
Fue's Opportunity

Atop the temple's peak sat seven thrones and eight seals.

At this moment, only one throne seemed to have any movement, as its corresponding seal started to glow in a dim unnoticeable golden light.


[Reminiscence Complete]

["Absolute Domination" awakened true form "Immortal's Symphony"]

[Host "Zero's" connection with Mythos has been reestablished]

Hazy purple lighting rippled across the cocoon of shadows as the black and crimson light inside reformed Zero's body in its true visage.

As if timed the moment, Dee's innocent voice sounded in the temple's halls, causing Zero's crimson eyes to shoot open inside the cocoon.

When his eyes opened, the remaining liquid inside the cocoon was absorbed into his skin as the shadows squeezed tightly against him.

Unlike the cloak of shadows Zero used to wear, this coat of shadows was like an extension of his body.

The once unguided demonic hum transformed and evolved into Zero's 13th symphony as the temple resonated with each note.

Almost instantly, after the grand visage of the demonic goliath commanding, every shadow under the ocean of Mythos hummed its last tune before remerging with the ocean.

After the ocean of Mythos calmed, Zero's open eyes regained their luster as immense wisdom and longing conflicted with confusion and regret.

"Who… Was that really me?"


Atop the temple's peak…

Adrian slept like a baby holding Fue, who slept just as lazily as him.

All the while, Sakura and Dee were having an odd conversation.

Confused as to how she got to the temple's peak, Sakura asked, ~What! Did you see a blond kid with claws?!~

Innocently Dee responded, "Oh Yeah! Zero looked like a blond kid when he brought you here. But, he was really confused or something."

Once Dee's words left his mouth, a sudden and ethereal yet joyous symphony exploded out from under their feet.

This sudden sound put Sakura and Dee's conversation on hold as an aura or suppression filled the air.

The seven thrones and eight seals in the peak became illusionary for a few seconds before returning to reality.

Leaving only two changes, one throne transformed as if engulfed in shadows leaking demonic energy while humming, as another seal carved into the walls lit up, bathing the world in a terrifying aura.

Without warning, the realm went silent as blinding light replaced shadows as if every sound and shadow bowed before the song and aura as if they had met their emperor.

Still confused, Zero noticed the unintentional side effect of his new memories, quickly suppressing the changes in the newborn realm.

Just like that, the realm returned to normal.

Had the path principle, laws, and causality been even slightly weaker or worse incomplete, the world would have been ripped apart and transformed after the dissension of a semi-saint soul.

For everyone atop the temple, nothing could be less true.

And as they were the closest to Zero's throne and seal, the aura and symphony heavily affected Adrian and Fue.

This was exponentially worse for Fue specifically, as unbeknownst to the others, except for Qi, Fue had been in the middle of cultivating her spirit body in hopes of awakening as a kitsune once more during her sleep.

Meaning for her, if this interruption occurred, it could have meant the difference between her life and death, as she would have had to forcefully pause once again.

Even before her curiosity had already almost forced her lifespan to be crippeled...

However, luckily for her, Adrian's bloodline ability was still active as it swallowed the brunt of the aura.

Even more lucky for her that a series of unfathomable coincidences had occurred prior that would allow her to transform this life-and-death situation into an indispensable opportunity.

The first and most important being that the night before, her body had been directly bathed in the energies that flowed out of Adrian's head the night prior.

Second, was that after God's Breath ate the aura, the symphony forced her into enlightenment, allowing her body and soul to be able to resist the suppression from the aura.

Thirdly, her past experience and knowledge allowed her unprecedented control over her soul.

And last but certainly not least, when she relinquished her well… everything and returned to her original form, it had gained the bloodline from her previous self.

All these normally impossible coincidences culminated, allowing something completely new to be born.

By the time the aura and symphony stopped, Fue had ripped open the realm's laws directly connecting to the paths of fire, weaving, and the untouchable… souls.

Her tiny white body levitated from Adrian's death hug as six flames lit up around her while another flame burned directly under her forming an array.

Qi's mind was completely taken aback as she personally commanded those flames at one point in time, cultivating each one into ancestral flames.

For a moment, Qi felt betrayed by her babies but quickly remembered a long-forgotten order, "If Fue or I ever need you and I'm not there to command you, help us in any way you can."

Gazing back at the flames, Qi wanted to cry as, for an instant, seven eggs were reflected in the flames.

This sight caused Qi to vow to herself, 'Mommy will be by your side before you hatch! I'm sorry it's taking longer than I thought…'

Each flame occupied a spot atop a thread-like knitted array as seafoam green soul-light exuded from Fue's tiny body.

As soon as the array was complete, the soul light fed into the seafoam green flame under her feet.

After gaining its fuel, the first fire to move was the Ghost Fire, a seafoam green flame that burned past any defense, allowing it to attack the soul, flowing into her body as the word "soul" appeared within a circle in front of her chest.

As if it was its turn, the Abyssal Fire, a black flame so hot it could burn even in a true abyss, becoming strings flowing along the array stopping above "soul," becoming a similar circle with the word "fire" inside as an arrow drew itself pointing into "soul."

The next flame to become threads was the Molten Fire, a metallic flame that was so sturdy and malleable it was indistinguishable from metal. Like the flame before it, it formed a circle, surrounding the word "metal" down and to the right of "fire."

Following the same trend, the Terra Fire, a dusty-brown flame that was immovable and solid, flowed along the array before forming the word "earth," encased in a circle, slightly above and across from "Soul," and directly under "metal."

The fifth flame that moved was the epitome of contradiction known as the Endo-Flame, a teal flame so cold it could freeze, collapsing stars into pure black ice and could flow, burning through any gap like water. This flame's threads seeped along the array creating the word "Water," directly in line with "Soul" and "Fire."

The second to last flame to move was the Heavenly Gu Fire, a greenish-purple flame that could inflict any poison/toxin/disease upon the target, becoming a circle with the word "Poison" inside, directly across from "Earth."

The last flame to become threads and enter the array was known as "Yggdrasil's Breath," a vibrant green and brown flame that could nurture any plant or life. It comfortably took its place in a newly formed circle as the word "Wood" directly across from "Metal."

Just as the final circle appeared, arrows formed, connecting them all into an Alchemy Wheel Array.

Every element and flame had an arrow that fed into the circle to its right, and an arrow that twisted around the array intersecting another from the opposite side of the wheel, canceling the other out, creating an atom-like shape.

With "Soul" being the only exception as it had arrows pointing towards every other element on the wheel.

With that, the Alchemy Wheel in front of her chest was complete, and within a second, it became light and shot in between her brows.

Once the wheel entered Fue's body, the threads that had once formed the array gathered behind her body, fusing into her, forming a pure white second tail.

After the process was complete, her tiny body slowly fell back into Adrian's arms, as she fell unconscious.

In alchemy, everything is a circle, Fire -> Metal -> Earth -> Water -> Poison -> Wood -> Fire (with Soul in its center, which everything makes stronger.)

If the main element is the start point, the one to its left is its fuel, and the one to its right is its output.

The one directly across from it is the energy inverse.

Fire -> <- Water, Metal -> <- Wood, Earth -> <- Poison, Soul -> <- Soul.

Element insults its "inverse" (1-1=0), weakens its "fuel" (2-1=1), and strengthens its "output" (1+1=2).

I hope that helped.


I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

I know it was more complicated than normal, so if you have any questions, PLEASE ask.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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