
Return to System

While Adrian walked down the passageway the lights to his side suddenly flickered before being extinguished leaving Adrian to wander the hall in complete darkness.

When his vision was completely taken out of the equation Adrian noticed that there was no noise or smell in the vicinity or anywhere he had passed.

With four of his senses almost completely cut out of the picture, Adrian decided to close his eyes while retracting the fibers that made up his socks and shoes into his pants, one of the White Fox set's unique properties.

With the choice between his sense of touch which he had had from birth or his 9th/omniscience sense which was severely impaired by his weakened mind, the choice was clear.

By exposing his feet Adrian could sense the ground many times better than before allowing him to clumsily shuttle down the passage.

And soon Adrian could see five pillars of light in the distance which he assumed to be his systems, Sakura's panel, and the message board not noticing that there should only be four lights.

As he approached He could see a small table with evenly five objects evenly spaced out on the far left was a small cherry blossom, next to it was a small gear, in the middle was a crown, and next to that was a blank piece of paper, followed finally be a piece of technology that Adrian was all too familiar with the Evolutionary Chip.

Without a moment's hesitation, Adrian reached for the flower that represented Sakura grasping it even if it meant losing the others forever.

When Adrian's hand came into contact with the flower a small tattoo appeared on his palm before Sakura's familiar voice chimed in his ear, ~Why was the connection broken? Are you Ok? Where are we? Adrian what happened?~

A wry smile appeared on Adrian's grizzled face as he explained everything he could remember before he got back to her while sneaking in questions about if she was ok.

After 15 minutes of back and forth, Adrian finally calmed Sakura's worries.

Quickly Adrian noticed the other four objects remained situated on the table signifying at least in his mind that he could take them all with him.

With that in mind, the next item he picked up was the gear as he assumed it represented the efficiency system but to his surprise as soon as his hand reached for the gear it shot out slamming into his chest, knocking Adrian to the ground.

The impact knocked the air from Adrian's lungs but as the gear melted into his chest he could fill his endurance & wisdom stats kick into overdrive repairing its current damage and returning his body and senses to their optimal condition.

The melting of the gear left blackened marks across his chest but compared to being stuck at the abysmal 1% he was at before a few marks meant almost nothing.

After catching his breath Adrian stood up as if nothing had happened while awkwardly coughing before cautiously reaching for the crown which represented the Absolute System.

This time when Adrian touched the crown a strange urge to wear it took over his body to the point wisdom had to step in to stop the action but by that time Adrian had already put on the crown.

Unlike the previous item, the crown simply fused with his hair causing it to spike slightly.

While picking up each object Sakura had been nagging him about how careless his actions were regarding his safety.

Contrary to Sakura's thoughts Adrian had already weighed the pros and cons after the gear incident only to come up with the notion that these changes to his body were well worth the abilities he gained from the systems.

With a single glance, Adrian dismissed picking up the paper as he knew it had to be the message board while the quest updates and notifications were useful. Having to deal with the "Gods" that came with it was a pain.

The final object surprised Adrian for a different reason than the effects of the others as the evolutionary chip was something he had intimate knowledge of and this chip was identical to the original chip he had.

The same chip that was destroyed in his fight with the Monster Lord, oh so many years ago, except this chip was in perfect condition almost the same as the first day he had seen it.

The black chip had a crimson W spread across the center of its form and almost as if it beckoned Adrian's movement he picked it up before starting to install it.

In a series of deft movements, Adrian cut a small incision in his nap with his severely untrimmed fingernails that more remembered the claws of a beast than anything human.

As soon as Adrian had made the incision on his neck Sakura had started to try to convince Adrian to stop before he hurt himself except her words fell on deaf ears as Adrian continued.

With the incision made Adrian took the chip and pushed it into his spinal column until he was met with resistance at that moment Adrian forced the chip through this spinal column paralyzing himself.

When Adrian's paralyzed body fell limply on the floor Sakura burst into tears screaming at Adrian wondering why his Endurance didn't immediately heal Adrian's condition.

After a few moments of Adrian laying limply on the ground, his body was engulfed in steam as his body underwent re-evolution but for Sakura, all she could hear was Adrian's screams of pain as his bones each snapped and healed over and over as his body broke down.

This process didn't stop for multiple hours but after the first few minutes, Sakura felt Adrian's connection to her as he told her that this was normal and for her to not worry.

After calming down Sakura accepted what was happening but was extremely upset and angry at Adrian causing her to sit in silence pouting while looking away from her screen.

When the process of finally over the chip in Adrian's neck dissolved into his body changing every inch and returning his body to its original form just before fighting the Monster Lord, his peak but now it had the combined effects of his previous evolution on the island.

This all culminated in a body that looked to be in its mid-30s with silverish-purple hair, pale skin, purple eyes, and a tall densely packed muscular body.

What does everyone think of Adrian's current look?


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

As always if you have any questions comment them and I'll be happy to clarify.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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