
Depths of Mythos

Just under 18 minutes of temple time earlier…

Adrian chose his new adaptations to reinforce his ability to survive in intense pressure and gravity most of which were internal structures which for any other person wouldn't pose such a strong issue.

However, Adrian's internal structure was already crowded while having to accommodate his two mana hearts, mana circuits, mana bank, Draconic Yin-Yang Immortal cultivation root, dantian, enlightenment pearl, and alchemy god's cells.

Adding even more to the internal structure his new body had to creatively fuse certain adaptations.

His mana hearts fuse with the newly acquired demon heart.

The spiritual arteries fused with his original circulatory system which had to find space between his mana circuits and cultivation root.

Okutair Flesh, Lesser Abyssal Membrane, and the alchemy god's cells fused.

All of these fusions would end up causing immense problems during his escape.

His flesh and bone alone had unimaginable density making each movement like trying to lift multiple tons.

The complex systems inside his body made any movements require hundreds of times more concentration than a normal human body would need.

However neither compared to the problems his two functionally different hearts would cause as both of them were plugged into that new circulatory system leading to the exponential increase in the difficulty of the other problems.

Without the knowledge of the island sinking after he was done this would have been a minor inconvenience, however, when the island started to sink Adrian could only try to ignore these factors as his life was in danger.

With his focus and body pushed to the extreme Adrian struggled to even get halfway across the roots trailing far behind Zero before he stumbled falling to his knees.

In this one moment a gap appeared in the shifting roots below him allowing a small splash of Mythos to rush at his face luckily or unluckily Adrian pulled his head back in time however his eyes which were closest to the hole had been impacted.

Just as his eyes became incapacitated Zero grabbed Adrian rushing him to the shore.

In only 6 seconds Adrian's eyes and by extension, his vision became completely corrupted however wisdom could still keep the experience sharing of Mythos at bay.

Zero, unaware of that fact, activated his ability, accidentally commanding Adrian's eyes to evaporate along with the Mythos.

At that moment Adrian's mind was dragged deep into the labyrinthian of memories held within Mythos leaving only his pained screams echoing in Zero's ears.


Unbeknownst to Adrian, who was now deep within the grasp of his bloodline, alerted the creator of all souls to his infiltration of the realm of souls.

Once the creator of all souls, Demi Shattered, gazed upon Adrian's in the Mythos an unexpected scene played out in front of him.


As Adrian gazed into the void he suddenly felt a pair of eyes gazing back at him frightening him to no end.

After close to a minute of nothing happening Adrian refocused on the situation in front of him.

Adrian quickly found himself spectating the view of an unfamiliar person, hearing their every thought, and experiencing their actions.

Soon the unfamiliar body acted out an all too familiar yet heavily different story, the story of Prometheus.

Adrian watched his entire life from his birth to a race of titans, to his mastery of fire, to the betrayal of his brother, and finally, the fall of his race as he watched from a dilapidated prison where he still rots to this day.

As that echo of Mythos played its final moments another took its place.

After hundreds of iterations in which Adrian experienced the woes of hundreds of lives an intriguing Myth started.

This was also a familiar myth to most humans, however, this story was almost completely different from the original, this was the story of Hades and his lover Persephone.

This time Adrian experienced the events from the perspective of a half-titan named Hades who guarded the necropolis of the fallen.

The start of Hades' journey didn't start at his birth, but rather his awakening of the path of unpunished Death, the highest realm of the death element.

Having finally mastered his element to the highest degree Hades applied for the noble duty of guarding the necropolis as he was the closest to death among the titans.

His king agreed however the more he used his power the more he came to embody death until one day a beautiful half-titan started to stop by his post to visit her deceased brother.

Her first visit was marked in Hades' mind as it was the first time he had ever tried to console another living being.

The two quickly started to get along as they bonded every day near her brother's grave.

It was only after a full year that Hades worked up the courage to confess. The half-titan, Persephone, agreed and they decided to run away after she confided in Hades that her father wanted to marry her off.

After learning of their escape her father claimed Hades had kidnapped his daughter Persephone.

Her mother, an unpunished season element master, tracked the two down, but after seeing their loving relationship she instead isolated their world from her own making it to where no one outside could ever find them.

Knowing this Persephone decided to return home for 3 months each year in hopes of one day convincing her father.

Thus ending their Myth, unlike almost every other myth their story didn't end in tragedy.

It was at the moment of Persephone's agreement that Zero successfully returned Adrian from the depths of Mythos.

Having lived through hundreds of lifetimes each with vastly different people and characters ending in tragedy it was fitting that his final myth he had to live would end on a happy note.

Poetic that Adrian started his journey through Mythos and ended his journey as a half-titan and that his mission was to deliver an artifact to the last of their kin.

Just as Adrian felt his mind clear from the fog of Mythos something separated his mind from the experiences of Mythos leaving them as two separate entities so as to not affect Adrian's mental state.

When Adrian felt the barrier in his mind he immediately looked around only to find a small meter-tall blackened skeleton with two horns, one of which was broken with its shards hovering between the two larger pieces of it.

The small skeleton wore an azure scarf and a comically oversized black hoodie, it gently smiled at Adrian before saying, "Thank you for reminding me of them."

I hope you enjoyed this different style of writing for this chapter.

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