

This Miraculous solution was one of the fifteen basic Miraculous solutions in the "Legend of the Supreme Soldier" Universe, called the Galo Blue Miraculous Solution.

Its function was to promote rapid growth in plant lifeforms and provide them with the necessary nutrients to accelerate their growth.

The term "Chemist" referred to controlling the growth of lifeforms to obtain desired substances such as spices, enzymes, and potions.

All the auxiliary means, such as spices, enzymes, and potions, were secondary to the core skill of controlling lifeform growth.

In the "Legend of the Supreme Soldier" Universe, some Miraculous solutions could accelerate the development of a plant with a growth cycle of fifteen years to maturity within a few hours.

The Galo Blue Miraculous Solution created by Su Jing and the researchers may not have been of the highest quality, but it was still capable of accelerating the growth of rice and tobacco to this extent.

If it couldn't achieve such results, it meant the Miraculous solution adjustment had failed, and it couldn't be considered a genuine Galo Blue Miraculous Solution.

As time passed, the astonishment of the people around Su Jing only grew.

In just one hour, the rice seedling had grown over thirty centimeters tall, while the tobacco had reached a height of over ten centimeters. Even the Ariocarpus Fissuratus seeds had all germinated, with not a single seed failing to sprout.

Another hour passed, and the rice seedling had grown to over half a meter tall, with fresh rice ears just forming. The tobacco plant had reached nearly a meter in height, flourishing with lush, green leaves.

The Ariocarpus Fissuratus had also grown a few more leaves.

Another hour went by, and the rice ears on the seedling had become heavy and mature. The tobacco plant had started to bloom, reaching a height of almost one meter. The leaves on the plant were vibrant green and dripping with vitality.

The Ariocarpus Fissuratus had grown a few more leaves as well, it was still quite small but it had already started to take on a rounded shape.

All of this happened in just four hours but it felt as if four months had passed.

The researchers were left speechless and they were shocked beyond words. Su Jing himself was delighted. It seemed that the Galo Blue Miraculous Solution was a resounding success and could be put to practical use.

Su Jing had previously experimented with using the Skeleton Head and Live Soil, along with nutrient-rich substances, to accelerate growth.

However, the effect was limited in scope, requiring Su Jing to constantly control the pace using the Skeleton Head. The Miraculous solution was different. It could be mass-produced and widely used.

In the recent experiment, apart from the Ariocarpus Fissuratus, Su Jing used Lantian Silver Thread Rice and Shire tobacco. The purpose was evident – To accelerate the growth of Lantian Silver Thread Rice and Shire tobacco.

Even without acceleration, these two crops were lucrative, bringing in substantial income with two harvests a year. The value alone was enough to drive many wealthy individuals crazy.

However, Su Jing was not satisfied because the faster they earned enough money to produce sufficient antimatter, the better it would be for dealing with anything that would come out of the Super Universe Garbage fissure.

"Boss, this Miraculous solution is incredible."

"Goodness, this is Nobel Prize-worthy."

"Forget the Nobel Prize. This is going to revolutionize the world of agriculture. It surpasses the contributions made by Yuan Longping when he developed hybrid rice."

"But will the crops grown using this solution be safe? It seems to defy the laws of nature."

"We'll find out by conducting experiments," Su Jing said. Without hesitation, he immediately took the tobacco and Lantian Silver Thread Rice for testing. The results showed no issues at all, and the effects remained unchanged.

This outcome was within Su Jing's expectations, but it was still necessary to confirm.

After all, the Miraculous solutions concocted by a Chemist were all natural with no side effects. While it seemed miraculous on Earth, it was ordinary in the futuristic Legend of the Supreme Soldier Universe.

Su Jing summoned Wang Zhuo, Zheng Nan, and Tian Zhongyi to discuss the application of the Galo Blue nutrient solution. This miraculous nutrient solution held infinite business opportunities and naturally required vigorous development.

The three individuals couldn't believe their ears when they heard about this incredible nutrient solution. It completely subverted their worldview.

After Su Jing demonstrated it directly in front of them, their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, and it took them a long time to calm down.

"A'Jing, this nutrient solution is absolutely astounding. In a certain sense, it is more impressive than Artificial Intelligence, 5G Network, and Galactic Engines," Wang Zhuo exclaimed with a shocked look on his face.

"Does that mean we won't need farmland for corp cultivation in the future?" Tian Zhongyi was even more profoundly affected by the development of the Galo Blue nutrient solution.

Being someone who relied on agriculture for success, he found it difficult to accept this extraordinary nutrient solution. Seeing crops grow rapidly before their eyes, maturing within a few hours, it felt more and more like a magic potion rather than a nutrient solution.

"No, the use of this solution is not that extreme. This nutrient solution is meticulously formulated with enzymes, nutrients, and water, making its production cost relatively high. Using this level of nutrient solution on ordinary crops may not even guarantee cost recovery much less profit. It's only when applied to high-profit crops like Lantian Silver Thread Rice and tobacco that we can ensure cost recovery and make some profit. However, this nutrient solution has a characteristic: even when diluted, it still accelerates plant growth, although the effect diminishes with dilution. We can dilute the nutrient solution tenfold or more, reducing the cost to less than one-tenth. In this way, crops still require farmland, but the growth cycle can be significantly shortened. Crops that used to yield twice a year can now yield four times a year or even six times in a year," Su Jing explained.

"I understand what you mean. We can also produce different levels of nutrient solutions according to the needs of different crops and farmers can purchase nutrient solutions of different levels based on their requirements. Our Lantian Silver Thread Rice can use the top-grade nutrient solution, and of course, we can also choose different levels of nutrient solutions based on the supply relationship," Tian Zhongyi said with an excited expression on his face as he understood various business opportunities of this miraculous solution.

If crops that used to yield twice a year can now yield four times a year, how much will the income increase?

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