

His dilemma lay in the fact that once he told Su Jing, it would mean standing against Huo Yunshu, Fu Hongxue, and Yuan Yining.

Moreover, he could only speculate about the connection between Huo Yunshu and the others and Wei Xiaoxuan's falling incident. He couldn't be certain about it nor did he have any proof.

"Never mind, I'd better not get involved in this. If the incident of Wei Xiaoxuan falling from the building is truly related to Yuan Yining and the others, then they have gone too far in their scheme. They claim not to want to directly provoke Su Jing, but based on my investigation of Su Jing, targeting those around him is like touching his sensitive nerves. He will undoubtedly counterattack forcefully. Their conflict will inevitably involve knives and swords. It's best for me to stay away from this muddy water. If my grandfather needs Su Jing's treatment in the future, we can spend the money and get them," Li Sheng thought to himself.

"Have you found anything?" Su Jing was on the phone with Su Ti as he asked this question.

"The information in the black market is mostly hidden, and the people involved use code names. It's difficult to find the 'Shadow' contact person at the moment. We need to further investigate. However, we did find some fragmented information about Luo Chong, Nalan Fei, and Murong Xian'er. It seems that someone is paying attention to them, but we don't know if it's useful," Su Ti said.

"Send it to me," Su Jing said.

"Okay." Su Ti immediately sent the information to Su Jing. After going through it, Su Jing realized that the information was too fragmented and mostly useless.

Apart from knowing that someone in the black market was paying attention to them, there was no other valuable information available on it.

This was only possible due to the joint efforts of Su Ti and Luo Qilin; ordinary people wouldn't be able to gather even this fragmented information.

However, even with this seemingly useless information, Su Jing started to contemplate some things in his mind, he activated the Way of Magic Arts and letting his mind race.

He felt that Luo Chong, Nalan Fei, and Murong Xian'er might not be related to this matter, but there was no harm in considering the possibility.

"If the other party only wanted to deal with Wei Xiaoxuan, they wouldn't need to be so cautious. Their target might be me, or… Spider-Man, because Luo Chong and Nalan Fei are also related to Spider-Man. Murong Xian'er has no connection to Spider-Man, but the only thing that could be remotely related to the black market is the strange incident she experienced before. Anyone who thinks about it would find it abnormal," Su Jing silently thought in his heart.

He made a phone call while pondering and asked Luo Qilin to investigate the people related to the recent disappearances when Su Jing fought against some Stand Users.

It turned out that their families had been questioned by someone, claiming to be the police. However, after further investigation by Su Ti and Luo Qilin, they confirmed that it was not the work of the police.

"Let's broaden my thinking a bit more. Regarding Snake Scale Male…" Su Jing thought and asked Su Ti and Luo Qilin to investigate this entire incident.

They discovered that both Lu Yiming and the police involved in the Meng Mei'er murder case years ago were being investigated.

"Could it be that someone is targeting various unusual incidents?" Su Jing wondered. If Yuan Yining knew about Su Jing's current thoughts, he would probably be scared out of his wits. Su Jing could connect the dots even from insignificant clues.

This time, the power of the Way of Magic Arts was fully demonstrated by Su Jing. Although he didn't have the complete Way of Magic Arts, the fact that it came from Xieyue's Three Star Cavern and Ancestor Subhuti indicated its immense potential.

With the continuous improvement of his spiritual force, its power was becoming stronger.

In recent months, Su Jing has created one sensational event after another, attracting countless admirers. Every time, Su Jing never forgets to take out the Angel Badge to absorb spiritual force.

His main goal in doing that is to obtain Energy Value and Recycle Degree, but his spiritual force has also increased significantly. His spiritual control, which was over 500 Jin a few months ago, has now risen to 750 Jin.

Naturally, the power of The Way of Magic Arts has also increased significantly, allowing Su Jing to connect unrelated clues and speculate that someone is investigating these "Unusual Events."

Su Jing decides to trust his intuition and investigate not only the "shadow" but also all the "unusual events" in order to find the person behind them.

Just as he was making some arrangements, Su Jing receives a phone call from Zhou Hongyuan. As soon as the call connects, Zhou Hongyuan spoke in a panicked tone, "A'Jing, Xiao Zhi is in trouble."

"What happened?" The expression on Su Jing's face changed slightly when he heard this.

"He engaged in a martial arts competition with someone and was defeated, sustaining serious injuries," Zhou Hongyuan says.

"Why would Xiao Zhi suddenly engage in a martial arts competition with someone, and how is it possible for him to lose?" Su Jing frowns as he spoke.

Xiao Zhi grew up in a Buddhist Monastery and, although he is somewhat combative by nature, he can still restrain himself. He generally wouldn't recklessly engage with someone in martial arts competitions.

Moreover, even if he did participate, it's highly unlikely that he would lose. Xiao Zhi is a martial arts prodigy who has learned the complete set of Vigorous Demonic Bull Fist from Su Jing. Besides Su Jing himself, there are few who can defeat him.

"Some people came to the entrance of the Buddhist Monastery, they were cursing and insulting you, claiming that your martial arts skills are all a sham. They said you staged fights against thirty or forty people and that the Vigorous Demonic Bull Fist you learned was actually stolen from his master. We couldn't stand to hear it, and Xiao Zhi couldn't tolerate it either, so he challenged him to a fight. We thought that defeating the opponent might be the best way to prove them wrong, so we didn't stop Xiao Zhi. Who could have expected that the opponent would be terrifyingly powerful, and Xiao Zhi ended up losing," Zhou Hongyuan's tone is filled with astonishment as he spoke of this.

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