
Nine Senses?!

Speechless Sakura could only watch the exchange in complete shock.

With a simple thought, Dee released his control over Adrian before returning to his sleep.

Once Adrian regained control of his body from Dee a torrent of messages cascaded down his vision.

[Wisdom has increased to 100%]

[A benefactor has recognized, Pantheon Spirit Dee, as a page in your chapter, instant recovery of spirit initiated.]

[Recovery Completed…]

[Hidden Quest: Completion of a shattered soul]

[Status: Complete] [4/4 shards collected]

[Reward: Authoryian* Vault Key]

[Please leave the area immediately. The returners will arrive in 600 seconds.]

[OS, shakily sponsors 50 fate value to ask, who your benefactor is.]

[Cursed Writer sponsors 50 fate value to ask how you came up with your plan.]

Thinking back to his experience with the "Returner's" cold sweats ran down Adrian's back.

While Adrian wanted to answer his sponsors his fear left him answering their questions with a simple, "I'll answer later. For now if you could tell me where the exit is I would be forever grateful."

Unbeknownst to OS & Cursed Writer Adrian had never once broken such a promise.

Sadly for the two, they brushed off his words as a vague upkeep able promise, a decision they would later come to regret.

After waiting a few seconds for an answer, Adrian coyly babbled, "Sakura~ could you scan for me." (づ ◕‿◕ )づ

With rolled eyes and stifled laughs Sakura said ~Fine. Mommy will help you.~

Even with one hundred years of life behind him, Adrian had almost no flirting experience… so, when he heard Sakura's comment, his face lit up beat-red.

Watching their interaction both, OS & Cursed Writer could only lament over their buried questions, [ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ] … [what is wrong with this incarnation…]

As soon as Adrian composed himself he immediately unleashed all of his abilities to their fullest extent.

In one smooth motion, Adrian launched forward shrouded in a deep cloak of blood mist & time distortion.

Quickly the system's timer changed to reflect the alteration to time, [5,294 seconds]

With their limited time, Sakura noticed an odd anomaly within Adrian's mind through their connection. After double-checking, if it was real, a small piece of information directly clicked in her mind telling her what it was.

Shocked Sakura quickly mentioned her finding to Adrian, ~I think you might have something better than my scanning.~

Upon hearing this Adrian quickly urged Sakura to continue.

~Ok. So, you know how your wisdom increased to 100%, right?~

"Yay, why?"

~When it did, your mind became disconnected from your true soul. Meaning you should be able to spread it over an area like a ninth sense of sorts.~

"Wait 9th?"

~That's not important. First, try to shrink your consciousness before spreading it really far like, boom. Got it?~


Even with such vague information, Adrian attempted to do just as he was told.

Except when he envisioned his consciousness shrinking all of the energies in his body along with all of his senses shrank alongside it causing intense fatigue and dizziness.

This fatigue was something even endurance and wisdom couldn't dispel.

In his dizzied stupor Adrian's speed significantly slowed as he struggled to condense his consciousness further.

Only after it shrank from the size of a large dog to slightly smaller than a tennis ball did Sakura order him to "explode it out like an atom bomb."

As if under hypnosis Adrian blankly followed the command forcing his consciousness to expand at an exponential speed quickly surpassing Sakura's expectations.

When Sakura suggested doing this she didn't take into account the fact that Adrian's mind was multiple times purer and denser than any other within the same tier.

Soon Adrian could sense everything with unfounded clarity only impeded by the barriers surrounding the wasteland.

Compared to Adrian's already supernatural senses this new way of experiencing the world was in completely different fields.

All of Adrian's being became able to experience every facet of the world without any illusions his mind had set as fact.

Soon Adrian found four suspicious locations spread across the wasteland each had a small monument jutting from the ground.

Just as Adrian started to run towards his new objectives a thought crossed his mind, 'I can fold the space between to teleport there.'

While Adrian wanted to brush it off as an intrusive thought his mind kept nagging at him to at least try.

Sakura vaguely connected the dots in Adrian's thinking and quickly told him, ~You can only teleport when you reach the fifth circle in omnipotence.~

As she spoke the world around her quickly shifted as Adrian instantaneously teleported to the first location leaving her incredibly embarrassed.

Luckily as Adrian was so focused on the monumental task of folding space he didn't hear Sakura's previous comment.

For Adrian, who was a three-dimensional being, bending space & time as he has takes a lot of focus and energy.

If it weren't for his endurance or wisdom his body and mind would have been torn asunder and spread to the far reaches of the island.

Without understanding the monumental achievement he had just completed, Adrian searched the area he had teleported to for the monument.

After a few seconds, a small waist height (3.5 foot tall) pedestal could be seen sitting under a pagoda.

The pedestal had strange engravings and runes running along the edges but as he was unable to understand them Adrian simply took out one of his orbs before it shot from his hands into the pedestal as it was absorbed.

When the process was over a small update came through his vision.

[New stat unlocked Communication Efficiency]

Not thinking much of it at the time Adrian was pressed by the second message.

[Time 4,793 seconds remaining]

Even with over an hour remaining Adrian's confidence in avoiding the "returners" was slim.

With his instinctual fear, Adrian hastened his pace as he quickly teleported to the next monument.

As he appeared before the monument he saw a multistory spire covered in the same runes that tower above him.

Somehow everything seemed much smaller in his senses than it was in person.

Quickly Adrian squatted building explosive force in his legs before jumping far into the sky barely reaching halfway up the spire. As Adrian reached the pinnacle of his height he grabbed an edge exposed by the runes covering the spire.

Without a second to spare Adrian tightened his grip on the side before launching himself forward although he covered much less height he still only had to repeat his actions three more times.

At the top of the spire, Adrian took out the orb before it melted into Adrian's hand as spikes shot from the ground drawing out the orb and Adrian's blood.

On impulse, Adrian yanked his hand back but by then the spire's pedestal opened four blood gates at its sides, dyeing the structure in crimson runes before a purple light cascaded from the sky connecting the spire to the pagoda.

After watching the spectacle Adrian's time cloak vanished leaving him on borrowed time.

[Time 44 seconds remaining]

What were everyone's thoughts on today's chapter?

I hope you enjoyed it. ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)


Authoryian - anything having to do with the Author or Cursed Writer

Why did I add emojis?

To add flare!!!

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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