
Road of Regret (1)

[Temporal Distortion Detected… Your view has been blocked.]


[Returning to Reader Mode.]


Over the last 22 years, Adrian explored every part of this cursed forest, reliving his memories in excruciating detail one after another, only serving to compound on top of his already broken mental state.

To survive, Adrian ended up having to complete a few extra missions for the "Gods" watching him.

Weirdly, even with all the "Gods" watching, Adrian had this odd feeling that a large portion of eyes hadn't been watching him for a while, a group that had yet to ever interact with him.

Throughout the past few years despite the countless missions offered Adrian only chose to complete four unique missions for massive rewards.

Those rewards being 'Heavenly Demonic Cultivated Mana Talent,' an ability that could allow Adrian to master anything with little effort, 'Gáe Bulg,' a spear that could break the link between cause and effect, 'Masochistic King's grimoire of poisons,' a manual of poison strong enough to kill an immortal and elixirs strong enough to revive the dead, and 'Draconic Yin-Yang Immortal Root,' an ability that allowed his senses to be widened to an extreme extent.


A dry deep voice called out, "Quest progress report."

[100% Surface Memories Collected]

[0/5 Regrets Collected]

"So this is it..." muttered, a familiar broken man.

The voice belonged to Adrian who was leaning against a tree staring into a dark and disgusting portal that had an ominous message floating in front of it.

[Will you walk the Road to Regret?]

In a hoarse voice, Adrian asked, "Anyone have anything to say I go in?"

[OS insists you hurry and let them see.]

[Many constellations smirk at your question.]

[Many Outsiders want you to suffer.]

~I… I want to know more…~ Sakura's shy voice added

Adrian slowly stood for seemingly no other reason but dramatic effect while saying, "You people love to watch me suffer, don't you."

[Multiple party members wish for your death.]

~You people should just leave if you hate Rain that much.~ reprimanded Sakura

Suddenly the portal in front of them let out a dark corrosive pulse.

Adrian's eyes changed rapidly, becoming incredibly dull and lifeless, and shortly after Adrian grabbed his head, screaming, "Why does everyone hate me… I saved all of humanity, but even they betrayed... No one needs me… I don't deserve to live!"

~STOP! Adrian, you're wanted...~ Sakura screamed trying to snap Adrian out of his spiral

But before Adrian could even register her voice, he grabbed his spear before beheading himself, only for hundreds of blood tentacles to shoot out of his neck, forcing his head to reattach to his body.

Once he regained life in his eyes, he heard an angry Sakura yelling at him.

~Even if you can't die anymore, you shouldn't cause unnecessary pain to yourself! Please remember that when everyone else is against you... I-I will be… with you.~ Sakura's voice trailed off at the end to an almost inaudible embarrassed whisper.

A teary-eyed Adrian sat back down, exhausted. After his endurance efficiency reached 90% his body would no longer allow him to die no matter how hard he tried.

"Sakura… I… I-I'm sorry." Adrian muttered

As Adrian gained control of his mind again, his bloodline burned away the rest of the madness released from the portal.

"Sakura, I-I need to finish this... Please open the path of regret before it sends another pulse, and sorry to make you watch this every time." Adrian said in a depressed tone

~It's… ok. I'm sorry, I can't help more.~

"You help more than you could ever know."

[OS sends a message against Cursed Writer's will.]

[OS: Enough with the mushy stuff continue to the portal.]

Adrian's face lit up bright red as he jumped into the portal.

[Entered First of four regrets]

[Mental instability interfering with regret… Deploying Afterglow.]

A blue glowing mist slowly spread over Adrian's body clearing his mind of any mental breaks.

[Mental Energy Stabilized … Forcing Regret Replay]

A blinding light flashed forcing Adrian to close his eyes, and when he opened them again he found himself trapped inside a memory unable to change anything.

He now had to experience his regrets and how they happened, not just his memory of them.

His current body was of a 16-year-old, Adrian Scolvof. The date was April 2, 2029. At the time, he had just started living with his older sister after their parents died.

That morning, Adrian had knocked over a stack of doctor bills. Thinking nothing of it, Adrian tried to put them back so he wouldn't cause trouble, but while picking up the bills he found a small sticky note taped under the dresser.

"IF I GO MISSING IT WAS JOHN DOL!" was written on the sticky note in big bold letters. After seeing this being the smart kid Adrian was, he looked through the hospital papers. The list ranged from bruises, cuts, and broken fingers, to even miscarriage.

Hidden in all the papers was a letter addressed to the police stating clear as day that her ex-boyfriend, John Dol, had physically, mentally, and sexually abused her for over three years dating back to when she just turned 18.

Later in the letter, it said that John Dol forced her to have a miscarriage by repeatedly beating her with a metal baseball bat.

After, reading the letter Adrian flew into a blackout rage storming across town to John Dol's house with his Father's old 9mm. Breaking in the door, Adrian busted in shooting John Dol's knees before dragging him to the kitchen where Adrian castrated him right then and there with a rusty knife left out on the counter.

When John fainted from the pain was when Adrian took a metal bat from beside the door and beat John's body until it was completely unrecognizable; in the process, Adrian was completely covered in blood and bile.

A few minutes later, his sister and the police showed up at the scene. Adrian smiled at his sister before turning to the police and putting his hands out.

Adrian was quickly thereafter sentenced to life in prison.

[First Regret Complete]

[Starting Second Regret]

Rage can make you do many things you come to regret, please remember it is not your place to play judge, jury, and executioner.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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