine ship and he landed in the water? What in the name of... He froze the water."A low ranking crewman sitting on the bird's nest said as Ragnar turned attention towards the Marine ship, a large surge of ice was approaching them, freezing everything in its way.

'Admiral Aokiji, No his name should be Kuzan currently, he is not in the strength level of an admiral currently, He is just a vice admiral.' Ragnar thought as a large glacier of ice slowly rose up from the water, intending to destroy the ship.

"Cubic Slash." Ragnar said, his hand blurred into several slashing attacks. A large net like flying slash was created from his movements dicing the ice glacier into ice cubes.

"Captain, What is happening?" Kashi said as he appeared beside Ragnar with a Soru.

"We are fighting against marines, the enemy is a vice admiral." Ragnar said as he sheathed the sword and jumped to the ice platform created by Kuzan in a blur.

Using Sweeping steps, he increased his speed to very high levels, ice was a very slippery surface, so it was easier to slide across it. His speed broke several sound barriers as he approached Kuzan. With a swift movement, he sent dozens of flying slashes flying at Kuzan, At the end, he coated a few of his slashes with haki.

"Such tricks have no effect on me! Augh" Aokiji was hit with a haki enhanced slash, he was only hit with one slash before he created a thick ice wall to protect himself.

This Guy he was faced with was strong, really strong, this guy's haki was as strong as a vice admiral, he must take it very seriously.

'Haki? In the blues, you must be joking.' Kuzan thought to himself as he regained his composure, thankfully the slash only managed to cut the surface layer of his skin because he saw the enemy changing his blade colour to black.

"Ice spear." Aokiji said as the ice below him moulded to form sharp spears with terrifying piercing ability.

"Atomic dismantling slash." A voice yelled out from the other side, Kuzans eyes widened as the wall he created was instantly pulverised by the opponent. This was a move Ragnar developed during the last few months of the crew's training.

'What speed!' Kuzan dodged to the left as the position he was standing on was sliced into thin stripes.

Kuzan wasn't slow by any means but since Ragnar got to charge up his Sweeping steps for several kilometres, his speed exceeded Kuzan's initial observations.

"What terrifying swordsmanship! What is someone like you doing in the blues?" Kuzan asked the younger man, Kuzan was intrigued by what such a strong person was doing in a weak sea like south blue.

"I'd like to say that myself, Vice admiral Kuzan." Ragnar asked the taller man, who was now ready with dozens of spears prepared to throw at Ragnar.

"Ice spear: Rapid fire." Kuzan said as he fired the ice spear at a rapid rate. Ragnar was in a tough position now, the ice spears were comming at a very fast pace and who knew what they would do after landing.

"Eight Swords Sixteen Slashes." Ragnar said as Sigyn moved so fast it looked like Ragnar held Eight Swords. Instantly, all the spears lost their momentum and got cut into several slices from top to bottom. He took inspiration from Naruto and developed this move.

"Ice surge." Kuzan yelled as he touched the ground with his hands, A glacier surged from the ground, forming spikes at the end, the glacier was easily several hundred meters high and dwarfed the marine ship that was behind kuzan.

"To think he would take me as far as to use my ultimate move." Kuzan breathed a sigh of relief as he flicked a piece of frozen sweat from his forehead.

Inside the glacier Ragnar was frozen solid, his sword was held like he was going to slash and his eyes were stuck being wide as he was frozen solid.

"I... cannot move... I have to move at any cost..." Ragnar said in between gasps as his voice disappeared, he was conscious but couldn't move, he could only watch as Kuzan slowly moved towards him with an icicle in hand

"Teme." A shiny black axe appeared behind Kuzan as a figure showed himself. It was Kashi, using Soru to quickly travel behind Kuzan, Kuzan dodged the attempt at harming him with the use of Observation haki but could sense danger from his side.

The sound of a gunshot was heard as Kuzan was shot in the leg by a haki coated bullet. Shin had shot the bullet from his haki covered flintlock.

"Is everyone on your crew a monster?" Kuzan asked, He didn't expect three people in a crew to use haki.

"You could say that, Mr.Vice Captain." Another voice came in Kuzan's ear, the Voice was followed by the sound of iron hitting something hard as a man wielding a spear bounced Kuzan at rapid speeds with his legs and spear covered in black Armament coating. This was Kazuma using his bouncy steps. (A/n Lets just say haki can be seen. I am bored of accepting it like it is invisible, it is cooler if we made it visible.)

Kuzan's observation haki warned him as he dodged on the nick of time, avoiding his hand being pierced, though his hand still got scarred by the spear.

"You three are strong but not on the same level as the guy before." Kuzan said as he put his hand down to the ground. Ice surged like before but on all directions as the legs of The three Vice captains of Saber pirates were stuck to ice as it travelled up their body . Their faces lost colour as they were turing blue from hypothermia.

The Ice surge previously created was hit by this new surge of ice, partially cracking it. Out of the crack a red streak of haki escaped.

The Ice around Ragnar started cracking as Red lightning danced around him.

"Conqurers haki?" Aokiji was shocked as He saw Ragnar come out of the ice, emmitinh concurred haki. Ragnar unlocked conquerors haki at that moment and he was not looking happy.

"Those are my Friends Bastard." Ragnar readied his sword Infront of him as his body turned into a blur and appeared behind Kuzan, his face was shadowed from his hair, his sword was black, emitting a red glow from Ryuo.

"The end of thy fate shall be cut by this blade. RAGNAROK!!!"

To be continued...

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