

Within a room by the open door, there was an athletically built girl with ash white hair that was dressed in training clothes.

She was hanging from a pole that was in between the door frame and pulled herself up so that her chin reached the pole before lowering herself. "Hup. Huff.."

Her knees were bent so that her legs were left hanging but did not touch the ground underneath her.

Azra kept going and repeating the exercises until her body could no longer lift her up anymore.

There were many different types of weights lying around the floor along with some training mats that were placed all around.

There may not have been a lot of space for her but Azra made good use of her space to allow herself to perform different types of exercises at home.

Not all of the equipment was able to fit inside so she had taken what was necessary and left the rest outside.

A trampoline, swings and other equipment were kept outside and were set up nearby so that she could gain access to them easily without them being cramped into the small space that she had.

Among them were hoops that had been hung up on a nearby tree then there were some wooden blocks that could be climbed or jumped over.

There was other things that were set up like balance bars that could be walked across.

Outside of the home that Azra had become used to over the month that had passed, there was the sounds of children's laughter and shouting.

Azra had sighed upon hearing them. "They really cannot keep away."

The equipment that she had bought had gained the curiosity of the neighbours and they could not be installed inside but the neighbours had said they they would not mind helping set it all up if the children of the village could make use of it too.

Since she had the money to burn through and would probably have left those things behind after using them, Azra thought that it was best if what she had bought became something that everyone could gain access to even when she had left the village one day.

She usually wore a hat when she went outside but a lot of the time was spent in doors so that she was not overly exposed to her neighbours.

There had been no news reports about her but that did not mean that she should not be careful.

If there happened to be someone investigating her location then a single photo being shown to someone from the village when they made a trip to the nearby town would let her be discovered.

Her curtains were kept closed to stop others from looking inside or catching a glimpse of her when they were passing by.

She walked towards a wooden board on the wall that had lots of notes and papers pinned up.

Her finger followed the strings to a certain part and she said. "If the time is correct then it should be happening soon but so far there has been nothing out of the ordinary. I have searched just about everywhere that I can think of but there is nothing yet."

What was in front of her were pieces of information and other things from her revelation.

Where she had pointed to had the name of the nearby town that was called Pine Town.

It was a small town but it was of a great importance to Azra.

If it wasn't so important then she would not have took the gamble to remain nearby and would have travelled as far away as possible.

The revelation was not just knowing certain pieces of information about the supernatural world that had spirits and balancers within it.

It contained very specific future details which could only be described as a prophecy of a possible future.

That future did not go into description about everyone and everything leading up to a specific date but instead was focussed around one individual.

It was more like a detailed account of what would happen to that individual in the future and what they would encounter along with their journey through the supernatural world.

It started out with a talented country bumpkin with the powers of a balancer moving to a bigger place, the new environment would let them be humbled and then would be a series of events that followed as they adjusted to various tasks.

There would be visits to different locations and different encounters would be had by that person during the most chaotic period of the new era.

With a lot of luck, talent and determination, the youth was able to forge their own path in the supernatural world and help to overcome the growing difficulties.

It sounded more like a story of some hero and was something that anyone would ignore if they had been aware of it but there were many details within that matched the world Azra was a part of.

The future would be filled with many dangers and ordinary humans would be caught up in it without a means to defend themselves.

There was not a single mention of her own name within it so it was likely that she would be of no importance, would not come across that person or she would possibly be dead in the future that she had knowledge of.

Even the family that had been behind her suffering had played a small role within the revelation along with other bigger clans or groups within the country she was a part of.

It was important for Azra to record those events and to take note of certain important pieces of information that she could make use of if she wished to have any hope of surviving.

After washing her body, Azra had gotten changed into another set of clothes then walked towards Pine Town once again. 'Please.. please.. if this revelation is really there to help me in some way then please be correct. I really do not want to choose that more risky method. This really is my only hope that has less risk involved.'

There were certain parts of the information that could be used to gain various profits from in the future but everything was reliant on if she could actually enter the same ranks as those people within the supernatural world.

If Azra had not remembered one part of that revelation then she would not have been able to find a possible path for herself so she made every effort to locate what she was looking for.

It was so suited to her that it was almost scary how well suited it was.

It was almost like everything she had endured and experienced was just a way of preparing her for what was to come in the future and that she was finally being rewarded so long as she could take advantage of that opportunity.

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