

The emotional entanglement between Wang Yan and Su Jing had taught her one thing: Su Jing held grudges and he held them for a very long time.

Although Su Jing seemed to have let bygones be bygones with Wang Yan, it was only superficial. It was almost impossible for Su Jing to reconcile with Wang Yan because Su Jing would always remember what happened between them and how it had happened.

If Xu Jing had sincerely apologized just now, without trying to play any tricks, there might have been a glimmer of hope. However, he had gone about it all wrong, and his attempts to be clever and to retain his pride had only made matters worse.

"Su Jing, don't push your luck," Xu Jing said, his frustration mounting by the fact that the other party is still refusing to back down even after he apologized.

He had come here to plead for his wife's treatment, but Su Jing was being so difficult. "You're mixing personal grudges with medical treatment, and I can sue you for that."

"Then go ahead and sue me," Su Jing finally let out a wisp of smile upon hearing Xu Jing's words.

"Don't think I won't. Do you think you are untouchable just because people call you a Miracle Doctor? I'm giving you one last chance to treat my wife immediately, or I'll sue you for seeking revenge through medical treatment and overcharging," Xu Jing shouted.

"I'll be waiting." Su Jing said.

"We should leave now." Mu Ting gave Mengmeng a wink.

"Let's stop talking and go." Mengmeng was not stupid, and she understood what Mu Ting meant. She took Xu Jing's hand and pulled him away with her. Mu Ting had warned her before they came not to forget Su Jing's identity and background.

Even if Su Jing didn't cure Mengmeng's illness, Xu Jing would still had to apologize sincerely and it was also right for him to apogies seeing as he had started trashing Su Jing on his Weibo.

Otherwise, if Su Jing blamed them, would Xu Jing be able to handle it?

Even if we forget about Su Jing's connections and power, with Su Jing's current reputation in the medical field, he could make Xu Jing's life difficult in the medical industry even without the help of his connections.

But Xu Jing was not thinking straight. He got angry when he didn't receive treatment and threatened to sue Su Jing. How dare he confront Su Jing like that?

Luckily, Mengmeng and Mu Ting pulled him away. They were relieved to see that Su Jing seemed indifferent and did not seem to care. Perhaps it was because this was his hospital, and he did not want any bad publicity anymore.

After they left, Mengmeng and Mu Ting advised Xu Jing to calm down, but he did not listen to them.

Instead, he posted on Weibo, exaggerating his situation and accusing Su Jing of treating patients based on his mood and taking revenge for smallest of things.

He also accused Su Jing of charging high fees and making doctors lose their dignity. He also accused him of being an unresanable doctor who doesn't deserve to be in the medical profession.

To their surprise, Xu Jing's post received a lot of likes, shares, and support from many people. While Su Jing's reputation was skyrocketing, there were still some people who were jealous and resentful of his success.

This was human nature, like the saying goes, "The tallest tree always experiences the strongest winds." Su Jing's VIP treatment was very expensive, and some people were envious of it.

This was always a sensitive and controversial topic but they didn't say anything because they wouldn't recive any support.

For those who supported Xu Jing, this was an opportunity to take revenge on the rich and help the poor, at least it was what they were saying to comfort themselves.

For those who were envious, this was just an example of Su Jing extorting someone because of his personal grudge.

Before this incident, because of Su Jing's sudden rise in popularity, the opposing voices were drowned out by the masses who were supporting Su Jing. But now, Xu Jing had become a leader of the opposition, and there was a backlash.

These voices of opposition broke out a bloody path among the many voices of support, which aroused considerable repercussions. Among the supporters, there were some who had the money to pay for Su Jing's VIP treatment but were too stingy to do so.

They wanted to save their money so they used this as an excuse to cause trouble and hoped to force Su Jing to lower his fees.

"He's gone crazy. Why does he have to go against Su Jing?" Mengmeng spoke with an anxious expression on her face as she looked at the online discussion.

"Sigh." Mu Ting sighed. She could probably guess Xu Jing's feelings. Xu Jing was already arrogant, and he thought that he was an expert in the medical field.

When Su Jing became a legendary doctor from the clown Xu Jing had portrayed him to be, he felt inferior to him.

He tried to lower his stance and apologize to Su Jing, but Su Jing coldly rejected him, and he lost a lot of face and his dignity was swept away in an instant.

At the same time, his hope for Mengmeng's recovery was shattered, and he faced the pressure of possibly divorcing Mengmeng. With all the negative emotions piling up one after another, Xu Jing was on the brink of collapse.

So he decided to take a chance and try to force Su Jing to treat Mengmeng, but it looked like it wouldn't work as no matter how you look at it, it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

However, perhaps Mu Ting and Mengmeng have overthought things. At this moment, Su Jing didn't pay any attention to Xu Jing's Weibo posts at all, nor did he care about the opposing voices from the outside world.

There is a phrase that can describe Su Jing's attitude at this moment: "You see me as an enemy, I see you as a mere ant." Su Jing didn't even take Xu Jing seriously nor did he care about his threat of sueing him; paying attention to him would be beneath him.

Furthermore, at this moment, the VIP area for Supreme patients welcomed a very special patient. It can also be said that it is a disease that he has been waiting for since he got "Medical Classics". All previous treatments can be considered as groundwork.

You can read ahead upto 110 chapters on my patreon and I've also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395

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