
Is it the beginning or the end?

Everything happened so quickly…

In the spring of 2038, Humanity's right to rule Earth was ripped from its grasp. That day when the Sun turned black and blood poured from the sky, dying the world in a deep shade of crimson, was the day that marked our end.

Within hours the Earth's crust started to break apart, and from the newly made fissures monsters and demons, thought only legend, crawled into our world.

Within one day the global population was cut in half and sea levels dropped by 23 percent.

By the second day, the poles were completely frozen over while the equator became hotter and hotter, dividing our world in two.

On the morning of the third day, only 1 billion people were still alive, and half the world's water had evaporated.

Something even stranger occurred on day four as half of the survivors turned to stone.

Within one week, higher intelligence began to become more pronounced in monsters leading to the rise of the Monster Lord and the Demonic Empire.

On the ninth day, after 'The Collapse' a young scientist came forward with our only hope; that scientist's name was Adrian Walker.

His solution was a secret project that the American, Russian, and Chinese militaries were working together on before 'The Collapse.'

A seemingly magical device called the Forced Evolutionary Chip, later known as [System], allowed the host to evolve in specific and selected ways.

With his technology, Adrian Walker united the majority of Earth's remaining population. With Adrian Walker leading the remaining humans, they created a sanctuary for humanity.

In the third month after the Collapse Adrian implanted every human with their only hope, The Forced Evolutionary Chip.

Many people at the time saw Adrian as a tyrant who forced each person to the implant. In reality, if Adrian had allowed anyone to not accept the chip, it could have spelled the doom of humanity for the second time.

Even though the process of "Evolution" was incredibly painful, as each cell had to be liquidated and reformed causing immense pain, the abilities that it gave its new host more than made up for the pain.

After another 20 years, humanity reclaimed most of their new continent from the monsters; the global temperature started to return to how it was before the Collapse, and Adrian found a cure for the mysterious petrification that held more than 500 million people in stasis.

It took yet another 18 years to kill the monster lord and drive their Demonic Empire to the poles.

10 years later, Adrian Walker, age 77, killed himself after destroying his sword.

Or so the story goes… What many don't know is that this was only the beginning.

What would you have done?

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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