
Six Threads

With the contract now finished and Bemo now officially being part of their dysfunctional 'family,' Adrian picked him up and started showing him around.

When Bemo felt Adrian grab him, he was tense and wanted to fight out of the hold, only to find that there was no malicious intent in Adrian's actions, and give up his previous thoughts.

As Adrian walked around he showed Bemo around the base of the temple while explaining, "You can make your home down here or up at the temple's peak. Just remember down here, don't get too close to the shore line and up there… don't expect any quiet or privacy."

Swaddled in Adrian's log-like arms, Bemo tilted his head in a confused manner asking, "What's so dangerous about the water here? I mean it's a little purple, but it should be fine, right?"

Smiling gently Adrian opened his lifeless gray eyes, while softly explaining, "Two drops… two drops was all it took for me to lose my eyes. These eyes can never reform as that 'water' affects the soul."

Adrian's tone slipped slightly as he continued, "The only ways I'm aware of to fix this is by either altering my soul or using items to replace the missing portions. Please just… don't mess with Mythos."

Bemo couldn't understand everything Adrian had said, but he quickly realized the main meaning, "Got it! I promise to never step foot into that water… Mythos?... whatever it is."

Hearing Bemo's promise, Adrian felt that this small rabbit was too adorable, and couldn't help but pinch his cheeks.

In protest Bemo kicked Adrian's hand, accidentally shattering Adrian's forearm in the process.

Bemo's face filled with horror as Adrian's hand bent in unnatural ways only to crackle and snap back into place.

Setting Bemo on the vibrant ground, Adrian smirked laughing, "Well then! See you later. I have some old friends to pick up!"

The last scene Adrian saw, in his mental realm, was Zero appearing beside Bemo and walking him up the step.


Adrian's limp lifeless body suddenly sprang to life as if its soul had returned.

Licking his lips, Adrian took a deep breath in quickly being reminded that he was far underground with little light.

Closing his useless eyes, Adrian called out, "Sakura. Can you activate omniscience? It's a bit hard to navigate this place with only touch, smell, and sounds…"

Sakura's soft voice hissed back in an annoyed tone, ~Why should I?! Get White Moon too! Humph… You two seem so close!~

Rubbing his temples, Adrian rebuffed, "WHAT THE HELL... is that supposed to mean. Sakura, you told me to complete a mission, and that's what I did."

Scoffing, Sakura yelled back, ~REALLY! THEN WHY DID YOU EXCEPT HER SPIRIT?!~

Adrian was left speechless, so Sakura continued albeit in a much more saddened tone, ~Not only that, but… but you… blocked me from following you into your pantheon…~

At first, Adrian wanted to be angry and demand an apology, but he quickly realized that he was actually the one at fault here.

Coughing to clear his throat, Adrian spoke up, "Sakura… I'm sorry. I should have asked you beforehand. Just so you know I was dragged into that world and I used omnipotence, so I assumed you were there… Next time I'll bring you with me. Oh, and…"

After a short pause, Adrian continued, "About the contract with Bemo… the moon spirit, I found him interesting and I thought you would like him too. All this to ask can you forgive me this one time…"

Sakura listened silently to Adrian's apologetic voice while debating whether or not to forgive him.

After slight deliberation, Sakura chose to apologize as well, ~Rain… You're not the only one in the wrong here. I jumped to conclusions without asking you anything… I'm sorry. I-I just thought…~

Their attempt to communicate the problem and help each other grow was thwarted, like always, by a 'perfectly timed' message.

[Cursed Writer sponsors 50 fate value to request you to, "Do something more entertaining."]

Both Adrian and Sakura felt too awkward to continue their previous conversation after Cursed Writers' outburst.

Sakura's nervous voice sounded in Adrian's head, ~I- I'll try to open omniscience now…~

After five or so seconds, Adrian's mind was assaulted with images of the cavern around him and six threads stretching out around him.

Each thread seemed to be related to specific elements or energies, but Adrian wasn't sure how.

One string instantly caught his attention, as after Hades imparted his understanding of the path of death Adrian had been tuned to anything related to it.

This thread seemed to contain the path of death and another path he was far too intimate with during his stay in his original world, the path of Enhancement.

Tugging on the thread, Adrian felt both the paths of Death and Enhancement combine to assault his mind and body, seemingly cleansing him in the process.

Goopy black and brown sludge started to drip out of his pores as his [White Fox Clothing Set] became membranes allowing the sludge to pass through without ever coming into contact with the clothes.

When this happened, Adrian felt his bloodline thump within his chest calling out to him as if it had found its long-lost friend.

Originally, Adrian's bloodline Mythos allowed him to experience the entirety of the path of Enhancement which is where he gained the knowledge required to create his Nine Emotions Art.

His bloodline allowed his once fragmented personalities to coalesce into the eight that remain today, along with giving them each a body for when they step in.

Luckily or unluckily for Adrian his bloodline, the blessing and curse that it is, allowed him to take the first step in this zone.

Unsure of which personality was at the end of this thread Adrian braised himself to face whichever version of him this world thinks is related to death and enhancement.

However, before going god knows how far, Adrian opened the Nexus Interface scrolling over to the shop tab buying a [White Solar Cleanse Ticket] to burn away this gunk from his body in the center of a white dwarf star's heat.

Thank you for readin today's chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it!

What type of personality do you think in at the end of this thread?

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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